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  1. You continue to read too much into a state based on a tiny portion of the season. As if AR would’ve been a lock to continue at that pace. Odds are, he wouldn’t have. As to the OL, you missed your own point. You called them average. When they’re a top-10 unit. That goes back to my original observation. You created this post behind a flawed concept that forced you into calling them average when they’re not. That’s a real flaw. Sorry.
  2. As to the legit stat, you took a very very small sample (about 15 percent of the season) and based on that one stat you extrapolated it into a season long projection. Who does that? It’s why someone came up with the expression of “Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics.” And as I stated, it’s your format that trapped you. Only three categories. If you had allowed for more, like “above average”, then you wouldn’t have painted yourself into a corner. You stated the line isn’t as good as it was in 18 and 19, so you listed them as average. As I noted to John Hammonds, the line is ranked top-10 by everyone who ranks lines: PFF, ESPN, and NFL.Com. They can still be top-10 even if they’re not as dominant as 18 and 19. And top-10 isn’t average in any NFL universe. Sorry, not trying to be harsh with you. I appreciate the effort you took to create something fun for all of us. I just think you over-thought this.
  3. Sorry, JH, there’s almost nothing I agree with. The OL may not be top-5 but still top-10. And top-10 is fine. Your first sentence basically was they’re not top-5, therefore they’re average is just an opinion. And it’s not supported by anything. The Colts OL is top-10 by everyone who ranks them. And the concept of guys trending down or not being what they used to be isn’t the issue. It’s what are they today. What are they this season, not in the long term, what are they this year. Kelly just had one of his best years. Nelson had a good year, ranked 11th overall by PFF. Smith also graded well. And even Fries graded out in the top 40 percent of ALL guards. Overall the line is top-10. You and I often see things the same way. Just not this time.
  4. Funny how people see the same thing differently. You think the Colts OL is average. Average?!? To me, that’s jaw dropping. You could make an easy argument that listing QB as you do is nothing more than Fan Boy cheer leading. Richardson played less than 200 snaps. In essence, he’s still a rookie. But I can’t get over listing the OL as average. Hey, it’s your post. You set it up with Potential, Average and Concern. And by doing so I think you’ve painted yourself into a corner. The Colts offensive line is AVERAGE?!? Shaking my head doesn’t begin to cover it.
  5. Who said anything about not working out? All I said is be smart. You don’t have to play basketball to workout smart. There are plenty if things that can be done without basketball. Yes, they may not be as fun…. But they might be safer.
  6. I hate the idea he’s playing basketball. He comes down funny from a dunk and BAD things can happen. Be smart. Don’t do that. The passing looks fine. But I want to hear from AR how is the shoulder feeling?
  7. Do we know where Minn is playing Turner? Is it DE or is it OLB? I thought I had heard right after the draft the Vikings were using him at OLB. Yes? No? I know Turner, I know how good he’s been his whole football life. If the Colts had drafted him I would’ve been fine. Im not reacting much on the weight…. 257 vs 250. Seems Laiatu lost weight for the combine while Turner gained a little. That happens all the time. I think the Colts have Latu listed at his normal 265. Just an observation.
  8. When I say lose huge this is what I mean…. The NFL has to pay $4.7 BILLION for breaking anti-trust lawsuit. BUT WAIT!! It gets much worse! Because it’s anti-trust that can turn into triple damages which means $14 Bill+ Now before you shout “Good! I HATE the NFL!” And you’re glad they lost, think of the broader implications… The NFL gets $20 bill in income yearly. Losing $14 bill is going to badly mess with the entire league. Remember the 2020 and 21 seasons badly impacted by Covid. Team salary caps took a big hit. Rosters got messed up. This would be even BIGGER. FWIW: The NFL says it will appeal. For more Google: NFL Lawsuit
  9. He’s not wrong. Stroud was getting killed based on doing poorly on the new test to measure mental aptitude. Strictly on that basis it was good to see Stroud succeed. PS —. Speaking of that test, did we hear anything about that in the 2924 draft? I didn’t read a single story about it. Did you?
  10. More hate. Just said in a snarky way. Still it was clever. You had that going for you. Please note I didn’t even try to convince you that you’re wrong. You’re entitled to your viewpoint. I just found them a little astonishing. But it’s the off-season and these kind if moments happen. Camp starts in about a month.
  11. Thats some impressive hate. Even for a quiet off-season. The number of people here who know so little about Ballard after all these years is both impressive and sad.
  12. If he wasn’t fast enough or athletic enough anymore for linebacker, then he’s not going to be able to cut it at Safety where speed , quickness, athleticism are even more important. Wish it wasn’t so….
  13. I haven’t seen the comps you speak of. I know most projections seem high. Football outsiders does an annual projection either just before or just after the draft. I think Liatu was projected with the most sacks and the number was basically 6 sacks. I suspect Liatu was picked in part because he’s an inch taller and roughly 20 pounds heavier than Turner. And I suspect the new DL coach, who I love, had strong input to the selection.
  14. FWIW: As you may know, one of our community members is not just a doctor, he’s a surgeon. And he has performed the exact surgery that Latu received. And just after the draft he shared here that once you’ve had the surgery, the impacted area is now STRONGER than it was before the injury. Reassuring news for all.
  15. You’re setting the bar low? 3-14 is an understatement. Your bar is practically underground! 😜
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