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Everything posted by NewColtsFan

  1. I don’t think Ogletree is a fringe roster guy. I think he’s a promising young player. I think it’s too early to know how long any possible suspension might last.
  2. Ut appears Ogletree got physical with his wife/girlfriend. Got himself arrested. May end his Colts career.
  3. How in the world do you connect the dots to Frank?!? This is ridiculous.
  4. I haven’t seen any story that it’s because of comments about Taylor. Instead, what I’ve read is that Michaels has (in the eyes/ears of his bosses) has been doing a poor job. That he takes good games and calls them way too subdued, as if he’s bored or the game is beneath him. Like he’s going thru the motions. Its a shame if this is how his career ends….
  5. Doug….. I’ll try and take your post a paragraph at a time. I join you in not wanting to fight with you. I think we reached something of a truce after last season. Honestly I think you and I fighting publicly was bad for the website. I’m getting too old for that. But for the life of me, I’m not sure how and why you think we agree on a lot of things? That’s a head scratcher for me. To be candid, I rarely find myself in agreement with you. But I’ve tried to criticize you less than I used to. I try to pick my spots more carefully. I believe the reason I remember so many details of your posts is that you have very unique views (notice I didn’t say wrong, but unique) and therefore much of what you say jumps out at me and sticks in my mind. As for what Reich and Steichen had influence on, I think either I didn’t make myself clear, or you misinterpreted my meaning. No matter. But I think Frank had a preference, and I’m sure Steichen had input on Downs. I was only trying to tamp down the view that the Colts wouldn’t have drafted Downs if it wasn’t for Wayne banging the table for him. I think that view spun wildly out of control here and took on a life of its own. By the way I wouldn’t call any of our receivers “big, slow, bad” which I believe was your characterization of our receivers with Frank. I appreciate that you don’t see me as a “Blind Ballard Lover.” I’m not sure how many here would agree with you? I tried to very public say that I was off the Ballard Bandwagon after last year’s disaster. I try to see him in a much more critical eye. Still, I see no evidence that his power has diminished or that Steichen has more control or authority. I think Steichen has a much different approach and I’m fine with that, but it doesn’t yet add up to me that Ballard’s star has dimmed. He’s still the same GM who picked Steichen. Now that doesn’t mean things couldn’t change. If the Colts lose these last two games to end the year with a three game losing streak, it’s entirely possible that Irsay could throw a fit and fire Ballard. I personally think it would be the worst thing for Steichen and the franchise, but I’m sure some would completely disagree. As for the term tied together, I think that’s being distorted here. I think Ballard has a 2-year window to get things right. I think he gets two more years with AR to see what happens. At that point I think he’d be very vulnerable and likely fired. But while it’s possible that could happen sooner, I don’t think it’s likely. As for what happened with Grigson and Frank….. Irsay had to bring in a marriage counselor to try and repair Grigson and Pagano and that failed. And Reich got a raw deal. Not because he was fired, but because of WHEN he was fired. The debacle in the Pats loss was not only predictable, about a half dozen posters actually did predict it during the week. We called exactly what would happen. Yet Irsay threw a fit and pulled the trigger too soon. Not one of his better moments. I think history has born that out. Apologies…. This has gone on long enough. Tomorrow, I’ll write another post about a post you made Monday or Tuesday about the age and talent of the Colts roster. It was…. Peculiar. Thanks for your patience. Until then. Michael NCF
  6. One of the problems with tackling is it a victim of the fact that during the course of a season teams are only allowed to have their players hit and tackle 11/12 times during practice in a season. Thats it. I know it seems counter-intuitive, but this is the future of the NFL. The league and players association are trying to protect players but the art of tackling is being lost as we speak. That’s why you’re seeing lots of defenders try to knock players over with a shoulder…. Yes it hurts the quality of games, yes it sucks for games, but this the world that the NFL is creating.
  7. There was a thread about this exact topic a few weeks ago. Posters said they thought Smith and Kelly would retire. At the time, there were comments from both saying they had no plans to retire. None. That they plan to play as long as they can. Hopefully that clarifies.
  8. Doug…. Wanted to drop you a note saying I haven’t had a chance to respond to your post. And when I do, I’ve decided to break it up into two posts not one. I’ve got a lot to say and I’d rather write two long posts than one ridiculously gigantic post. No one needs/wants that. So, I’ll be back in a while. Didn't want to leave you hanging.
  9. Good info! Thanks. I believe the number of times you can be considered is 10 years. After that, I believe you have to be nominated by a veterans committee. So by your info, the class would appear to be “young” with more opportunities for all. Again, that’s good info.
  10. It may be. I’m not predicting a Colts win. I just don’t see the Raiders scoring at will against against Indy. Then again, I didn’t predict the Colts playing as badly as they did last week. Hoping for some home field advantage these last two weeks.
  11. As there is every year, there is tremendous competition at this point. Here is who Wayne and Freeney are up against: 1. Julius Peppers DE 2. Antonio Gates TE Note: both are considered the front runners because this is their first year of eligibility and they’ve made it this far. (the rest in no particular order) 3. Torrey Holt. WR 4. Patrick Willis. ILB 5. Andre Johnson. WR 6. Jarred Allen. DE 7. Willie Anderson. OT 8. Darren Woodson. DB 9. Devin Hester. ST 10. Eric Allen CB 11. Rodney Harrison. DB 12. Fred Taylor. RB 13. Jahri Evans. IOL 14/15. Wayne/Freeney. Again, the list from 3-15 is in no particular order. But that’s another tremendous final 15. Even getting to the final 10 will be very hard.
  12. Oakland? Will score at will? You're not following the Raiders if you believe that….
  13. im not expecting a WR in the first either. But if it happens, it tells me several things. 1. That Steichen believes the Colts need a major upgrade at the position and not just more good players. 2. That Steichen may love MPJ, but he doesn’t believe he’s a true WR1 and instead thinks he’s a WR2. And that may complicate signing MPJ and lead the Colts to putting a Tag on him. I’ve always believed the MPJ negotiation could be very difficult. He’ll want WR1 money and the Colts may offer WR2 money. As for the Reggie Wayne pounds the table comment, I think that comment has been misunderstood by many in this site. Ballard has a long documented history of giving credit for key decisions to his support staff. 1. Credited Dodds for convincing him to sign short Kenny Moore because he had 32.5 inch arms. 2. Credited Morocco brown for convincing CB to move Smith to RT. Ballard admitted he didn’t think Smith could play anywhere but guard. 3. Credited Brown on Anthony Richardson. 4. Credited Wayne on Downs. But let’s not kid ourselves, it’s not like Ballard and the team didn’t know who Downs was. You’ve seen all the videos. Ballard and staff talk about every player three times, Feb, Mar, Apr. If Wayne didn’t pound the table, the Colts might still have drafted Downs. 5. Ballard gives shout outs to Dodds, Brown and many in the scouting staff every year after the draft with clips of the scouts talking about the players the Colts just drafted. This is Ballard’s way of saying thanks for a job well done plus promoting his own guys for possible better jobs with the Colts or another team. I think Ballard loves to be generous and magnanimous with those around him. He’s confident enough he can admit mistakes and yet give credit to his staff. He’s not worried about how he’s perceived by those who don’t like him. Just some different perspectives for consideration.
  14. Not a surprise, but I agree with almost none of this. But that’s not important. So let me cut to the chase…. What is the proof for your claim that Ballard has had his hat handed to him? (Whatever that means?) what has happened for you to believe that other than the fact that Moose believes it’s true?
  15. Good to see you post. If I had a new year’s wish, I’d hope you’d post more often in 2024. The website is better when you post more. Im sure you have good reasons why you don’t post more, but I think the community here benefits from your viewpoints. They lead to better discussions. Hope to see you more in 24!
  16. Well…. If the Colts spend a one to draft a top WR, or trade their one for an established WR like the Eagles did with Brown then I think that will tell us what Steichen thinks of our WR room and that Ballard is trying to give Steichen what he wants. For years, I think many thought all these tall WR’s the Colts drafted or signed were a Ballard thing. I believe they were a Reich thing. I think the selection of the 5’9” Downs supports that. If he had his way, I think Ballard would go after more pass rush in the first. So if he doesn’t I think that shows how CB tries to give his HC what he wants. Just an observation….
  17. I find all the Pierce talk interesting. I think we’re all about to find out two things…. One, how much input Steichen has, and two, how much Ballard tries to cater to what his head coach wants. And if Steichen and Ballard decide to move on from Pierce I believe it’ll happen in one of two ways…. Either it’ll be a straight trade one disappointing player is swapped for another where both teams think maybe a change will do both players some good. OR….. Pierce will get packaged…. Pierce and a pick will be traded for a better pick. So perhaps Pierce and a 6 for a 5 or possibly a 4 if the Colts get lucky. But either trade might not happen until March at the earliest or perhaps as late as the draft.
  18. Bottom line: Neither Ballard, Steichen or Irsay wanted Leonard on the team anymore. They released Leonard so he was free to sign with any team he wanted. So even if Philly goes on to win the Super Bowl that doesn’t mean releasing Leonard was wrong. Colts Nation should say congratulations to Shaq and stay focused on the future of Indianapolis.
  19. The Colts let Okereke walk because at the time, the financial cost to cutting Leonard was too great. Ballard talked about not being happy to let Okereke go at the time. And Leonard got his contract when he did because he was healthy enough at the time to deserve it. You’re criticizing with the benefit of hindsight. To let Leonard leave without getting a second contract would have been a monumental mistake. Four Hall of Fane season and then no second contract?!? The message it sends to the locker room is the exact wrong message. It says the Colts will never reward you no matter what, and that they will cut you if there is the slightest doubt. By your logic, the Colts wouldn’t have signed Nelson to a second contract. Thank God you’re not a General Manager. You who called Ballard a “coward” for not making a silly trade deadline trade and you who once thought someone like you would eventually become a General Manager because they play silly on-line fantasy games. I haven’t agreed with a word you’ve written in this thread.
  20. You don’t think Kenny Moore will be re-signed? Seriously? Kenny Moore? He’s not 30, and he’s having a great year grading around 80, and he plays a key position which he might be the best in the NFL. And you want to let him go? Kenny Moore? I hope you’re wrong.
  21. Not a lot of superstars isn’t a standard for calling a class “one of the worst”. If there were a lot of busts, THAT would be your standard. But I don’t see a lot of busts. I see a lot of good solid players. And it’s helpful if you wait at least three full years before you judge any class. That’s considered a safer measure.
  22. Yes. Sorry, poor word choice. Thanks for the correction.
  23. All I’m saying is the Raiders are a better team with Pierce as their new HC. He has them playing hard and smart and that’s all you can ask.
  24. If I’m understanding you correctly, we’re talking about two different periods of time. The one in question is March of 23 when the Colts cut Okereke and kept Leonard. The other is late October when the Colts eventually cut Leonard. There was talk of trading him, but eventually the Colts cut him so he could pick the team he wanted to go. So there was roughly a 7-8 month gap and that changed the financial impact to the Colts so they could afford to release Darius/Shaq. At that point is was more of a win-win for both sides. Hope this helps.
  25. We didn’t have a choice. It was Okereke or Leonard. The financial hit of cutting Leonard then was too great. Ballard said he didn’t want to cut Okereke, but he didn’t have a choice. Sucks for us, but there was a reasonable explanation.
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