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Reality's Free Agentcy Period.

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(Draft coming soon)


Following our amazing ride, I found some holes (just like every team) and for us to have lots of success again this season we must have a good off-season so heres my free agentcy period (draft soon to come)


The biggest and glaring est hole is on the o-line. We could get upgrades at practicly every position. But the largest hole was pressure straight up from the middle. We struggled this year at the Gaurd position. Some possible suitors are:

Andy Levitre

Louis Vasquez

I do believe if we were to sign ethier of these talented gaurds it would significently help out our o-line. Depends on the pocket size grig has for gaurd as aposed to other posititons of need. Levitre would cost more but probably play better, either way a smart good signing.


Another position that was absaloute killer was NT. Look at week 15 @hou they just kept runningup the middle at will, a strong player that could push the pocket would do flying colours for us, a play like Isaac Sopowaga 



Also you never can have too many pass rushers and with freeney probabley walking that may be a need. There are two very interiging pass rushers in this free agency class to me in 

Paul Kruger 

Anthony Spencer


Would be awesome two add a pass rusher the caliber of one of these two players.


Another Position that has lacked at times this year was DB. Wether it be conrer or SS. Players like 

Brent Grimes

Sam Sheilds


Jarius Byrd

Dashon Goldson


Could all help. i really like what we have with darius and vontae but that 2nd corner really needs to be astablished to make this a elite defence, If grigs think that we should invest money on this position then wed be looking at Grimes or DRC but if we take a low(er) approch money wise wed be lookoing at sam sheilds. And at saftey either safteys Goldso or Byrd would work beautifuly Goldson a Hard hitting saftey or jarius byrd a absaloute baller could both help with flying colours. 


ANd last but not least WR. 

its clear Averys not making the cut for number 2 WR next year so some players id like the colts to look at this off-season would all vary in the amount of money we spend on other positions but if we have a larger wallet for WR some options could be

Mike Wallace

Greg Jennings 

Dwyane Bowe 


But if we had a smaller wallet for WR because we decide other positions are needed more then wed be looking at players like

Brian Hartline

Danny Amendola 

Steve Smith (STL)


Well hope you enjoy write how you want us to pick up this year below!


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As far as a reciever goes Id prefer to take care of that in the draft. My top 2 guys I really like are Hopkins and Woods which could both be availble to us in the first. Now we really need to go defense or O line unless we address that in FA. I wouldnt be supprised though If Grigs shocked us and went after a big time reciver like one of these guys. Hopkins is a big playmaker and has speed and good hands. Woods isn't really fast but is fast and is probably the most polished reciever in this draft. He does just about everything well. He just got outshined by Lee mainly due to Lee's pure speed. But Woods is very good. Now Guys I wouldnt mind later in the draft are Stedman Baily, Quinton Patton - If he slides a Big If and Markus Wheaton. Well see though, I never count out the unexpected because thats generally what happens.

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I would be ecstatic if we got:

Will Beatty

Louis Vasquez

Paul Kruger

Sam Shields  and

Dashon Goldson

all in this FA....

i wish someone with more familiarity than I have with NFL contracts would estimate the amount of $ it would take to make this happen....

A FA period like this ( along with a good draft and resigning Pat, Darius, and Moses) and we are an elite team in the AFC... IMO


ps.. If FA goes down similarly to how I just laid it out, I'd like to see us go for D Line, WR, and/or Pass Rusher in the draft

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I would be ecstatic if we got:

Will Beatty

Louis Vasquez

Paul Kruger

Sam Shields  and

Dashon Goldson

all in this FA....

i wish someone with more familiarity than I have with NFL contracts would estimate the amount of $ it would take to make this happen....

A FA period like this ( along with a good draft and resigning Pat, Darius, and Moses) and we are an elite team in the AFC... IMO


ps.. If FA goes down similarly to how I just laid it out, I'd like to see us go for D Line, WR, and/or Pass Rusher in the draft


I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but I don't think we could afford the 5 free agents you want.


Other might think my guesstimates are wrong,  but this is what I think it would cost to get those 5 players...


-- Beatty     $7-8 Mill per  (probably 8)

-- Vazquez $5-6 Mill per

-- Kruger    $7-8 Mill per

-- Shields   $6-7 Mill per

-- Goldson $6-7 Mill per


The low figure for the five players is $31 Mill.    The high figure is $36 Mill.


I'm guessing we need roughly $13-15 Mill to re-sign our own free agents.


I'm guessing we'll need roughly $4-5 Mill for our draft picks.


Then, we'll need $4-5 million to account for players we have under contract, who are scheduled to receive raises in 2013.  That's most players.   And I could easily be way, way off in this area.


I'm clearly ball parking many of these figures.   But I think we'll be over the roughly $46-47 Mill we have to spend.   And very few teams spend all of their available money.   Some spend pretty close to it,  others don't.    The new CBA says we have to spend roughly 90% of the roughly $120 Mill.     So, something near to $110 Mill I think is the floor.


Sorry.....   this went longer than I planned.....    but once I got started....     I.   Just.    Couldn't.     Stop!!!


My bad.   

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Shields is RFA.

Byrd and Levitre will stay with the Bills they have plenty of cap room.

Kruger will stay with the Ravens.. Lewis is retirng...

Cary Williams CB w/ ravens is wanting 8-10 mil per year.. No thanks

Goldson.. yes.. if he doesn;t demand too much

Vasquez... Yes My first choice.. protect Luck

Spencer.. Yes Dallas is upside down in Cap

add... Slauson OG (RG) Jets.. they are upside down in Cap

add.. Laron Landry S Jets*** if he doesn't want to much

ad William Moore Atlanta

Love to get beaty, but don't think we can afford him

My Picks.



3.Goldson / Moore.. I think he will be cheaper than Landry and probably Goldson

4. Spencer *** get him

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I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but I don't think we could afford the 5 free agents you want.


Other might think my guesstimates are wrong,  but this is what I think it would cost to get those 5 players...


-- Beatty     $7-8 Mill per  (probably 8)

-- Vazquez $5-6 Mill per

-- Kruger    $7-8 Mill per

-- Shields   $6-7 Mill per

-- Goldson $6-7 Mill per


The low figure for the five players is $31 Mill.    The high figure is $36 Mill.


I'm guessing we need roughly $13-15 Mill to re-sign our own free agents.


I'm guessing we'll need roughly $4-5 Mill for our draft picks.


Then, we'll need $4-5 million to account for players we have under contract, who are scheduled to receive raises in 2013.  That's most players.   And I could easily be way, way off in this area.


I'm clearly ball parking many of these figures.   But I think we'll be over the roughly $46-47 Mill we have to spend.   And very few teams spend all of their available money.   Some spend pretty close to it,  others don't.    The new CBA says we have to spend roughly 90% of the roughly $120 Mill.     So, something near to $110 Mill I think is the floor.


Sorry.....   this went longer than I planned.....    but once I got started....     I.   Just.    Couldn't.     Stop!!!


My bad.   




Im not sure Beatty is a 7-8 million dollar a yr. guy. Thats elite LT pay almost and I don't think Beatty is elite.


I would go for Bushrod over Beatty anyway and I think he could be had for 6 million a yr.

Vasquez shouldn't demand 5 or 6 million either. He's due for a nice raise but guards just don't get that much money. I would think we could get him for 3 or 4 million per.


If somebody want to give Kruger 7-8 million per, then they can have him because he isn't worth that. He's a nice player but not that nice.


I would agree with your estimate on Goldson and Shields.


Of course this all depends on whether other teams are willing to overpay for any of these guys. The bad part is, there usually are teams that are willing to overpay.

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Im not sure Beatty is a 7-8 million dollar a yr. guy. Thats elite LT pay almost and I don't think Beatty is elite.


I would go for Bushrod over Beatty anyway and I think he could be had for 6 million a yr.

Vasquez shouldn't demand 5 or 6 million either. He's due for a nice raise but guards just don't get that much money. I would think we could get him for 3 or 4 million per.


If somebody want to give Kruger 7-8 million per, then they can have him because he isn't worth that. He's a nice player but not that nice.


I would agree with your estimate on Goldson and Shields.


Of course this all depends on whether other teams are willing to overpay for any of these guys. The bad part is, there usually are teams that are willing to overpay.



I don't think Beatty is elite either,  but I think $7-8 is well below elite pay for a Left Tackle.


Clardy was offered more than $10 Mill per year x 5 years.   Turned it down.   Long was making $10 Mill +...   so is Joe Thomas.


I think $7-8 Mill is the next level down.    I think Bushrod will be in the same boat as Beatty.    He's got Brees' blind side.


Some of what may determine who we buy at tackle (IF we buy a tackle)  is...   which spot are we getting him for?   The right side?  or the left?    


I think Vazquez gets that amount based on supply and demand.   I think he and the kid from Buffalo are the two best, they'll get a good price.   Nicks and Grubbs got roughly $7-8 Mill per year last year.    Vazquez/Buffalo aren't that caliber,  but I think they'll get a mid-level price...


I was hoping Kruger would be mid-level.   But with the flood of sacks he's recorded in the 2nd half of the season,  his price just went up.    Barwin will be cheaper,  but he's only had one good season.   The rest are OK to pretty good.   Love Spencer, but he's already 29.   Was trying to stay as young as possible.


Will be interesting to see what information surfaces over the next two months leading up to the FA signing period. 


Fun times for personnel junkies like us...!      :thmup:

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I don't think Beatty is elite either,  but I think $7-8 is well below elite pay for a Left Tackle.


Clardy was offered more than $10 Mill per year x 5 years.   Turned it down.   Long was making $10 Mill +...   so is Joe Thomas.


I think $7-8 Mill is the next level down.    I think Bushrod will be in the same boat as Beatty.    He's got Brees' blind side.


Some of what may determine who we buy at tackle (IF we buy a tackle)  is...   which spot are we getting him for?   The right side?  or the left?    


I think Vazquez gets that amount based on supply and demand.   I think he and the kid from Buffalo are the two best, they'll get a good price.   Nicks and Grubbs got roughly $7-8 Mill per year last year.    Vazquez/Buffalo aren't that caliber,  but I think they'll get a mid-level price...


I was hoping Kruger would be mid-level.   But with the flood of sacks he's recorded in the 2nd half of the season,  his price just went up.    Barwin will be cheaper,  but he's only had one good season.   The rest are OK to pretty good.   Love Spencer, but he's already 29.   Was trying to stay as young as possible.


Will be interesting to see what information surfaces over the next two months leading up to the FA signing period. 


Fun times for personnel junkies like us...!      :thmup:




I don't know why, but I was thinking Bushrod was playing RT, but your right, he's the LT. That very well could raise his salary level.


We could then move on to Phil Loadholt for the right side, he may come cheaper. IMO, we need to get somebody for the RT spot if we get a tackle at all. I honestly don't think RT is a huge priority if we could get 2 very good guards.


 I would take Conner Barwin in a second flat if we could get him at a cheaper price than Kruger or Spencer.

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Realistical  Rosters i Can Mr Grigson putting together


  Steve Smith ( STL)                                               Long  Warford   Satele   Levitre  Costsanzo   Allen           Hilton               Wayne


                                                                                                Luck    Ballard







                                                                                         Redding  Richardson  Chapmen

                                                                        Robert Mathis    Jerrell Freeman  Pat Angerer   Connor Barwin

                                                         FS Bethea     CB1  Vontae Davis       CB2  Jerraud Powers / Tracey Porter  SS   Yerimah Bell  

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Everyone here is saying through FA we need to upgrade the line, which is absolutly right. The problem is offensive lines who are good usually don't make it to FA. Grimes and Nicks were outliers last year, and got paide huge salaries, and they deserved them.


The other problem, when you look at other good teams, Packers, Bears, the number one priority for both is offensive linemen. Now Chicago has had the problem for years and not addressed it, but I am guessing with Rogers, like Luck getting roughed up, this is going to be their number one priority.


So put a dearth of quality linemen in FA with the competition we will be up against, and we will just have to hope Pagono and Grigs can do the best sales job!

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