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Robert Mathis=The New Suggs


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If Hughes played OLB at all, you will find footage here.

I think Hughes has put on too much bulk and lost some of his speed advantage. Plus, he doesn't have the moves of D.F. so you only have to push him wide outside to take him out of the play. NFL tackles are just too fast unless he is able to get some inside moves. Would like to see him slim down and be a 3rd specialist though.

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They may be able to. But the big knock on Hughes coming out of college was scouts didn't think he skills would translate to a 3-4 OLB. Same with Mathis. Mathis is very athletic for a DE but he doesn't have the agility to effectively change direction during a bootleg play, he's not going to be able to cover a TE or RB in coverage.

In a one-gap 5-2 (Wade Phillips), neither of them will have to cover a TE or a RB in coverage. 90% of the time, they're rushing. On a bootleg, what difference does it make what position they're playing? They have to change direction either way, right? These are the reasons Dungy didn't move him to linebacker, but if -- IF -- you were going to a Wade Phillips kind of hybrid defense, those issues don't matter.

I see the Mathis transition as similar to the Mario Williams transition, only I think Mathis is more nimble and pursues better.

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I agree with most of this, but then again what constitutes being a OLB? would you consider mario williams a OLB? all he does is blitz.... jerry has reat size and speed for the 3-4 which is why i think ppl pegged him more of a OLB not to mention he doesnt really have any signature moves in pass rushing which i think is critical if your gonna be a DE

He's a linebacker in Wade Phillips system. Before that, he'd never played linebacker. In Wade's system, all he does is rush, but he's still a linebacker, technically speaking. Like I said, we're splitting hairs, but that's the way it goes. An end is not a linebacker, and a linebacker is not an end, unless he does both.

The fact that Hughes doesn't have any real pass rush moves is why I think he'd do better at linebacker, as strictly a pass rusher. Then he can rely more on his speed and agility without having to engage a tackle every single down. For Hughes, we're talking about trying to salvage his career.

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I don't care if Hughes played LB or not, he's lost at DE in the current system. I also think Mathis would be even more valuable to the Colts as a LB. Anderson is more than capable of taking the spot for Mathis, and I see no reason why Freeney couldn't be on the field less at the same price if being fresher increases how many times he gets to the QB. You don't pay a guy per play, you pay them based on production and think Freeney could get more sacks and FF if he wasn't out there wasting energy on plays he has no chance of impacting. He's a specialist, and as he gets older better as a situational player.

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Hughes was a de at tcu but on occasion tcu would put him standing up with 3 down lineman with only 3 "lb" and either rush him or drop him in coverage. That's pretty much playing olb. Not saying that was his position but he did play the role of an olb several times. Coming out of college on some scouting reports he was even listed as a de/olb because he could of easily played both according to some people.

I agree with most of this, but then again what constitutes being a OLB? would you consider mario williams a OLB? all he does is blitz.... jerry has reat size and speed for the 3-4 which is why i think ppl pegged him more of a OLB not to mention he doesnt really have any signature moves in pass rushing which i think is critical if your gonna be a DE

This is hilarious. You noobs went from "he can/should/did/will play/excel as an OLB" to "what is an OLB?"

Is this the Bill Clinton hour? Seriously. He was a DE. He was always a DE. He situationally stood up. Like, less than 5% of the time. On draft charts, he was listed as potentially able to translate from DE to OLB because of his size, much as Ijalana was listed as "OT/G" purely for his height. Not because of talent, ability, or experience. Purely speculative based on measurables and protoypical NFL builds. The reason Hughes fell to the bottom of the 1st round was because teams DIDN'T think he could play OLB.

I know in fantasy Madden-land we can throw people wherever we want to, but that's not how real life works. Good gravy...

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He's a linebacker in Wade Phillips system. Before that, he'd never played linebacker. In Wade's system, all he does is rush, but he's still a linebacker, technically speaking. Like I said, we're splitting hairs, but that's the way it goes. An end is not a linebacker, and a linebacker is not an end, unless he does both.

The fact that Hughes doesn't have any real pass rush moves is why I think he'd do better at linebacker, as strictly a pass rusher. Then he can rely more on his speed and agility without having to engage a tackle every single down. For Hughes, we're talking about trying to salvage his career.

Mate did you read what you just said there? if an end is not a linebacker then how can williams be one the next year? basically to be considerd and LB you have to be in that position which i admit does put Hughes at a loss for ppl saying that he did play LB in college like myself.. but the fact the he did play standing up and dropped back as well... "for me" thats a LB.

I think where ever hughes goes he will be successful because he will be given a chance... this isnt the first time the colts have done that.. they have done that with fili as well he didnt not play until his second year.

Now that Chuck is here i dont think jerry will be let go because i believe he will see the field more.

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This is hilarious. You noobs went from "he can/should/did/will play/excel as an OLB" to "what is an OLB?"

Is this the Bill Clinton hour? Seriously. He was a DE. He was always a DE. He situationally stood up. Like, less than 5% of the time. On draft charts, he was listed as potentially able to translate from DE to OLB because of his size, much as Ijalana was listed as "OT/G" purely for his height. Not because of talent, ability, or experience. Purely speculative based on measurables and protoypical NFL builds. The reason Hughes fell to the bottom of the 1st round was because teams DIDN'T think he could play OLB.

I know in fantasy Madden-land we can throw people wherever we want to, but that's not how real life works. Good gravy...

Who are you calling a noob??? this isnt Gears of war or your call of duty alright mate

You are not considered a LB unless you are one meaning unless you play in that position your not it.. but just like 4-3 defenses have hybrid defenses so can a player be hybrid as in standing up, rushing the passer while standing and moving around...

Ie.. LT was basically a DE without his hands on the ground... he was first recruited as a defensive end.

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This is hilarious. You noobs went from "he can/should/did/will play/excel as an OLB" to "what is an OLB?"

Is this the Bill Clinton hour? Seriously. He was a DE. He was always a DE. He situationally stood up. Like, less than 5% of the time. On draft charts, he was listed as potentially able to translate from DE to OLB because of his size, much as Ijalana was listed as "OT/G" purely for his height. Not because of talent, ability, or experience. Purely speculative based on measurables and protoypical NFL builds. The reason Hughes fell to the bottom of the 1st round was because teams DIDN'T think he could play OLB.

I know in fantasy Madden-land we can throw people wherever we want to, but that's not how real life works. Good gravy...

Wth r u talking about noobs? Are u 15 years old? If u can't read and comprehend what posters are saying stay off the forum instead of calling names and looking like a d*. Ur prob the grumpiest guy I've ever encountered on a forum in my life. I feel terribly sorry that your life is so horrible you come on a colts forum and take your frustrations out on strangers.

I said he was a de but sometimes they stood him up much like a lb stands up on two feet. They didn't always rush him they sometimes dropped him in coverage once again much like a lb does, do you see where I'm going here?

Your saying this isn't madden and making fun of the people suggesting he should be an olb but the Houston texans who are a real nfl team that plays in the afc south had a guy named Mario Williams who played de but they moved him to lb. this was real life not madden I know it's crazy

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Jerry Hughes will eventually have a chance to show he's not a bust. The guy was a 3-4 OLB but drafted by the Polians to be 'converted' into a 4-3 DE, which he has never felt comfortable with.

I like this idea. Hughes has LB size IMO. So does Mathis of course, but why teach an old dog (who is a Pro Bowler at his current position) new tricks?

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