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John Waylon

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Everything posted by John Waylon

  1. That’s certainly a…. curious…. ranking, but oh well. I’m not shook by it.
  2. Our defensive front should certainly make some noise against the Rams offensive line next week. They did not do a great job of protecting Stafford tonight.
  3. 3 person booths are rarely a positive, particularly where the NFL is concerned. For whatever reason it is always just “less than”. Some of the NBA ones are good, but it takes a skilled team to pull it off. When you’ve got a 3 man booth that isn’t working it just magnifies all the bad. The one thing you can count on to make “bad” turn worse is having more of it. Yesterday certainly proved that.
  4. Upper quartile of the upper quartile, baby.
  5. It was insufferable. The female (I didn’t catch her name and I’m hoping I can live out the rest of my days that way,) enunciated her words in the exact same was as Chris collinsworth. That same awkward delivery that makes it seem like they’re trying not to dribble spit on themselves. And her voice itself was not even remotely pleasant to listen to, it was a lethal combination. Yesterday may have been the worst Colts broadcast I’ve ever had to sit through.
  6. We’ve dropped one directly to the Jags, and we still have to go down there and play them again. Not sure how much many of you may know about the Colts winning in Jacksonville, but until we go down there and beat them we’re even with them at best.
  7. Jacksonville beat us once already, and we’ve got to go down there yet. I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt.
  8. We sure did take the long road to get there. I think this would have been a much different game with Richardson. Wouldn’t have needed OT. With Houston beating Jacksonville we’re suddenly back on even footing in the division. Just in case anyone was wondering.
  9. I still can’t understand why they did not adjust to the pass rush with some quick release.
  10. I’d have rather let Irsay himself try to kick it over what we did see.
  11. Come on defense. Let’s hold them here. This is not the kicker to mess without
  12. I was fine with the playcall. We just haven’t seen enough of Sermon yet to put him in that spot. Minshew has more chemistry with all the other pass catchers.
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