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    Family is the 1st ever family to receive Colts season tickets back in 1984! Got proof! Been a STH ever since!

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  1. He kinda reminds me a little of Jim McMahon. Both are/were a little different personality wise, but both could be kinda firey! JM had a better team around him ofcourse that carried him, but I can see some similarities with GMs game. GM just needs the better team around him!
  2. Yup!!! Every Colts fan knew Frank was gonna Frank against us! Unfortunately, Belichick will probably Belichick against us in Germany next weekend even though he’s having a bad year🙄! But would absolutely love a Colts W against the Cheaters that would force Crooked Kraft to make an immediate head coaching change!
  3. Workin so only able to listen to radio broadcast! Heard Shaqs name mentioned only once! Was he as bad as he recently has been?
  4. If Warshington is having a fire sell, Ballard needs to do whatever he can to bring Scary Terry home!
  5. So…where’s the post game Gif thread??? I guess theres just too much negativity after this loss? 🤷🏻‍♂️ So, I guess I will post a gif here to describe the loss!…
  6. Maybe its not Ballard, maybe it’s his scouting department? From Morocco Brown to Ed Dodds and all other scouts! This is where the problem lies!
  7. We gotta lot of catching up to do with Jax and Hou picking in the top 5 for the last decade or 2!
  8. Is there any real Bosa/Watt/Hutchinson type of pass rusher in this upcoming draft? We need one of those types, if not we need every pick to be WRs and DBs!
  9. Just tryin to spitball here! Any change is better than what they are putting on the field!
  10. Colts may need to start playing 2way players! Put Pitt/Pierce at db! This secondary is embarrassing!
  11. Question is…Should we use an early draft pick next year for the backup qb spot? Penix maybe!?
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