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Brown Could Have Had More


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My man Donald Brown ran for 161 yards//but he should have had more,, ,right..

There was a play in the second quarter where he broke through a hole on the right side and he stumbled an fell down on his own.....He was running free...maybe a TD

There was another play where they lined Brown up as a wide receiver (which I'd been hoping for) but Orlovsky keep looking at him and the Titans got wind of the fact that '31' isnt supposed to be split wide.

Orlovsky threw him the ball on the 'bubble screen' and Tennessee smothered it...

If you run that play with no huddle and early in the play clock....

It probably goes.

..I know. I know. Baby steps.

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You cant play this game.

If so-so came off his block in the 4th qt Brown wouldn't have had an 80yd run

If so-so sealed the left side in the 2nd Brown could have gained 10 more yds

If so-so didnt get turned around he coulda stopped Brown for a loss in the backfield in the 3rd

etc etc..

Its a never ending game if you want to get into the 'woulda coulda shoulda'. It works both ways. On offensive and defensive players. To many variables and factors on any given play.

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You cant play this game.

If so-so came off his block in the 4th qt Brown wouldn't have had an 80yd run

If so-so sealed the left side in the 2nd Brown could have gained 10 more yds

If so-so didnt get turned around he coulda stopped Brown for a loss in the backfield in the 3rd

etc etc..

Its a never ending game if you want to get into the 'woulda coulda shoulda'. It works both ways. On offensive and defensive players. To many variables and factors on any given play.

True..esepcially on the 80-yard run..

But, to me, its like errors in baseball..what play should have been made given average effort and skill

...He broke free and he fell down, Trav...

Come on....He fell down./

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He could have had less too.

But he didn't. What he had a really good game which is to be expected now and again from a 3rd year 1st round draft pick. If he continues to have games like this and continues producing, all the talk about him being a bust will stop.

He's shown he can do it. What he needs to show now is that he can consistantly do it (producing that is, I'm not expecting a buck sixty every week.)

I hope he does, because a consistant running game will pay huge dividends for a long time to come.

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DB has been really solid all year since he started playing (and I've been saying that). However, he is still not getting enough touches. He would average over 100 scrimmage yards per game if we were giving him 20 touches each week. Despite all the Polian haters (I'm not a backer but not a hater either) wanting to keep driving the point home, he is not a bust. I think the Colts misjudged how his ability fits our system, but now that we have tweaked the blocking scheme since Mudd left and DB has matured, the two are starting to mesh. DB is going to have a very nice year next year and should be the Colts' #1 RB heading into the season.

On topic--I don't like the should of had more argument. He broke two huge plays, and averaged 5.7 yards a carry in his other 14 rushes. He is averaging 4.8 yards per attempt on the year. Give the man the rock. Enough said.

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