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Jimmy Raye has been let go


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11 hours ago, LJpalmbeacher said:

You sound like Toub's #1 FAN! Maybe even more so than ballard.

So tell me why your so high on him? Have you always liked him OR just started  after the rumored speculation that ballard may hire him?


I still prefer our next leader be a experienced proven HC.

It's not about Toub. I just don't like your suggestion that ST's coaches aren't as ideal candidates as offensive or defensive coordinators. It doesn't matter what unit someone coaches as long as they're a good coach. 

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On 5/2/2017 at 7:00 PM, BOTT said:

I don't think it's guaranteed that Chuck comes back even if the colts do make the playoffs.


True, but if CP is lwanted to be et go, it does make for awkward conversation with the Owner, Jim Irsay.  Say Colts go 11-5 again, win the division, but do not secure a bye, and they win the first home playoff game and lose the next one on the road.


{Purely Hypothetical scenario above,and conversation that follows}


J.I. - 'Yes Chris, what do you need to see me about?'


CB - "Hey Jim,well,  it's about our HC opening.'


J.I. - 'What HC opening?'


CB - 'The vacancy we have at head coach, I have some ideas on who I want to interview, Including meeting the Rooney Rule, and, of course, interviewing Toub is first on the list'.


J.I - 'Let me get this straight, you fired CP without informing me first?'


CB - 'Not yet, I just figured we'd iron out some of those details before asking CP to step into my office'


J.I. - 'Well that's good because before you do that, I need you to answer a couple questions first.'


CB - 'OK, fire away...'


J.I. - 'Do you realize we won the AFC South with an 11-5 record giving us a home playoff game?'


CB, yes.'


J.I. - 'Do you know chuck still has two more guaranteed years on his HC contract extension I gave him recently?'


CB - 'Well, yes I do recall that.'


J.I. - "Then I would like you to please explain why I have to pay yet another HC salary like I am doing for the GM position?  Then explain what traits CP has that's detrimental or those he lacks that is holding the team back while we continue to build this roster, and list those candidates on your list you feel have the stronger traits in those areas and how/why; be it scheme, leadership , instincts, knowledge etc...   Make a compelling argument and I'll buy in, let you do your thing, and get out of your way.'


Somehow (and if this above were to happen,) I'm sure CB would not do this.\, but-


A typical forum reaction "I don't think he stays because CP stinks and we need a better HC" will fly here.  J.I.knows football, and if CB convinces him, I can see CP getting let go even after a playoff appearance.  I not only don't think this is likely, , I also think if Pagano wins and shows command as well as gets respect from the team, CB will be hard pressed (even by himself) to retain the guy.


I thought for sure Bob Quinn was gong to dump Jim Caldwell, if not right after taking the Lions GM job, then certainly after the season concluded.  Neither happened, and Jim Caldwell is still the Lions HC to this day.  Quinn never had to go on a HC hunting expedition.  Maybe Ballard won't either.  We'll see. I'd like to be a fly on the wall for a few hours in the room after the season for sure.






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2 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


True, but if CP is lwanted to be et go, it does make for awkward conversation with the Owner, Jim Irsay.  Say Colts go 11-5 again, win the division, but do not secure a bye, and they win the first home playoff game and lose the next one on the road.




A typical forum reaction "I don't think he stays because CP stinks and we need a better HC" will fly here.  J.I.knows football, and if CB convinces him, I can see CP getting let go even after a playoff appearance.  I not only don't think this is likely, , I also think if Pagano wins and shows command as well as gets respect from the team, CB will be hard pressed (even by himself) to retain the guy.


I thought for sure Bob Quinn was gong to dump Jim Caldwell, if not right after taking the Lions GM job, then certainly after the season concluded.  Neither happened, and Jim Caldwell is still the Lions HC to this day.  Quinn never had to go on a HC hunting expedition.  Maybe Ballard won't either.  We'll see. I'd like to be a fly on the wall for a few hours in the room after the season for sure.


I agree with you in principle. The idea that Ballard is just itching to get rid of Pagano, no matter what, and that Irsay would let him, is really just driven by people who made up their mind on Pagano a long time ago.


But then there's John Fox. A year after making the SB, then having a first round bye, he got fired. And it basically boiled down to Elway thought he wasn't the right guy. When you look at the SB game plan (they got outcoached from kickoff to final bell), and especially the divisional loss to the Colts (Fox someone got outcoached by Pagano, who didn't do anything special), you can see the basic problems with Fox's program -- overly conservative, not able to adjust, got blown out in big games, lost games to inferior teams at home. 


There's also Lovie Smith in Chicago, and the situation is similar.


Basically, there doesn't always have to be a smoking gun kind of reason for firing a coach. In Pagano's case, if the Colts struggle to get going offensively, fail to close games, get blown out when they shouldn't, fail to compete against top quality opponents, it will be just another year of the same 'not good enough' effort from the coaching staff. If Antonio Brown puts up 3 TDs and we get smoked by the Steelers, it will be further evidence that Pagano just isn't the right guy, just like Fox wasn't the right guy for Denver. IF we go to New England in the playoffs and get dominated in the second half, if we start slow against bad teams, if we can't cover the middle of the field, if timeouts aren't used properly, etc., etc. Irsay said he expects Pagano to have his best year. If Pagano produces typical results, he won't have lived up to that expectation.


I should also mention that, based on 2016 win percentage, the Colts have the league's easiest schedule this season. The division is improving on paper, but it's still one of the 3 worst divisions in the league, most likely. The Colts have a clear path to a good record, IMO. No one should be dancing on the table about 11-5. A strong record does make it hard to move on, but if the team has the same coaching-related struggles, it's just further evidence that Pagano isn't the right guy.

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37 minutes ago, Superman said:

but if the team has the same coaching-related struggles, it's just further evidence that Pagano isn't the right guy.


I feel that Ballard will watch for improvement as well.  If guys (notably rookies) make mistakes early, and then The coaching staff gets them to play better (cleans the stuff up) and they can finish games and win more than their fair share. CP might get to stay.  Otherwise he is on  a day to day contract.


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