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Painter To Remain Colts' Starting Qb Says Caldwell


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I feel that Painter WILL throw 1 TD pass in the Panthers game. We WILL run for 1 TD and possibly two. Our run game will be the dominant factor, like it should vs the Panthers and we WILL hit 20 points. The question will be, will our D do enough to keep the Panthers from scoring in the mid 20s to 30 to win the game???

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Does it matter? Both QB's are horrible. Keep Painter at starter and play out the season.

no qb could be good behind this o-line, they allow no time for the receivers to get more than 5 yds down field before the qb is sacked, glad we have bad qbs so another good one dosent need his neck repaired, i say start him, till we get a good o-line,our 1st pick cant protect anyone yet, i hope he learns before we get a good qb.he gets beat alot for a #1 pick
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no qb could be good behind this o-line, they allow no time for the receivers to get more than 5 yds down field before the qb is sacked, glad we have bad qbs so another good one dosent need his neck repaired, i say start him, till we get a good o-line,our 1st pick cant protect anyone yet, i hope he learns before we get a good qb.he gets beat alot for a #1 pick

I think u are picking on Cast to much, a QB with pocket awareness could step up away from the sacks, defenders are usually taken and ridden around back and come more from behind than directly taking Cast out though of course that happens at ttimes

This is another thread for another time but we can always draft kalil ( spelling ) , put him at LT, Cast at RT and ijlana inside and have a stout line if Peyton comes back but again the o line has been injury hit so hard to tell and a top DT may be best pick , even a CB , This all depends on if peyton is coming back and we get 1st pick and trade it for a wealth of picks

Then again if we get new staff who knows what direction things may take,

so all thinmgs considered to many variables to make a current decision

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10 weeks for Polian & Caldwell to realize they should gameplan to Painters strengths? Boggles the mind.

This is what I took away from this. They are now just realizing they should build the offense to play to the strengths of Painter. These guys would try to run the same offense we have now even if we had Tebow. From week one they should have been game planning around Painter and his strength.

I knew they would keep Painter in there. He gives us the best shot at losing.

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I just hope Caldwell, although never a candidate for the Mensa Society, was smart enough to get Polian's agreement to be around for one more season in return for being the loyal * taking a lot of the heat. There has to be some sort of arrangement because there is no HC in the league dumb enough to have intentionally made the moves our HC has over the past two seasons.

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Well, with the latest from Polian and Caldwell, I'm ready to be rid of both of them. Caldwell, I was already done with when he took the reigns, but I was willing to give Polian another year or two before calling for his head.....no more. After his comments about Painter, which is downright *ic, along with his continued blantant disregard for his fan base, I'm done. Bye Jimmy and Billie, don't let the door hit ya on the way out.

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This is what I took away from this. They are now just realizing they should build the offense to play to the strengths of Painter. These guys would try to run the same offense we have now even if we had Tebow. From week one they should have been game planning around Painter and his strength.

I knew they would keep Painter in there. He gives us the best shot at losing.

What are Curtis Painters NFL-level strengths...?

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What are Curtis Painters NFL-level strengths...?

I'm not sure if he has a lot of NFL level strengths. Strong arm(poor accuracy), above average mobility.

I think what the coaching staff should have done is adapted the offense to his skill set, since he obviously doesn't share Manning's skill set.

A bootleg/boot-action package similar to what Houston runs with Schaub would have been one of the first things I would have looked at based his above average mobility. I wouldn't have asked him to throw at the rate that he has, that is for sure which purely moronic, outside of having to throw late in games when we are down, but he's been throwing far too much early.

I don't know what is worse. Expecting him to run Manning's offense or the fact that it took them so long that they needed to adjust the offense to Painter.

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I'm not sure if he has a lot of NFL level strengths. Strong arm(poor accuracy), above average mobility.

I think what the coaching staff should have done is adapted the offense to his skill set, since he obviously doesn't share Manning's skill set.

A bootleg/boot-action package similar to what Houston runs with Schaub would have been one of the first things I would have looked at based his above average mobility. I wouldn't have asked him to throw at the rate that he has, that is for sure which purely moronic, outside of having to throw late in games when we are down, but he's been throwing far too much early.

I don't know what is worse. Expecting him to run Manning's offense or the fact that it took them so long that they needed to adjust the offense to Painter.

I'm serious.

Curtis has above average NFL mobility and an NFL-strong arm?


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