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Bill Vinovich the SB referee


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Here's what blows my mind:


R 52 Bill Vinovich  accountant, former NFL officiating supervisor

U 129 Bill Schuster insurance broker

HL 8 Dana McKenzie claims adjuster

LJ 9 Mark Perlman teacher

FJ 25 Bob Waggoner retired probation officer

SJ 97 Tom Hill Carson Newman teacher

BJ 111 Terrence Miles Arizona State quality control manager


All but one of these guys have another job.  How do you expect one to officiate competently when it's not even their full-time job?  Not only that, but these guys are all from different crews, so they don't have each other's tendencies down or anything.  I understand that they should all be theoretically interchangeable pieces, but that's not how it's gonna work.  You spend the entire season with a group of guys you know, then have to suddenly officiate the most important game of the year with a bunch of guys you don't work with.  This is not to say the officials are at fault; it's the NFL's fault.  It boggles my mind how the NFL doesn't take reffing seriously.  I guess whatever they can do to keep more money for themselves...

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Not only that, but these guys are all from different crews, so they don't have each other's tendencies down or anything.  I understand that they should all be theoretically interchangeable pieces, but that's not how it's gonna work.

Second part is exactly how it should work and never understood the other angle about not working together.... If the officials all know the rule book it shouldn't matter how they are teamed up - each should be able to officiate against that rule book regardless of who is at the other end of the field.

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Second part is exactly how it should work and never understood the other angle about not working together.... If the officials all know the rule book it shouldn't matter how they are teamed up - each should be able to officiate against that rule book regardless of who is at the other end of the field.

It's like when you work anywhere with a group of people.  Some people may see things differently.  A lot of the rules in the NFL are judgement calls for the refs.  So if you're with one crew that considers a certain action to be pass interference, then this new crew doesn't see it that way when you're preparing for the Super Bowl, that could compromise your ability to ref.  You might start questioning yourself.  You might question the others in the crew.  You might be more hesitant to call a penalty where you would have called one with your former crew.  It just leads to a big mess.  I'm of the opinion that if you're comfortable in your workplace, you'll do better quality work.  It simply makes more sense to me to keep guys together because they would be more comfortable in that setting and make more objective calls.

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Here's what blows my mind:


R 52 Bill Vinovich  accountant, former NFL officiating supervisor

U 129 Bill Schuster insurance broker

HL 8 Dana McKenzie claims adjuster

LJ 9 Mark Perlman teacher

FJ 25 Bob Waggoner retired probation officer

SJ 97 Tom Hill Carson Newman teacher

BJ 111 Terrence Miles Arizona State quality control manager


All but one of these guys have another job.  How do you expect one to officiate competently when it's not even their full-time job?  Not only that, but these guys are all from different crews, so they don't have each other's tendencies down or anything.  I understand that they should all be theoretically interchangeable pieces, but that's not how it's gonna work.  You spend the entire season with a group of guys you know, then have to suddenly officiate the most important game of the year with a bunch of guys you don't work with.  This is not to say the officials are at fault; it's the NFL's fault.  It boggles my mind how the NFL doesn't take reffing seriously.  I guess whatever they can do to keep more money for themselves...

Bingo 21, if football is all about team chemistry, then why does the Commissioner not respect a unified crew of zebras working side by side at the SB? Answer: The League is too darn cheap to pay for elite penalty enforcement. Quality doesn't just fall from the sky & get stitched together like patched jeans with a hole in the knee. Translation: You must pay for premier efficiency & expertise otherwise aren't you putting an inferior product on the field & cheating the fans out of the best visual experience? I agree 100% 21. 


The NFL is a multi-billion dollar business. They can easily afford full time referee crews. 

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After GB got robbed by poor zebra interpretation vs Seattle with bad replacement refs, you'd think the league would have wised up & made zebras a full time position in 2012.




Hey BTW, is Darren Sharper locked up yet as a serial rapist yet? I hope so. 

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