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Everything posted by IinD

  1. He's probably busy making kids so he's out.
  2. Wow rough situation. He was obviously a smart dude if he attended Notre Dame so it's just sad all around.
  3. If he stays healthy I'll say maybe about the same. He's not too big of a guy so I could easily see him getting hurt unfortunately.
  4. Always smooth sailing when it comes to the Colts QB job... Lol
  5. Greatest show on questionable turf.
  6. I bet he's definitely going to need surgery. I'm already preparing myself for the news. This sucks for us honestly. Big injury for your first season in the league.
  7. Sucks how he looked like he couldn't do squat with that arm afterwards.
  8. Yeah I don't think these reports mean much. He could have torn stuff in/around the joint. We need that MRI. This sucks.
  9. I love how pathetic they look. It's beautiful.
  10. Love AR but man these injuries piling up are going to drive us nuts.
  11. You could clearly see it. He couldn't push his foot downward. Sucks.
  12. I could see anything from a convincing win to getting beat down and everything in between.. Lol
  13. C'mon now 4 games is all you need to see? I mean I get it but we aren't winning anything this year so I'm fine with him working his way back from a big injury. I'm not saying I know he's great and he's back, simply how about half a year, maybe three quarters to see if he gets back to himself. I totally get moving on after the season I just hate the talk about he's toast already.
  14. Sept 10 first game if you wanna be technical, but I meant we're literally one day into October and he's getting killed by fans already. The race for I TOLD YOU SO BRO is in full affect around here... Lol.
  15. How they missed that facemask pull is beyond me...
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