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John Waylon

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Everything posted by John Waylon

  1. He was not perfect yesterday and he was never going to be. Yesterday was exactly what people who know what they’re talking about has been saying it would be from the moment he was drafted. The upside is easy to see. But the rawness is too real to ignore. There’s going to be bad decisions. Bad throws. Stalled out drives. I think it’s fair to argue that he was well ahead of where many accused him of being yesterday. The most anti-Richardson contingent have spent months yammering on about how he’d never look that good at any point in his career, so we’re already well ahead of schedule by those claims. It’s going to take time, and days like yesterday illustrate why we’re making that investment in him. However I will admit, seeing him leave the game late and hearing he’s already dinged is not a fun feeling. We’ve paid our debt walking down that road, please for the love of all that is good don’t let us have to walk it again.
  2. That sneak was…. well it was something. Did they practice that one like that, or did everyone get out there and… do what they did for it to go that way? That one was a bit embarrassing, honestly. I don’t mind being aggressive on 4th with this offense, but my goodness they need to evaluate some of the plays they have in the book for those situations because none of them looked particularly threatening yesterday. I’ll let them get away with the toss that time. First day on the job and all. But next time Shane radios that one in on a 4th down I’m gonna say something about it.
  3. Remember when we used to have the best offensive line in the league there for a second? Nelson and Kelly have never been the same since they got sick in 2021. They literally have not been the same from that before and after point and at this point it just is what it is. They’ve never gotten back to that level of play or consistency, and its starting to seem like they just won’t.
  4. It was definitely an encouraging day for the maniac.
  5. It was about what I expected it to be. Hopefully Richardson isn’t injured. Jackson was not my favorite today at all. Hopefully Hull doesn’t miss any time. I don’t mind the 4th down decisions, but I was not impressed with the play calling there. There was enough to be encouraged with today.
  6. Well, I successfully survived another offseason. It got plenty lean at times, but I made it. Let’s goooooooo
  7. To me this is a statement game for the Jags. A trap game, even. They went to the playoffs last season and made some noise in them. They have legitimate reasons to expect the same this season. They need to come out of the gate strong against us. I’m not gonna put it past the Jags to Jags, but I do think we’re going to keep this one closer than some expect.
  8. Good deal to see he’s been cleared. Hopefully it’s finally time to get back to maniac madness running wild.
  9. I’d say we’re trying to do WR by committee too, but we don’t actually have enough to form a committee.
  10. Oh. So you mean this saga isn’t over and now it gets at least another month to hang over the season like a cloud?
  11. Do they need someone to volunteer to drive him to the airport? I’m free this afternoon. I’ll help.
  12. I really like the potential of Woods and AR in the red zone. When Richardson rolls out what does a LB do? Stick to Woods like glue and let Richardson potentially carry it in, or give Woods a step and make sure Richardson can’t take off with it? If he does the latter all he’s going to be able to do is watch helplessly as Richardson sails one directly over his head for Woods to go up and get. Have fun not getting the wrong answer on that test. Really hope to see Woods out there healthy soon!
  13. At first I lol’d. Then I realized.
  14. I really like what we’ve seen out of the TEs. I haven’t been as plugged into camp this year as years past, but where is Jelani Woods? Has he been injured, is he just not standing out at all? I haven’t seen or heard anything about him. He and Richardson in the red zone could be a lethal combo. AR rolling out getting LB’s attention could be a big advantage for woods.
  15. We’ll never be able to have real grass. Even if they opened the roof every day there still wouldn’t be enough total daily sunlight to grow a respectable field. And the field is below street level so as said above, there’s no bringing one in from outside.
  16. Overall good night from Richardson. The stat line does not tell the story. The wow factor and potential were on display, and so was the rawness. The WRs missed some difficult catches tonight. They’ve gotta start coming down with those. Hull was a bright spot tonight. The offensive play calling and philosophy continue to be refreshing.
  17. I’m really liking Richardson’s play action. He really sells it well. Very underrated part of being a good QB.
  18. Boy. I’ve got a feeling a lot of Richardson’s runs are gonna get called back this year.
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