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Everything posted by NewColtsFan

  1. You’ve been gone about 2-3 weeks while the Colts were winning. Now, after a defeat, look who is back to enjoy the loss! What a surprise?! How completely predictable….
  2. The same backup quarterback who played lights out, even better, last week. And who Colts fans were concerned about this week. It appears we see this very different. Wish it wasn’t so. I’m sorry.
  3. All that, but only gave up 14 points. The Colts were very much in the game at the half. If you won’t give the offense credit and won’t give the defense credit and Gay missed a short field goal, then how was it only 14-14?
  4. I was speaking about the first half and only the first half. And I said so.
  5. 14-14 at the half with a defensive touchdown says otherwise.
  6. Chloe…. We played poorly offensively, but we played well on defense. That can happen in a half. There’s more to football than just offense.
  7. Any game comes down to a handful of plays. The team that makes the most typically wins. The team that doesn’t typically loses. The Colts margin of error is tissue paper thin. We played OK in the first half and were tied. Played like crap in the 2nd and lost. It’s likely going to be that way every week down the stretch. Every week is pretty much a coin toss. Tough way to be a fan…. But here we are.
  8. And sadly he fell down and conked his head. A home accident. Life can be so fleeting….
  9. That’s it. That’s the story. Thanks so much for finding that. I think it’s here on this website.
  10. I don’t disagree…. Currently MPJ is our #1. Im just not certain that Steichen and Ballard see him as the Colts future #1. They might see him as our future #2. Remember Steichen had Brown and Smith as his WR1 and WR2 in Philly and both are better than MPJ and I don’t mean that as an insult, I’m a big MPJ fan! Thats why I’ve been saying for months that the Pittman contract has the potential to be more difficult than the Taylor deal. I hope not, but it could be.
  11. Me neither…. I couldn’t find it as well. Makes me wonder if it’s on Colts.com? You know, one of those games when the Colts mic’ed him up for the website’s fans. So it’s a Colts.com clip and NOT an NFL.com clip. It’s the only thing that makes sense to me. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to navigate our websites archives.
  12. Somewhere on an NFL films clip that’s somewhere on YouTube.., There's a play from Rivers when he was with the Colts. He’s under center. And on defense one linebacker is trying to tell another linebacker he’s in the wrong spot. And without missing a beat Rivers tells the confused linebacker that his teammate is right, that the confused linebacker is in the wrong spot! Rivers barks and points…. “you’re supposed to be over there! Not here!” Rivers came with a well earned reputation as a trash talker, there are NFL Films clip to back it up. But for me, that moment was CLASSIC!! Laugh Out Loud FUNNY!! Id link it if I could!
  13. This may be common knowledge, but I haven’t seen it anywhere else… For what it’s worth… Caleb Williams has announced he’s sitting out of USC’s bowl game. It’s expected he will also soon announce he’s officially turning pro, he just hasn’t done it yet.
  14. As others have noted, the ranking is based on the Colts record. Pretty straight forward and fair, IMO.
  15. I’ve always liked Irsay. And that even included the times when he clearly was publicly battling his demons. I’m not offended or bothered by flawed people in powerful places. We’re all flawed and I’ve always thought Irsay’s heart was in the right place. The recent HBO feature was extremely flattering right up to one unfortunate point. I think Irsay and Indy are a good match.
  16. The gift was given to Shaq. To let him choose the best opportunity for him to succeed. It was a classy professional courtesy to one of the best players in franchise history. Why you care so much about the Eagles is a mystery. Be happy for Shaq and let it go.
  17. OK…. Gilmore left because he could see the team was not going to be competitive this year and he wanted to go to a team with hopes of a deep post-season run. CB granted his wish. Walker was let go because (A) linebacker is a devalued position, and (B) Walker plays the run better than he does the pass,and (C) no team can keep everyone, that’s a function of the salary cap. All 32 teams let go of players they want to keep. Happens every year. And when Ballard let Walker go, this is what he said publicly. That Walker was one of his favorite players of all time and that he was so smart he predicted Walker would someday be either a head coach or general manager, whatever he wanted to be. Chris Ballard LOVES Anthony Walker. As for paying our own, CB is referring to the players he drafts. Walker was a victim of the position he plays. You can’t keep everyone.
  18. Fine. But you talked about players who Ballard let go.. so who are you referring to?
  19. Who are many of the players that Ballard let go did? As a result of signing Leonard? To the best of my knowledge, there’s one. Okereke. When Bobby left Ballard publicly said he would’ve kept Okereke had they not signed Leonard. Ballard doesn’t often publicly second guess himself like that over a player. It’s the only time I can remember. If you’re going to point to Autry and Houston, their decisions were BEFORE Leonard — not related. Otherwise, I don’t know who you could be referring to?
  20. I’m going by the views that were being talked about here on the website.
  21. As the kids say these days……. Chillax! It’s still early December. Lots of time for things to get done. Technically, the Colts have until Mid-March to get things done, though I suspect we will all have better idea of where things stand much sooner than that…. Jan/Feb.
  22. “They must stand out because I think they’re correct”. ?!?!? I have no idea how you arrived at that conclusion? They stand out to me because they’re unique. They are singularly yours. Once upon a time I used to tease you about living in Dew-ville: population 1. I’ve stopped doing that, but that used to be my playful tease, do you not remember? Your views aren’t necessarily wrong, but they’re extremely unique. And I find that’s the case no matter the subject: Colts, Football in general, or even societal views. Im sorry we’re not finding any common ground today. Not trying to be difficult. Just wanted to be clear about my views, and our differences, such as they are.
  23. Huh? You're responding to my post to Doug, not my post to you.
  24. If you’re saying I can’t come to grips with your arguments, then I’d agree with that 1000 percent. But why you think pointing to Matt Hasselback at the end of his career as a game manager is proof of anything is a mystery known only to you. Of course he was a game manager at the end of his career. Many aging quarterbacks become game managers at the end of their career. It comes with aging and deteriorating skill. And for the record, to a comment you made about a month ago when you noted how unusual it is that I remember so many of your posts, often in detail, I’d point to this series of posts you’ve made today. They’re very unique. They stand out and jump off the page. They’re not hard to remember.
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