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No Manning; The Impact on Performance Dollars

King Colt

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How do contracts work; for example a receiver gets bonus money for "X" number of catches per season or game, now the QB goes out for the season and the back up can't hit anyone, how does the money change? Also look at the dollar impact on the whole team-attendance will be down, player playoff money is gone, playoff TV revenue is gone, pregame parking lot beer and BBQ sales are down, miscellaneous clothing and souvenir sales are down.................a lot of bucks fade away just because of one player!

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How do contracts work; for example a receiver gets bonus money for "X" number of catches per season or game, now the QB goes out for the season and the back up can't hit anyone, how does the money change? Also look at the dollar impact on the whole team-attendance will be down, player playoff money is gone, playoff TV revenue is gone, pregame parking lot beer and BBQ sales are down, miscellaneous clothing and souvenir sales are down.................a lot of bucks fade away just because of one player!

Well first of all the tickets (being season ticket holders) have all already been paid for last March. Now if they don't go to the game and can't sell their tickets it's a sparse LOS. As far as money from the community yes that will go down during the season but they will make up for that many times over with the SB being in Indy this year. I think everyone knew that when Peyton was injured things would be different.

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Attendance will be down? Every game is sold out for the season. As for the playoff revenue, teams don't count on that its just an added bonus if It happens. I'd almost bet souvenir sales haven't changed anything too drastic. Not sure about the player performance incentives. I'd guess that there's a clause in their contract about the starting QB going out for so many games or the season. They hire agents for a reason and agents don't like losing money.

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Well if it had to happen this year was a better year for Indianapolis because they will lose revenue through out the year but they will make Big Bucks having the Super Bowl here.. It's bad that the city is loosing money but things like this can't be helped. Knowing the city prices will probably be jacked up during SB week to try and make some of it back. JMO of course.

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I hope the rest of the city and the fanbase on the whole have my mindset. This year is an abberation, a fluke. We weren't ready for Peyton's absense this year but we'll be back in the action next year competing for the AFC South title. Peyton comes back rested and hungry with a new top-flight WR we pick up in the draft. If he does hang up his cleats, the money we'd pay out to him can instead be paid to perhaps a free agent QB unless Painter continues to improve. In that case, we're able to improve who-knows-what!

Either way, this year, I believe tickets will still be sold, merch will still be bought, and people will continue to drink up. I just don't see one player's absense adversely impacting an entire microeconomy like the OP suggested after its been built up so well over fifteen years. It will take years of mediocrity to see a decline in ticket sales, etc.

Great topic idea.

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    • No worries.   Wasn’t making fun of you.  If I had one dollar for every brain cramp moment I’ve posted here, I’d be rich!      It’s all good.  
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