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Broncos' OT Ryan Clady out indefinetly


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  Moose..it must be REALLY bad is they didn't put him on partial IR so he could come back in 3 months..


They're not saying this but it sounds like he may have to struggle to be ready next fall, too


I don't understand this type of injury..to be honest


 It must have been severe tears. I didn't think it was given how he looked walking after the game.

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  Moose..it must be REALLY bad is they didn't put him on partial IR so he could come back in 3 months..


They're not saying this but it sounds like he may have to struggle to be ready next fall, too


I don't understand this type of injury..to be honest


Hope this helps,  but see diagram and link for various types,  & post op xrays will show u are many types and many types of treatments 


My simplified explanation first


basically the long bones behind the toes are called metatarsals, behind those in mifdoot are the tarsals, a liz franc injury involves the dislocation or fracture of the base of 1 or more  the metatarsals where they join the tarsals


Now usually this involves the 2nd metatarsal behind the 2nd toe as it is not as secured with as many ligaments etc as rest of them to the tarsal bones, that means Its extra mobile ( hypermoble )  by nature in all of us  to begin with so is more susceptible to injury


However as said it can happen anywhere along tthe midfoot from 1 end to the other , it can involve multiple bones  & maybe fractures, what Clady has who knows


I hope he gets Freeneys surgeon when he injured his  ( Denver has to many players that needed repeat surgery ). Surgical difficulty depends on where injured and how many bones / ligaments involved, the foot is very complicated



PS from link below 



Some athletes never return to their pre-injury levels of sport after these injuries. Despite excellent surgical reduction and fixation, arthritis may occur from the damage to the cartilage. This may result in chronic pain and may require fusion in the future.




The midfoot is the middle region of the foot, where a cluster of small bones forms an arch on the top of the foot. From this cluster, five long bones (metatarsals) extend to the toes. The bones are held in place by connective tissues (ligaments) that stretch both across and down the foot. However, there is no connective tissue holding the first metatarsal to the second metatarsal. A twisting fall can break or shift (dislocate) these bones out of place.




The midfoot is critical in stabilizing the arch and in walking (gait). During walking, the midfoot transfers the forces generated by the calf muscles to the front of the foot.

The midfoot joint complex is also called the Lisfranc joint. It is named after French surgeon Jacques Lisfranc de St. Martin, who served in the Napoleonic army in the 1800s.

The Lisfranc joint complex has a specialized bony and ligamentous structure, providing stability to this joint.


THERE is more at the link, x rays surgery etc



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Ryan Clark: Height: 6 ft 5 in Weight: 315 lb...Yeah, but how well does he move his feet & use his arms to create leverage though?


Manning can't scramble. He's like a wounded gazelle running in the wild. You have to prevent LBs, & DEs from moving 18 off his spot in the pocket. I need to see Clark in action 1st. 


""We have the utmost confidence in Chris Clark," Fox said. Really John? I don't. Your credibility is shot to me after that timid behavior to win the game in regulation against the Ravens. 

I think you have combined the 2.. It's CHRIS Clark, and he is  6'5 305.. Ryan CLADY is 6'6, 315

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  Moose..it must be REALLY bad is they didn't put him on partial IR so he could come back in 3 months..


They're not saying this but it sounds like he may have to struggle to be ready next fall, too


I don't understand this type of injury..to be honest



 It must have been severe tears. I didn't think it was given how he looked walking after the game.



Hope this helps,  but see diagram and link for various types,  & post op xrays will show u are many types and many types of treatments 


My simplified explanation first


basically the long bones behind the toes are called metatarsals, behind those in midfoot are the tarsals, a liz franc injury involves the dislocation or fracture of the base of 1 or more  the metatarsals where they join the tarsals


Now usually this involves the 2nd metatarsal behind the 2nd toe as it is not as secured with as many ligaments etc as rest of them to the tarsal bones, that means Its extra mobile ( hypermoble )  by nature in all of us  to begin with so is more susceptible to injury


However as said it can happen anywhere along tthe midfoot from 1 end to the other , it can involve multiple bones  & maybe fractures, what Clady has who knows


I hope he gets Freeneys surgeon when he injured his  ( Denver has to many players that needed repeat surgery ). Surgical difficulty depends on where injured and how many bones / ligaments involved, the foot is very complicated



PS from link below 



Some athletes never return to their pre-injury levels of sport after these injuries. Despite excellent surgical reduction and fixation, arthritis may occur from the damage to the cartilage. This may result in chronic pain and may require fusion in the future.




The midfoot is the middle region of the foot, where a cluster of small bones forms an arch on the top of the foot. From this cluster, five long bones (metatarsals) extend to the toes. The bones are held in place by connective tissues (ligaments) that stretch both across and down the foot. However, there is no connective tissue holding the first metatarsal to the second metatarsal. A twisting fall can break or shift (dislocate) these bones out of place.




The midfoot is critical in stabilizing the arch and in walking (gait). During walking, the midfoot transfers the forces generated by the calf muscles to the front of the foot.

The midfoot joint complex is also called the Lisfranc joint. It is named after French surgeon Jacques Lisfranc de St. Martin, who served in the Napoleonic army in the 1800s.

The Lisfranc joint complex has a specialized bony and ligamentous structure, providing stability to this joint.


THERE is more at the link, x rays surgery etc





PS where I note in my comment I quote above that it   involves the dislocation or fracture of the base of 1 or more  the metatarsals where they join the tarsals 


Well it can invlove a tarsal bone fracture as well or a combination of both tarsal bone and metarasal bone fracture & or dislocaations  in various spots,  thats why without knowing exactly what is wrong, there are so many possibilities & variables  that are called liz franc injuries  unless stated we have no idea of level and severity of injury and difficulty of surgery


I have assisted on a variety of these when a resident  , never saw one in my praactice, agin s disabled in 1088 so technolgy to fix much better 


agaain hope they get freeney's surgeon ewhen he had it, came back reaal, strong and fast off the line the following year

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meant for u to get this PS but forgot to quote u


 SEE COMMENT 10 starting


Mile High Report notes ( excerpts )


My nervousness with the situation isn't so much with change, it is with Clark's skillset and his problem dealing with athletic or powerful pass rushers.




also as know u will like this


My cousin, more like a brother as his  parents died at age 16 & 20 and we grew up together just called me to ask about mom and then to apologize for saying NY has better ELI, he says he has never seen a so called elite player QB throw to absolutly no one but only where the other team could make an IT 3 times in 1 game


He said was one of worst games he has seen him playe, esp after the first one with many IT's and now said only reason called elite was 2 drives, including 2 lucky throws with great catches for those SB wins, He said he is so inconsistent that u cant be in the elite conversation


I said dont be so hard on him, hes just in awe of his older brother, its natural, OK must go

"...Clark is going to get Peyton Manning hit, that's a guarantee.   The only question is how much?  This is sort of a game changer." I don't want this fact to be true, but I do tend to subscribe to that theory. I can't lie. I hope SW1 is wrong. I hope that I will be pleasantly mistaken here, but left tackles are so important to keeping a QB clean & upright. This isn't just a WR or TE going down. This is serious.


I also agree with this: "I do not want to see him throwing the rock 40 times a game all season.  I think he needs to manage his "pitch count" to keep his arm fresh for a Super Bowl run, and I think the only way to accomplish that is by our running game becoming more of a weapon as opposed to an afterthought." If Moreno goes down, Denver is in a world of trouble. Hillman fumbles too much & Ball is a decent short yardage back who hasn't proven he can carry the rock 4-6 yards per carry all game long either. 


The Broncos can't become strictly 1 dimensional with the pass. You have to spell Moreno once in awhile, but who is your #2 back? Ball or Hillman? I will give Clark a fair shot to hold his own, protect Manning, & prove me wrong, but SW1 would be lying if I said that I didn't have my reservations.  

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"...Clark is going to get Peyton Manning hit, that's a guarantee.   The only question is how much?  This is sort of a game changer." I don't want this fact to be true, but I do tend to subscribe to that theory. I can't lie. I hope SW1 is wrong. I hope that I will be pleasantly mistaken here, but left tackles are so important to keeping a QB clean & upright. This isn't just a WR or TE going down. This is serious.


I also agree with this: "I do not want to see him throwing the rock 40 times a game all season.  I think he needs to manage his "pitch count" to keep his arm fresh for a Super Bowl run, and I think the only way to accomplish that is by our running game becoming more of a weapon as opposed to an afterthought." If Moreno goes down, Denver is in a world of trouble. Hillman fumbles too much & Ball is a decent short yardage back who hasn't proven he can carry the rock 4-6 yards per carry all game long either. 


The Broncos can't become strictly 1 dimensional with the pass. You have to spell Moreno once in awhile, but who is your #2 back? Ball or Hillman? I will give Clark a fair shot to hold his own, protect Manning, & prove me wrong, but SW1 would be lying if I said that I didn't have my reservations.  


amm running , so pray brother pray, U R LOSING A PRO BOWLER U JUST GAVE A TON OF GURANTEED MONEY




Offense will be affected as far as protection and offensives chemes and aliagnments


wrote somewhere about more 2 TE sets to help out and welker or Decker removed as in second half Vs GIants welker left after his TD & TE , Green came in and anchoerd sealed Right Line to allow Moreno run


in that note Decker bit overv 30 % drops , mostly 1st week , and Welker caught 3 of 9 targets last week, both need to catch consitently



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amm running , so pray brother pray, U R LOSING A PRO BOWLER U JUST GAVE A TON OF GURANTEED MONEY




Offense will be affected as far as protection and offensives chemes and aliagnments


wrote somewhere about more 2 TE sets to help out and welker or Decker removed as in second half Vs GIants welker left after his TD & TE , Green came in and anchoerd sealed Right Line to allow Moreno run


in that note Decker bit overv 30 % drops , mostly 1st week , and Welker caught 3 of 9 targets last week, both need to catch consitently



Yup, Pat Bowlen just paid a ton of money to Clady & I hope Clark can suffice as his replacement. Good stuff on the foot surgery Barry! Both knees & feet have a good track record of healing completely once the procedure is concluded. It just takes some time to get a player's range of motion back once pins are inserted or bones fused etc. Yes, all the WRs & TEs need to step up their game.  

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I think you have combined the 2.. It's CHRIS Clark, and he is  6'5 305.. Ryan CLADY is 6'6, 315

Yeah, I probably did do that accidentally. My mistake. Thanks for the correction COLT in J-ville. My only point was that Clark has a similar body type to Clady, but how well does he move, slide his feet, & use that massive wingspan to his advantage? Some big guys are clumsy & some big guys are smooth & fluid. Let's hope Clark is the latter not the former. 

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Yup, Pat Bowlen just paid a ton of money to Clady & I hope Clark can suffice as his replacement. Good stuff on the foot surgery Barry! Both knees & feet have a good track record of healing completely once the procedure is concluded. It just takes some time to get a player's range of motion back once pins are inserted or bones fused etc. Yes, all the WRs & TEs need to step up their game.  



This can be easy or tricky surgery depending on what is actually wrong , as I  noted in comment # 44 are so many variables that can make this a mild injury  ( really this is never mild but can be easily fixed ) & correction or a serious one needing ,multiple bone & ligament repairs & reconstruction  & reahab time lengthened and quality of surgeon really mnatters


OK near 4 pm,. other stuff again always around now 4-6 PM

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Yeah, I probably did do that accidentally. My mistake. Thanks for the correction COLT in J-ville. My only point was that Clark has a similar

body type to Clady, but how well does he move, slide his feet, & use that massive wingspan to his advantage? Some big guys are clumsy & some big guys are smooth & fluid. Let's hope Clark is the latter not the former. 


before i leave read on Clark & Justice



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The Broncos had shopped around Clady's initial medical findings to multiple doctors in recent days.


But the only reason people seek second opinions is because they don't like the first analysis.


The Broncos were hoping Clady's injury would have had  a three-month recovery, which would have meant putting him on IR with a designation to return. Although the IR designation would have allowed Clady to return in eight weeks, the Broncos never focused on him returning that fast.


There was some hope he could return in the final two games of the regular season or playoffs.


 ++  However, the tear was such that all doctors concurred there was little other choice but season-ending surgery.  ++


The tentative expected recovery time is six months, so Clady should be ready by the team's 2014 training camp.


It's now up to Clark (( unfortunately we realize that ))




GOOD NIGHT & Better Days





 It must have been severe tears. I didn't think it was given how he looked walking after the game.



"...Clark is going to get Peyton Manning hit, that's a guarantee.   The only question is how much?  This is sort of a game changer." I don't want this fact to be true, but I do tend to subscribe to that theory. I can't lie. I hope SW1 is wrong. I hope that I will be pleasantly mistaken here, but left tackles are so important to keeping a QB clean & upright. This isn't just a WR or TE going down. This is serious.


I also agree with this: "I do not want to see him throwing the rock 40 times a game all season.  I think he needs to manage his "pitch count" to keep his arm fresh for a Super Bowl run, and I think the only way to accomplish that is by our running game becoming more of a weapon as opposed to an afterthought." If Moreno goes down, Denver is in a world of trouble. Hillman fumbles too much & Ball is a decent short yardage back who hasn't proven he can carry the rock 4-6 yards per carry all game long either. 


The Broncos can't become strictly 1 dimensional with the pass. You have to spell Moreno once in awhile, but who is your #2 back? Ball or Hillman? I will give Clark a fair shot to hold his own, protect Manning, & prove me wrong, but SW1 would be lying if I said that I didn't have my reservations.  




  Moose..it must be REALLY bad is they didn't put him on partial IR so he could come back in 3 months..


They're not saying this but it sounds like he may have to struggle to be ready next fall, too


I don't understand this type of injury..to be honest

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Thanks Barry! That is a nice article on Clark & Denver's contingency plans. I just worry how Clark would handle a silent snap count in a loud stadium like say Arrowhead for instance in KC. A tough place to play. 

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This can be easy or tricky surgery depending on what is actually wrong , as I  noted in comment # 44 are so many variables that can make this a mild injury  ( really this is never mild but can be easily fixed ) & correction or a serious one needing ,multiple bone & ligament repairs & reconstruction  & reahab time lengthened and quality of surgeon really mnatters


OK near 4 pm,. other stuff again always around now 4-6 PM

Yes, I suppose that the extent of the injury & the credentials of the surgeon do make a huge difference for sure. I did not attend medical school let alone specialize in reconstructive surgery. I will yield to your expertise on this one. I always wonder though if NFL medical staffs don't keep track of which Dr. excels best at knee surgery, hip surgery, foot surgery etc. etc. like a posted note spreadsheet of medical gurus across the country. 

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The Broncos had shopped around Clady's initial medical findings to multiple doctors in recent days.


But the only reason people seek second opinions is because they don't like the first analysis.


The Broncos were hoping Clady's injury would have had  a three-month recovery, which would have meant putting him on IR with a designation to return. Although the IR designation would have allowed Clady to return in eight weeks, the Broncos never focused on him returning that fast.


There was some hope he could return in the final two games of the regular season or playoffs.


 ++  However, the tear was such that all doctors concurred there was little other choice but season-ending surgery.  ++


The tentative expected recovery time is six months, so Clady should be ready by the team's 2014 training camp.


It's now up to Clark (( unfortunately we realize that ))




GOOD NIGHT & Better Days




I will give Clark the benefit of the doubt here. Why? He knows what Peyton expects, has worked with the 1's, & the coaching staff & locker room appears to trust him & believe that he can get the job done. I've never been a doom & gloom or the sky is falling guy. I trust John Elway & his no excuses mindset. Just keep plugging along no matter who drops. I'll buy into to that formula. 

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Yeah, I probably did do that accidentally. My mistake. Thanks for the correction COLT in J-ville. My only point was that Clark has a similar body type to Clady, but how well does he move, slide his feet, & use that massive wingspan to his advantage? Some big guys are clumsy & some big guys are smooth & fluid. Let's hope Clark is the latter not the former. 

haha yeah.. I hope so.. I still root for Peyton!

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haha yeah.. I hope so.. I still root for Peyton!

I feel sorry for you Colt in J-ville. I wouldn't wish the lackluster Jags as a home team on anybody. At least the Jets have a nasty defense man! Hang in there buddy. It might be a rough Colts season, but lumps build character. That's what I keep telling myself anyway.  :P

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I feel sorry for you Colt in J-ville. I wouldn't wish the lackluster Jags as a home team on anybody. At least the Jets have a nasty defense man! Hang in there buddy. It might be a rough Colts season, but lumps build character. That's what I keep telling myself anyway.  :P

Yeah, luckily I grew up rooting for the Colts before we got the Jags.. Never been a big Jags fan.. never wanted 2 favorite teams.. It works out ;)

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I will give Clark the benefit of the doubt here. Why? He knows what Peyton expects, has worked with the 1's, & the coaching staff & locker room appears to trust him & believe that he can get the job done. I've never been a doom & gloom or the sky is falling guy. I trust John Elway & his no excuses mindset. Just keep plugging along no matter who drops. I'll buy into to that formula. 


the saving grace at least is that he got all those reps in preseason, if not for that he really would be thrown into the firing line as a total unknown quantity with all those audibles to first get used to, still we cant expect Clady like performance, stronger rushers , Freeney for one will thrive on him , a TE may be needed to help chip block them

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There's no way to know how Chris Clark will do in real games


..but they had a lot of faith in him ..signing him for 2 years when they thouhgt he'd be a backup..


..and if he cant play...I know Winston Justice is at least average


true enough , trial by fire, but justice  never was same after knee injury few tears back , is more RT than LT , and hate to think Clark isn't better

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Yes, I suppose that the extent of the injury & the credentials of the surgeon do make a huge difference for sure. I did not attend medical school let alone specialize in reconstructive surgery. I will yield to your expertise on this one. I always wonder though if NFL medical staffs don't keep track of which Dr. excels best at knee surgery, hip surgery, foot surgery etc. etc. like a posted note spreadsheet of medical gurus across the country. 


surgery is also an art, by that i mean there are artists that paint and artists that do sculpture


in the same light, some surgeons will fix things one way while another will use a different technique to achieve the same outcome, In this case at the most basic level stabilize the region  for the long term so that it can bear the strength and pressure of play  , while keeping any potential pain & arthritic issues or other undesired consequences to a minimum 


as I said get freeneys surgeon ,. though with all the variables doubt are same exact injuries, at least we know he is successful with pro players. The idea of Kuper & Walton both , requiring a 2nd surgery and know at least in waltons case they u used a different  surgeon  than the original makes one hope the right one is picked

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Just because you need a second surgery doenst mean that didn't pick the RIGHT surgeon the 1st time...

the body is a deteriorating vehicle..as it ages.....repairs are less effective...

Playing football is an unnatural act physically.......you dont know any major suregry will return the patient to 100% of the original abilities, do you?

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Just because you need a second surgery doenst mean that didn't pick the RIGHT surgeon the 1st time...

the body is a deteriorating vehicle..as it ages.....repairs are less effective...

Playing football is an unnatural act physically.......you dont know any major suregry will return the patient to 100% of the original abilities, do you?


Its possible I am wrong but when they announced they were using a different surgeon on Walton they made it sound that they were unhappy with the first, so long ago relatively speaking  , no way have the article link, tried a search but couldn't find it


know they never said same about Kuper


Its a given that any major surgery can go wrong &100% back to pre injury state is asking alot, but its not asking alot for a properly placed fixation device to do its thing & last, I am not getting into the medical reaasons as to wwhy it can fail but it involves poor technigue for one but would be to complicated to explain,


& ps though i dint play pro ball, i am constantly falling and abusing 2 reconstructed ankles since 1988 and all plates and screws have worked great and thats the only areas of my body without pain & for 1st 6 years still had the extra 100 + pounds on a 5 ft 4 " frame  put on due to my inactivity from neck issue and surgery & the bad break below happened really just 2 week safter discharge from the hospital for that  neck surgeery


1 ankle also split apart the 2 leg bones , had so amny broken pieces that they sheared off all ligaments on both sides of the ankle  besides the 3 major breaks  in variious bones involved , the ankle was a loose bag of bones with nothing holding it together even if bones werent broken let alone all the major breakd and all extra floating smaller pieces & the amount of work needed was really tough and waited 6 extra days for my friend to  return so he could do it and refused all other surgeons even ones I knew were good, but I wanted great , Result perfect

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I apologize to u & others as I know I went back and edited a few times and in end to show a point maybe got to personal on my own issues which may seem off topic, but I am passionate about surgery and had basically  to my knowledge a 100 % success rate 


& I miss doing it so much and helping , ,esp the kids so much


 only  active athletes ankles I  worked on were College wrestlers & a black belt champion / instructor  


Just because you need a second surgery doenst mean that didn't pick the RIGHT surgeon the 1st time...

the body is a deteriorating vehicle..as it ages.....repairs are less effective...

Playing football is an unnatural act physically.......you dont know any major suregry will return the patient to 100% of the original abilities, do you?

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My last comment on Denver Drs is  & one reason why I mat be playing devils advocate   , I wasn't there to see and surely don't have the   football experience to know but to allow Kuper to play in the playoffs on a re broke ankle, a game he played his worse in of all season, after 4 games from when he did it Vs Tampa , and then to expect for him to be able to , that is if u expected to go to Superbowl , to play a few more games on it was really risking his career & Peytons behind him, I am sure they felt he was ok to do it, as said I wasnt there, havent the football experience , but what was described as a multi fracture failure around the inserted plate's screws is something to me u just dont subject a player to under stressful football playing conditions for a few games esp Vs the best of teams


Of course i could be wrong, I am just going by what i have read about what was described about the nature of the ankle he played on that came out after the playoff loss


anyway I am off now for a while so take care ,


I am still amazed our Colts traded for Trent Richardson &  still in shook somewhat of all the football news of late




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Aside from Cladys injury, haven't us sports player always been taught your only as good as your worst player...?

I think Denver has a chip on their shoulder from last year and now everyone being down on them because they lost dumberviller and Von, and Bailey is out for now. Then Kuper, Walton and now Clady.

This team is tired of being told that just because a star is gone, the team is doomed.

As they say.. Next man up!

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I heard that BC....

....Clady is a big loss but Clark is not bad and Peyton doesn't allow himself to be sacked much..

....Bailey will be back this week and Miller will be back in 3 more weeks....

...and now they are hearing people doubt they can win the AFC..and talking about how good KC is...

It could be extra focus for what is actually (take away Manning, Welker and Champ) a fairly young team.

when do they play KC?

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I heard that BC....

....Clady is a big loss but Clark is not bad and Peyton doesn't allow himself to be sacked much..

....Bailey will be back this week and Miller will be back in 3 more weeks....

...and now they are hearing people doubt they can win the AFC..and talking about how good KC is...

It could be extra focus for what is actually (take away Manning, Welker and Champ) a fairly young team.

when do they play KC?



Miiller agree, Bailey

I think will take at least  1 more week off, same with dressen, Various reports that they will be brought back slowly

( in one article I quote fox sdaying it on Bailey below )), also  SS Duke is LTD  in practice with ankle sprain


Promising CJ Anderson undrafted RB is full practice and so is Kuper for first time , haven't read anywhere either may play butt wouldn't be suprised to see CJ anderson  sparingly 


If Kuper gets in real playing shape and has pre injury abilities it will help line depth and Beadles may go to LT if Clark doesn't work out, Read somewhere Kuper play a bit at LT somewhere 




For the first time since suffering injuries more than a month ago, cornerback Champ Bailey and tight end Joel Dreessen were practicing in pads Thursday, if only on a limited basis.

[{ as was ---- Duke Ihenacho. ( ankle )]


That doesn't mean either will play Monday night against the Raiders. It would be a surprise if either is listed better than "questionable" on Denver's final injury report, which is due Saturday.


But they're getting there.


Rookie running back C.J. Anderson is ready to go. He was a full participant at practice, for the first time since he was carted off the practice field Aug. 15 with a sprained medial collateral ligament in his right knee. Put his recovery at five weeks. ...


Safety Duke Ihenacho was limited in practice because of a sprained right ankle.




All 53 members of the active roster took part in Thursday’s practice, with all but three being full participants.


LTD _ ( Baily, Dressen & Hard hitting SS Duke Ihenacho. injured last week , who I read somewhere guarantees he will play and wants to keep an eye out for QB Pryor running )


Champ Bailey (foot) and Joel Dreessen (knee) both practiced for the first time since the regular season began – they were limited in Thursday’s session.



Guard Chris Kuper (ankle) and running back C.J. Anderson (knee) both had full participation for the first time in the 2013 campaign. Both had been limited all of last week, which was Anderson’s first week back on the practice field since he suffered a knee injury during the final training camp practice back in August.



Bailey injured his foot in Denver’s preseason game at Seattle on Aug. 17 and hasn’t practiced since.



“He was limited, we’re going to ease him back,” Fox said of having his Pro Bowl cornerback on the field. “But it is good to have him back out there






Note Raiders S Branch & T watson have been out at least  2 weeks & 1 though forget who has been for 2 and who 1 but Branchs safty sub rotation did well , think ther injuries are new



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Just got e-mail with full fox quote and this is by By Jeff Legwold | ESPN.com  who before ESPN job this tear wrote for Denver Post on Broncos


u may be right about Bailey getting at least some time Monday




Bailey worked with the starters at times, Broncos coach John Fox said.


"He was limited. We're going to ease him back," Fox said. "It's good to have him back out there. He's been staying in it, in the meetings. He is a team captain for a reason. … We'll see day to day how it goes and maybe as early as this Monday night."





I heard that BC....

....Clady is a big loss but Clark is not bad and Peyton doesn't allow himself to be sacked much..

....Bailey will be back this week and Miller will be back in 3 more weeks....

...and now they are hearing people doubt they can win the AFC..and talking about how good KC is...

It could be extra focus for what is actually (take away Manning, Welker and Champ) a fairly young team.

when do they play KC?

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    • Run the ball with JT.  He had 12 carries.   That's ridiculous.   Pounding the rock with your elite o line and your elite back will help your young qb
    • Yeah it’s the going three and out that’s the issue.  That has nothing to do with the defense.  That’s all on the offense.  If the offense could sustain a drive you’d also rest the defense so they aren’t spent by the 4th quarter as they clearly were in the Texans game too.  
    • 5 from 50 yards against Lamar in a win at Baltimore 
    • Thursday, Sept. 19 Patriots @ Jets, 8:15 p.m. ET   Sunday, Sept. 22 Giants @ Browns, 1 p.m. ET Eagles @ Saints, 1 p.m. ET Houston Texans @ Vikings, 1 p.m. ET. Broncos @ Buccaneers, 1 p.m. ET Packers @ Titans, 1 p.m. ET Bears @ Colts, 1 p.m. ET Chargers @ Steelers, 1 p.m. ET Dolphins @ Seahawks, 4:05 p.m. ET Panthers @ Raiders, 4:05 p.m. ET 49ers @ Rams, 4:25 p.m. ET Lions @ Cardinals, 4:25 p.m. ET Ravens @ Cowboys, 4:25 p.m. ET Chiefs @ Falcons, 8:20 p.m. ET   Monday, Sept. 23 Jacksonville Jaguars @ Buffalo Bills, 7:30 p.m. ET Washington Commanders @ Cincinnati Bengals, 8:15p.m. ET
    • A primary reason Why he needed to be more active in free agency. He has done well throughout his drafts to add contributing NFL roster caliber players, however, there is a mounting lack of true difference makers  on the defensive roster. His stubbornness with overvaluing his own draft picks is getting very old- especially on defense -to your point. I also realize some of these players are being held back by Bradley's simple and tired defense.
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