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Brady = "doomsday" for Colts?


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This is our chance to prove we are legit and ready to take that leap and be serious SB contenders. 

I agree but more than anything maybe it will tone down the ULTIMATE Luck hater Skip Bayless who has a "man crush" on Brady, RG III, Peyton and Brett Favre. In the past Rogers was the target of his criticism pointing out EVERY mistake (ints etc.) he made and how the Packers should've kept Favre (who by the way was an ALL TIME  turnover machine) but just like ANY sport when you win the title you SILENCE the critics. Same with Lebron who was ANOTHER favorite target of Skip until he won. Every time that Skip points out Luck's ints the FACT remains that through their first 41 games Luck has the SAME number of ints that Brady has and less than Peyton! Skips whole thing is that the Colts should've kept Peyton but since they didn't RG III should've been the first overall pick ESPECIALLY after he won ROY!!! I just hope the Colts put a BEATDOWN on the Pats and EVERBODY else from here on out because tomorrow is NOT guaranteed!! Take the mindset that the MONSTER is BUILT whether it is or not and go out in a BLAZE OF GLORY and ask WHY NOT NOW?!! :rawr:     

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