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Peyton's 2012 Opponents Talk About His Signing


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I loved what Seymour said: "I thought having five kids gave me sleepless nights. Now I have to deal with Peyton again." :D


Moderators, feel to move this if necessary. (I know that you'd move it anyhow if you wanted too, that just gives me my control fix...) :)

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Peyton is officially a Bronco now, so I do think this is more suited to the NFL General section.

I also read a while ago that Rivers was excited for the possibility of playing Peyton twice a year because he said games against Peyton are always exciting and you are always forced to play your best

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Peyton is officially a Bronco now, so I do think this is more suited to the NFL General section.

I also read a while ago that Rivers was excited for the possibility of playing Peyton twice a year because he said games against Peyton are always exciting and you are always forced to play your best

Whatever you think is best is fine! I hated to post it originally there, and have many members miss out on seeing it, so I posted here and figured you guys would move it if necessary. If enough of his threads get moved to NFL General, more members will began skimming it and that problem will be solved.

I have always like Rivers. He seems like a nice, friendly guy. And as long as Peyton stomps Houston next year---I'll be pleased. If Denver goes 1-15 and beats Houston, that's good enough for me. Of course, a Super Bowl for Peyton would be nice as well...

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Are you guys relieved that Peyton won't play the Colts in 2012 or were you hoping he would?

Relieved. We'd never have heard the end of it. And he would have creamed Indy for sure. People would've then just disliked him even more ,and the last thing he wants is to be tarnished in the eyes of Indy's up and coming fans.

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Whatever you think is best is fine! I hated to post it originally there, and have many members miss out on seeing it, so I posted here and figured you guys would move it if necessary. If enough of his threads get moved to NFL General, more members will began skimming it and that problem will be solved.

I have always like Rivers. He seems like a nice, friendly guy. And as long as Peyton stomps Houston next year---I'll be pleased. If Denver goes 1-15 and beats Houston, that's good enough for me. Of course, a Super Bowl for Peyton would be nice as well...

Yeah, it still shows on the right side of the main page what the most recent topics created are, so hopefully a lot of people see it.

Rivers, to me, has seemed like a nice guy off the field. But on the field, I don't like him. He comes off as a cry baby....remember his back and forth with Cutler?

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Yeah, it still shows on the right side of the main page what the most recent topics created are, so hopefully a lot of people see it.

Rivers, to me, has seemed like a nice guy off the field. But on the field, I don't like him. He comes off as a cry baby....remember his back and forth with Cutler?

Ewww. Yes, now I do. Come to think of it, I've always disliked Rivers... :)

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One reason(not a big reason, but a reason nonetheless) I think Manning ultimately decided to go to Denver was to exercise the SD demons from the last 5-6 years as those have been some of his worst performances as a whole. I'm also sure he took a little offense to A.J. Smith taking a cheap shot at him and his family(Archie and Eli).

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    • To me, it’s also a non- story, but for a different reason.     Because Ryan Kelly, classy guy that he is, has chosen to make it a non-story.  No complaining.  No running to the media to try to generate sympathy.   No hold out OR hold in where you show up but tell the team you won’t practice without a new contract.   He could’ve done any of them.  He chose to do none of them.     I think Kelly is a classy guy.  easy to see why he’s voted a team captain, and I think the union rep.  I also think the Colts under Ballard are filled with classy guys who are easy to root for.  Honestly, it one of the biggest reasons I’ve stuck around since Luck retired.  It’s a fun team to cheer for.    So I like the team, the coaches,  the front office, the owner and the city.   Hope to make it to Indy one day to meet as many of you as I can.   
    • No worries.   Wasn’t making fun of you.  If I had one dollar for every brain cramp moment I’ve posted here, I’d be rich!      It’s all good.  
    • I'm very interested in Carlie's as well.  I'm just not sold on our starting LB core.
    • I also forgot to say I think Buffalo will also have a down year. 
    • Yeah North.....maybe I got confused about the Pittsburgh Pirates playing in the central.  But I think before realignment there were only 3 divisions, I think.. Like the Colts and Dolphins played in the East, the Raiders and Broncos played in the West and the Steelers and Brownies played in the Central.  But yeah my mistake the Steelers currently in the North division. 
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