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John Waylon

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Everything posted by John Waylon

  1. I watched that game today. And I found myself going “holy % it’s the same exact thing.”
  2. Yeah, let’s definitely keep Downs off of returns and more of this.
  3. He’s not playing. Kickoff show just said it.
  4. I think the trend is that teams are doing more joint practices with their upcoming game opponent and holding the starters out of the game. I want to say that nearly half the league are holding joint practices now, and we’re doing it with two teams. For whatever reason coaches seem to value that more than game reps.
  5. It’s sure starting to look like a trend that starters are going to play less, if even at all in the PS. Those days of getting a game where they’re out there for 3 quarters are over.
  6. Nor was I, especially for the price. I’m excited to see what Downs can bring, but Campbell was a(nother) waste of a 2nd round pick. Just when he finally started to show some return on the investment he signs with the Giants for peanuts.
  7. Sucks to hear. The way people spun this whole story really irked me. I dunno how long it’ll take this chapter to get out but I’m sure there will be another ugly spin on it soon enough.
  8. You know, Campbell made a couple of plays tonight for the Giants. Just in case anyone was wondering.
  9. I wish they would play him for a while but I really don’t expect them to. Maybe a drive or two but that will be it.
  10. Ballard is right. Taylor had a surgery in January with a 4-6 weeks recovery time. If he’s not healthy by the middle of * August then he absolutely needs to get out there and show someone, anyone, just what they’re paying for. Does he really not think that isn’t a red flag to other owners and GMs? Seriously, who goes to their employer and says “I know you’re not even sure if I can do this job as well as I have in the past anymore, but I need a 1500% raise anyway”? He wants traded and he can’t even do anything to prop up his own trade value. I’m just over the whole ordeal. Taylor has handled this like a petulant child and it’s embarrassing.
  11. I really wanted them to name Minshew so we could keep the streak of a different W1 starter going at least two more years, but oh well.
  12. I really just want this thing to end and I’m positive today’s updates did nothing to smooth the rough seas. Pls snd hlp.
  13. It was about what I was expecting. The RBs seem to be showing they’re ready to step up. I’m just glad we’ve got football again.
  14. I’m all for selling at this point. But if he wants to get traded or paid he needs to get out there and show someone what they’re paying for. It’s never been more uncertain.
  15. I’ve been around, but this whole Taylor situation has me consternated and I’m feeling withdrawn because of it lol. I’m still reading just about everything but I don’t even know what to say. I need the games to start.
  16. Cool. Can’t wait to sit down and watch it when I get home from the track on Saturday.
  17. We just saw how quiet those 10 sacks can be last year. That’s a bigger part of it than anything else.
  18. Look, I’m no accomplished trailblazing agent like the one Taylor took on, but if he wants to get paid shouldn’t he be, you know, showing he’s healthy and participating? That’s at least the tiniest wee bit important when it comes to asking for a new deal, right? Something to maybe ponder while he’s… wherever he may be. Either he’s healthy and holding out, healthy and pretending he’s not to get out of town, or he’s not healthy. Exactly none of these options benefit Taylor in his quest.
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