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John Waylon

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Everything posted by John Waylon

  1. Would Ja be short for Jabroni by chance? I have mounting suspicions…
  2. Well. I’d like to say this was fun, but I’d rather not lie. I’m probably gonna go play video games.
  3. If this game gets any more exciting I may stop considering taking a nap…
  4. This ref is weird. He’s exactly what you think a robot with human skin looks and acts like.
  5. This play should have been quickly overturned. There was no reason to stop the game for this.
  6. Boy I dunno. I think they may overturn it but leave him still short.
  7. Do we win? If so I’m gonna be * off at him no matter what he does. As long as we win he can go out there and break records for all I care. It doesn’t change anything.
  8. I’d sure hate to think that Foles could somehow bad as bad, but I mean he hit that defender like a receiver so perfectly Ryan had to stop and have a moment to himself.
  9. As per the usual, thanks for nothing, Houston.
  10. Mike White is good. I hope he survives.
  11. If Matt Ryan isn’t man enough to retire after this season, # him.
  12. lol I don’t think there’s any way Irsay would ever do that to Saturday. But I think the chances of him keeping the job are getting dim.
  13. I mean at this point we should be sitting starters. This is silly.
  14. I mean I’ve been on the fence but damn I can’t be anymore. But hey, we gotta get the guy and get rid of his salary. Let him keep it up, we’re moving up the draft order and if Ryan has any balls he will retire after this season and clear some cap space we can put to much better use.
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