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John Waylon

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Everything posted by John Waylon

  1. Weird flex dude. Die on whatever hill you gotta die on but come on down off the cross so we can use the wood, please.
  2. Well. The first half wasn’t bad… But it wasn’t real great, either. There’s still plenty of energy here in the stadium, though. Let’s finish strong.
  3. Matt taking that sack and taking that FG off the board is bigger and bigger all the time.
  4. I dunno if they expected that blitz or what but that was the perfect counter.
  5. I’m ready to draft a QB and be done with it. We’re never gonna go anywhere otherwise. As nice as today has been, we’re still in a dogfight with a 2-6 team on the brink of dumping their own coach. Would we be beating a good team today? The Titans? No.
  6. Yeah that’s the kind of % that has me done with Ryan, too. He’s gotta be better than that. Look at what that just cost us. Go down or get rid of it. That was bad.
  7. Make him switch numbers. We’ll not have him sully the good number 31 in this town. This has gone far enough.
  8. I’m just glad it’s not one of those ugly games. I got a little worried there for a second lol.
  9. Well, it’s finally time to admit that we made out better with frank than we would have with mcdaniels. As disappointing as it was, it could have been worse.
  10. Oh man, is this gonna be a new “worst game I’ve ever seen”?
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