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John Waylon

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Everything posted by John Waylon

  1. I don’t know that I love asking Sermon to make those 3rd down catches just yet.
  2. He’s shook right now. And rightly so. He’s been getting killed today. He’s gonna have bad dreams about Kyle Hamilton for a while.
  3. Is there nothing in the playbook for a quick blitz beater? We need an adjustment here.
  4. I doubt anyone will trade for MAC. And he’s a Ballard guy so I don’t see him going anywhere until his contract expires. And even then I’m not sure Ballard won’t sign him to an extension, because that would be a very Ballard thing to do. Richardson and Granson have some chemistry between them. I noticed it during the preseason and they’ve hooked up in both regular season games. I’m eager to get Woods back into the fold. There’s a lot of potential between them just on how defenses are going to have to handle them, specifically in the red zone. If I had to guess I’d say Ogletree will be the odd man out.
  5. This one is getting stranger and stranger
  6. My * god why am I having to explain to multiple allegedly functional adults that curses aren’t actually real? Do you people still believe in Santa, too? Maybe if I had established a history of sarcasm and pithy comments during my 15 year membership here…
  7. Ha. I was so unsettled by the idea when I heard it that I didn’t even think about that. I wish I’d been able to burst his bubble with it now.
  8. From the mouth of a Texans fan: ”At least we moved ahead of them in the race for Marvin Harrison Jr.”
  9. When the defense got mushy late I started having flashbacks to the last time we had a lead with 31 points in the 4th.
  10. I was being sarcastic and cheeky about the curse. I shouldn’t have to be spending my sunday explaining to grown adults that curses aren’t real but here I am. But that doesn’t make my point that having one concussion on the record this soon in his career isn’t great for the long-term.
  11. This is two games in a row he’s been hurt. Sustaining a concussion in his second game is absolutely not a bright outlook. We want this guy to be here for 10-15 years. He’s gone two weeks and already sustained an injury that stacks. With all we know about concussions at this point players who sustain multiple concussions in their careers is going to be a thing. Is he going to get 6-8 concussions and play 10-15 years? Absolutely not. But you’re right, already racking up 1 in just 2 weeks isn’t an issue whatsoever. Whatever was I thinking? No one gives a % about head injuries anyways.
  12. That was pretty awesome, but I wish we had saved that for a more opportune moment. I look forward to seeing the day we do that for a big first down.
  13. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. At what point do we just give up and admit there’s a curse? It’s getting harder and harder to argue against it.
  14. Sure didn’t take long to lose that one for the time being.
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