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Gotta get in the right mindset as a fan


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With the news that Luck may still be a month away (and this rumor now sounds right to me after how quickly he was ruled out this week), I think we have to adjust our attitude heading into the season.  We could witness some serious ups and downs on O and D inside each game.  Still optimistic though - Rams and Cleveland in the first three make 2-1 a real possibility.  However, I'm going to try to take away positives even if we should lose today.  I'm going to try to expect another 8-8 season and look for surprise players that will help us contend after another Ballard draft.  And if we end up in the playoffs this year, I'll be ecstatic.

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3 minutes ago, Smonroe said:

Or even if Luck misses five games, and we're effectively out of the playoffs...so be it. 


But then...Wouldn't it be cool to get better every week and spoil everyone else's seasons?

Y'know the Colts actually kinda did that last season with Tennessee, Minnesota and even Oakland when Carr got inured O.o

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I think a lot of people have, adjusted their attitudes and mindsets that is. People have been talking about the negativity but I don't think there's been enough credit for just how many people that have been optimistc/not panicky to the situation.

I also feel about as optimistic about this group as I can though. I think with some playmakers on offense, a decent D-line, and enough hungry young guys on defense that we have enough to squeak out some wins while Luck is out.


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I am one who just can't seem to get into the season. I just am not one who enjoys being led down a path one way, knowingly by the team owner and GM about Luck being good to go at the start, and then having the rug pulled out right at the end. I would just have preferred them be upfront at the outset saying Luck would likely not be ready until week 4 and then pump the fans up if it changed and he played earlier than projected. Zero competitive advantage but plenty of fan frustration doing it the way they did IMHO. If only I was one of those guys who could watch the game for the individual player watches or observing them just gelling as a new, young team, that would be better, but I am not that type. I don't know if I am down on the team, the NFL or just knowing I can't just spend all my sundays watching all the games like I did before my kids started having multiple activities we enjoy going to as well. I was looking forward to seeing what we had before the preseason games started and then my enthusiasm just went away completely. Maybe it's still knowing Pagano is running the team and he has shown nothing to become excited for during his time. IDK, but something is lethargic with me and football at this point in the opening week. Hope to see something that gets me pumped again during the season. 

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