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It's hard to watch


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Blindside hits like that always make me cringe, especially when Luck is focusing on moving the ball downfield. The Colts o-line cannot allow a free rusher to go unchallenged and unaccounted for. That's inexcusable.

When you see that play watch Justice's body language when he sees Andrew get hit, you can literally see his heart sink. Sometimes a thing like that can light a fire under a guy. He was lucky Andrew wasn't injured, and you can bet he will do everything in his power to make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm as hard on the line as anybody (not so much on here, but when I'm watching the games) but we all need to realize this isn't a group of linemen that have been together for 6 seasons, heck I'm not sure we have had the same line for two weeks in a row. Every aspect of this team is going to have growing pains, and they will learn from mistakes. That is the beauty of a mistake a smart person will learn from them and grow from them. If the coaches benched a linemen every time we demanded it Pat McAfee, and Chandler Harnish would be starting tackles by now.

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I think its pretty simple, Grigson had very little cap to work with so he went out and got two O Linemen he was familiar with that would come cheap, Just from what I have seen Mcglynn (very nimble and played alot of Right Tackle in college) is better suited at Right Tackle and Justice should be moved in to Right Guard (slow feet) but very strong (38 bench press reps of 225 lbs) but I dont think that would solve the O Line issues completely because I dont see Justice as being great at Pulling

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