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joe vellano tripping

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All that this proves to me is that Pereira is blind not to have seen TWO obvious holding calls on that play. He's clearly just looking at the trip.

So, you admit that there was a trip there now? There's a word for that: Personal growth. Okay, that's actually 2 words, but nevertheless, I applaud you for that VL.  :thmup:


If I can admit a hold, you can acknowledge a trip. Cool I will take it. Good luck next week. It's going be a spectacular game! If your squad does get a 4th ring, I will congratulate your club, but I am pulling for some Orange Crush magic. May the best team win. 


Secretly VL, I admire your steadfast position regarding the trip. You are dead wrong, but I do appreciate your resolve though.  :D

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Why can we Colts fans understand? We are a young team, with fledgling coaches and a fresh GM. We have rebuilt from virtually nothing. Yet all we do is blame the refs, the coaching, the owner, the GM, bad luck, injuries and the weather. We are not good enough yet. No real surprise considering what we've been through. We are on the way up. I'm getting bored with the bickering over the shoulda woulda coulda's. If our GM has a good off-season, we are gravy. If not, we are likely toast.

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Why can we Colts fans understand? We are a young team, with fledgling coaches and a fresh GM. We have rebuilt from virtually nothing. Yet all we do is blame the refs, the coaching, the owner, the GM, bad luck, injuries and the weather. We are not good enough yet. No real surprise considering what we've been through. We are on the way up. I'm getting bored with the bickering over the shoulda woulda coulda's. If our GM has a good off-season, we are gravy. If not, we are likely toast.

The cold shower of reality does not feel good. However BHC is 100% accurate in his assessment  though. We have a lot of work to do on the o-line for starters & at the safety position. 


Knowing who to let go is important too like DHB & Samson Satele for instance. 


BTW if SW1 has trouble spelling assessment does that not make me a a donkey's...LOL! There are a lot of ss's in that backside word/joke...Just don't ask me to bend over & cough. Thanks.



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When the late hit on Luck was not called, i figured we were not gonna get calls throughout the game. Felt the PI on Gordy was either OPI or no call. Which made the non call on Whalen seem like the refs were not trying to call it down the line. the trip i saw it, It should have been called. Hard to call holding on that play as i have read, i have seen worse before that was not called but it's part of the game... The problem i had was when these calls/non-calls happened down wise. Not sure with how we forgot how to tackle late   if the outcome would have changed. but making the calls would have at least given our offense a few more plays to try.


N.E played a very sound game. a top 10 running game that was on display, and we all hear that you beat a defense up early and often to benefit in the late stages. Aside from spygate, BB is a heck of a game planner.

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Ah, I understand. You are twelve, and you cannot accept defeat. You have to hide behind excuses. No worries, you'll grow out of it.

Actually, if Mr. Drewbacca craves excuses he should be a Cowboys or Redskins fan. Just Kidding! No hard feelings Drewbacca, but BHC did make me chuckle especially the last line "you'll grow out of it." 


I understand the point you were making though. We all must deal with loss in life & we must find a way to cope with it. Some people drink, some people swear, some people beat on a drumset, & some people decide to live in an alternative universe which works in the science fiction genre but little else I'm afraid. Tushay BHC. Tushay...

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So, you admit that there was a trip there now? There's a word for that: Personal growth. Okay, that's actually 2 words, but nevertheless, I applaud you for that VL.  :thmup:


If I can admit a hold, you can acknowledge a trip. Cool I will take it. Good luck next week. It's going be a spectacular game! If your squad does get a 4th ring, I will congratulate your club, but I am pulling for some Orange Crush magic. May the best team win. 


Secretly VL, I admire your steadfast position regarding the trip. You are dead wrong, but I do appreciate your resolve though.  :D

If you read through this thread, I already admitted that I was wrong about the trip.

The only angle that I had seen was from behind the LOS, in which the trip isn't obvious at all.

Nut the gif that was posted here changed my mind.

However, once again, that gif also clearly shows that both Vellano and Ninkovich were egregiously held. Outside of the pads, jerseys being pulled, obvious holds. Not the type that are usually missed.

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If you read through this thread, I already admitted that I was wrong about the trip.

The only angle that I had seen was from behind the LOS, in which the trip isn't obvious at all.

Nut the gif that was posted here changed my mind.

However, once again, that gif also clearly shows that both Vellano and Ninkovich were egregiously held. Outside of the pads, jerseys being pulled, obvious holds. Not the type that are usually missed.




Like the one that Dan Dierdorf was chucking about on a red zone 3rd down conversion by the Pats ?

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All I stated was the refs missed calls, but keep calling me twelve. Apparently you cannot comprehend text...

Nope. Can't talk about what actually occurred during the game. Only admit the Pats are better and that was it. No other variables but the Pats played any percentage into the game.

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