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Here's how intellectually dishonest you are.


Average does NOT equal "not good"     Not in anyone's world.     You're just flying by the seat of your pants because you're getting killed here.       "Average isn't good"...?     Of course it doesn't.    And by the same measure average doesn't equal bad, except if your name is Corgi.    Because you have used "Average" and "bad" as almost interchangeable.


Jim Caldwell isn't good because he didn't do well at WF?    Guess Nick Saban isn't good because he didn't do well at Michigan State or because he was only average with the Miami Dolphins.     I could on forever with your nonsense.


Now you're trotting out that I'm upset because someone has something bad to say about an ex-Colts coach?!?


WTH?!?      I've been a Colts fan all of 2 and a half years.    That's it.     Became one when Luck came here.    And I'll likely stop being one when Luck retires.     So, you can kiss that argument goodbye.


Caldwell is "barely above 500"...???     According to you he's 33-24?     And that's now the new definition of barely above 500?


The number of ways in which you're clueless can't be counted.    How high is up?!?  


I hate intellectual dishonestly.   And this week,  that became known as "Corgi"   

Jim Caldwell's winning percentage is .579. He's still got a D on the college scale. Below average, bad.  You're clearly upset or you wouldn't have taken it so personally. I don't know why you have such a love of JC, other than you are him or are related to him or sold your soul to Satan for in return that his average career wouldn't be sullied by someone on the internet.


If you are average you aren't good, I'm sorry. Average is good enough to get by without anyone making a fuss. It's not good. If you are an average worker, you are meh. If you are an average poster (Hi there NCF) you aren't a good poster.


I'm not getting killed at all. I've presented facts going back to his horrible collegiate coaching career and even shown you his 57% winning percentage. (I mean a D will get you into community college) Yet you can't comprehend that he's not good.


Nick Saban wasn't good at Michigan State or in Miami. He's good now, but that's taken a lot of time and work. Caldwell is doing good at the midpoint of the NFL season. Talk to me at the end of the 2015 season and we will see how "good" JC is. (I'm guess he will still be average)


Instead of trying to attack me (which you are horrible at btw) maybe look in the mirror and access yourself. Your attempts at shaming me and calling me "intellectually dishonest" are pedestrian, laughable, unoriginal, not clever, not funny, not punny, and painfully average. I couldn't care less how long you've been a Colts fan. You're terrible at arguments, and horrendous at attempted putdowns. I'm going to be blatantly honest with you since that's what you are all about.


  • I couldn't care less if you think I'm great or horrible
  • if I knew you in real life I probably wouldn't like you,
  • you've not made one thought provoking argument
  • You're an average poster, with average argumentative skills a solid C. Your attendance award is in the mail
  • Your only counter to anything is to try and insult or belittle me, or worse than that copy something I said
  •  If you chose to not log back on nothing will change for me
  • You still come across as a big dork

I've proven my point. I've said all I need to say. Have fun cheering for the Colts, and interacting with anyone who wants to hear you. I'm not responding to anything else you have to say, so quote me, belittle me, sully my name, write your congressmen, call your friends and family, have a Coke and a smile, buzz off. This is me walking away.

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Jim Caldwell's winning percentage is .579. He's still got a D on the college scale. Below average, bad.  You're clearly upset or you wouldn't have taken it so personally. I don't know why you have such a love of JC, other than you are him or are related to him or sold your soul to Satan for in return that his average career wouldn't be sullied by someone on the internet.


If you are average you aren't good, I'm sorry. Average is good enough to get by without anyone making a fuss. It's not good. If you are an average worker, you are meh. If you are an average poster (Hi there NCF) you aren't a good poster.


I'm not getting killed at all. I've presented facts going back to his horrible collegiate coaching career and even shown you his 57% winning percentage. (I mean a D will get you into community college) Yet you can't comprehend that he's not good.


Nick Saban wasn't good at Michigan State or in Miami. He's good now, but that's taken a lot of time and work. Caldwell is doing good at the midpoint of the NFL season. Talk to me at the end of the 2015 season and we will see how "good" JC is. (I'm guess he will still be average)


Instead of trying to attack me (which you are horrible at btw) maybe look in the mirror and access yourself. Your attempts at shaming me and calling me "intellectually dishonest" are pedestrian, laughable, unoriginal, not clever, not funny, not punny, and painfully average. I couldn't care less how long you've been a Colts fan. You're terrible at arguments, and horrendous at attempted putdowns. I'm going to be blatantly honest with you since that's what you are all about.


  • I couldn't care less if you think I'm great or horrible
  • if I knew you in real life I probably wouldn't like you,
  • you've not made one thought provoking argument
  • You're an average poster, with average argumentative skills a solid C. Your attendance award is in the mail
  • Your only counter to anything is to try and insult or belittle me, or worse than that copy something I said
  •  If you chose to not log back on nothing will change for me
  • You still come across as a big dork

I've proven my point. I've said all I need to say. Have fun cheering for the Colts, and interacting with anyone who wants to hear you. I'm not responding to anything else you have to say, so quote me, belittle me, sully my name, write your congressmen, call your friends and family, have a Coke and a smile, buzz off. This is me walking away.




You said you've had me on ignore for a long time.     Please feel free to observe that.


And the fact that you've had me on ignore would explain so much,.    God forbid you should ever learn anything.


Congrats.    You'd demonstrated how intellectually dishonest you truly are!     Nice alternate universe you live in!     Pat yourself on the back.....


It'll be nice never to hear from you again.....   

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