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Parcells regrets leaving the Patriots


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Yeah, I agree. I will forever love Parcells for what he did in terms of getting the Pats on the map with Bledsoe but I give him the lion share of the blame for his departure. Not to mention the fact he did the same thing to the Jets and Cowboys but I guess he does not regret leaving them because they did not go on to win three SBs and become a dynasty. He,he.


I also don't think the Pats draft Brady if he is there but then again no Pete Carrol years either. He was the only one that could seem to get Bledsoe to play well but still happy we got Belichick.

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Yeah true..we may not have gotten Brady with Parcells.


But She (Terry Glenn) would have excelled under Parcells:)


I believe we would have won a SB or two with him. The fight was with Kraft on who bought the groceries which ironically BB does now anyway.

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Yeah true..we may not have gotten Brady with Parcells.


But She (Terry Glenn) would have excelled under Parcells:)


I believe we would have won a SB or two with him. The fight was with Kraft on who bought the groceries which ironically BB does now anyway.

No SB with Bledsoe. He hated Glenn.

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Interesting. His departure was more about egos than anything else. And to boot, he had to go and take Curtis Martin with him a year later!


Kraft also is on record as saying that he learned his lesson from how things went down with Parcells. The Krafts still have input on personnel matters but as everyone knows they handed Belichick the keys to the castle when he walked in the door.


Like AM said though, Kraft and Parcells are the two main reasons they're not the St. Louis Patriots. For that I'll always be grateful!

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No SB with Bledsoe. He hated Glenn.

Terry Glen did pretty good under Parcells in Dallas.


I can't help but think he would have the Patriots win a SB. Heck he was only one KO TD away in 97. Plus the Packers were pretty much destined.

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I always remember this part from "The Education Of A Coach" by David Halberstram. David more or less created the unflattering impression that Bill Parcells was a bully, an intimidator, a NY Giants HC that governed through fear & demeaning tactics. Bill Parcells was verbally abuse toward his players pouring trash on the floor & saying "That's all you are. Garbage!" This is how Bill Parcells treated a lackluster defense in the early 1990's. Hazing & cruel sarcasm is not the right way to lead & inspire men IMO. 


I respect Bill Belichick; I do not respect Bill Parcells. I remember when "A Football Life" featured Bill Belichick & he talked about his NY DC days & Bellichick said to Parcells "What do you want me to tweak on defense?" Bill roars back in defiance: Just fix the defense darn it!" Sigh...Bill Parcells is no leader of men at all. He sucks at it actually & without Bellichick's keen defensive mind & Lawrence Taylor Bill Parcells would be no 2 time SB Champion or HOF NFL inductee. 


The other that I always remember is that in Dallas, Miami, & with the Jets Bill Parcells relied on GM Ron Wolf, who was instrumental in bringing a SB to Lambeau Field in Green Bay with Brett Favre's 1996 SB, Bill Parcells could not judge athletic talent effectively & he was a horrible HC motivator. Now, if you suck at picking talent or leading men, why are you about to get approved into the NFL HOF in Canton, Ohio? 

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WR now ESPN NFL analyst Keyshawn Johnson always loves to call Bill Parcells "a wizard." What a joke.  :funny:  :lol:  :facepalm:  If Bill Parcells is a wizard then I'm a multi-billionaire too. 


He reminds me of Mickey Mouse in the original film "Fantasia." An apprentice who thinks he's just as skilled as his master sorcerer. But sadly, Bill Parcells will never be in the same league as a true genius Bill Belichick JMO. If it were up to me, this arrogant person would never be a member of the HOF.



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I wonder if you asked Bill Bellichick who would he be more likely to bury the hatchet 1st? Eric Mangini or Bill Parcells? The Grey Hoodie won SB rings with both men, but who is a better X's & O's guru/team player/cerebral mastermind? I have a feeling that Bill Parcells was a colossal, know it all jerk vs. Eric Mangini who committed the ultimate betrayal of loyalty, but who was a brilliant dissector of film study NFL vulnerabilities...


Eric Mangini will get the 49ers over the hump & hoisting this above their heads very soon.... :lombardi:  Bill Parcells could never win a SB with a superb DC or top notch GM loading his team roster with supreme talent. I sincerely believe that too. 


As the years fly by, my respect for Bill Bellichick proliferates vs Bill Parcells which plummets like a F-16 jet in a death spiral right before the pilot hits the ejection button. Boom!  :Nuke:

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"I was absolutely too headstrong. And he might have been a little headstrong, too. I think both Kraft and myself, retrospectively, would have done things a little differently."


Too little. Too late Mr. "You are what your record says you are."


You are remembered for your demeanor & how you treat the people around you too Bill Parcells. Self reflection is a good thing except when attempts to rewrite & revise your NFL legacy are self serving & dripping with self indulgence. Humility was never your strong suit Bill Parcells. Just shut up, go away, & tell that crap to someone who cares & actually believes you & gives a darn. Thank you. There SW1 has spoken his peace on this matter. 


You didn't even apologize to the right person & get down on your hands & knees & thank Bill Bellichick for getting those 2 NY Giants SB rings you fool...Sigh...Until you do that Parcells, you are nothing to me period...

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I always remember this part from "The Education Of A Coach" by David Halberstram. David more or less created the unflattering impression that Bill Parcells was a bully, an intimidator, a NY Giants HC that governed through fear & demeaning tactics. Bill Parcells was verbally abuse toward his players pouring trash on the floor & saying "That's all you are. Garbage!" This is how Bill Parcells treated a lackluster defense in the early 1990's. Hazing & cruel sarcasm is not the right way to lead & inspire men IMO. 


I respect Bill Belichick; I do not respect Bill Parcells. I remember when "A Football Life" featured Bill Belichick & he talked about his NY DC days & Bellichick said to Parcells "What do you want me to tweak on defense?" Bill roars back in defiance: Just fix the defense darn it!" Sigh...Bill Parcells is no leader of men at all. He sucks at it actually & without Bellichick's keen defensive mind & Lawrence Taylor Bill Parcells would be no 2 time SB Champion or HOF NFL inductee. 


The other that I always remember is that in Dallas, Miami, & with the Jets Bill Parcells relied on GM Ron Wolf, who was instrumental in bringing a SB to Lambeau Field in Green Bay with Brett Favre's 1996 SB, Bill Parcells could not judge athletic talent effectively & he was a horrible HC motivator. Now, if you suck at picking talent or leading men, why are you about to get approved into the NFL HOF in Canton, Ohio?

Great post. Without BP the Pats are a much, much different franchise today. I loved the "Football Life" reference. BB showed respect for the places he'd been, people he'd worked with and the history of the game. It was genuine. He has great respect around the league for good reason.

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I often wonder what it would have been like if Bill Belichick was the HC of the Patriots in 1996. Take away that Desmond Howard return 99 yards for a touchdown & maybe the legend of Brett Favre never gets born & The Grey Hoodie mystique starts ahead of schedule...


Bill Parcells does deserve some credit for hiring Bill Bellichick. But, it's just stupidity to think that any other DC would have directly responsible for winning Lombardi trophies. I just wish "the [amateur,] Mickey Mouse wizard would admit that publicly that's all. 


If someone saves my bacon & I ride their coat tails to fame, fortune, & glory, at least SW1 has the intestinal fortitude to admit it...

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Parcell's fear tactics while not relevant to normal business is effective in football much like a drill sergeant in the military.

You have to have discipline. Parcells has it loud, Belichick has it quiet but still has discipline. In a way BB rules with a quiet fear. You don't want Belichick giving you that look or with Parcels calling you a name.


Parcels telling BB to fix the defense doesn't seem bad on the surface. He's being the general and saying fix it I don't care how you do it which gives BB the freedom to do what he wants. But you are right it was BB's defense that made the Giants good...still it was Parcels who pulled it all together.

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Parcell's fear tactics while not relevant to normal business is effective in football much like a drill sergeant in the military.

You have to have discipline. Parcells has it loud, Belichick has it quiet but still has discipline. In a way BB rules with a quiet fear. You don't want Belichick giving you that look or with Parcels calling you a name.


Parcles telling BB to fix the defense doesn't seem bad on the surface. He's being the general and saying fix it I don't care how you do it which gives BB the freedom to do what he wants. But you are right it was BB's defense that made the Giants good...still it was Parcels who pulled it all together.

I have no problem with discipline JJ, but that's the problem constant humilitation builds resentment & gets drill sergeants killed by their troops before they even fight in battle or hit the field. Bill Parcells held nothing together. 1 trick ponies do not accomplish greatness; they just bloviate endlessly & take sole credit for victories they never achieved alone. JMO.


NY Giants won 2 SBs for 2 reasons: Lawrence Taylor & Bill Belichick...Who are we kidding here?  haha  And if Bill Parcells was so great, why did he allow Taylor's drug habit to continue & the defiance of rule breaking to the rest of the staff? Yeah sure, bang up leadership there Bill Parcells.  :lol:  :funny:  lmao

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Great post. Without BP the Pats are a much, much different franchise today. I loved the "Football Life" reference. BB showed respect for the places he'd been, people he'd worked with and the history of the game. It was genuine. He has great respect around the league for good reason.

Thank you TAPLOOK! I ran out of likes. I will come back here tomorrow & give you another like when the system gets me a new set of likes. Exactly, Bill's brilliance has been earned & is easily witnessed by players & peers alike. 


I love what he said to Brady "People don't retire there [in NY] they die.lmao  LOL!  rotflmao

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Parcell's fear tactics while not relevant to normal business is effective in football much like a drill sergeant in the military.

You have to have discipline. Parcells has it loud, Belichick has it quiet but still has discipline. In a way BB rules with a quiet fear. You don't want Belichick giving you that look or with Parcels calling you a name.


Parcels telling BB to fix the defense doesn't seem bad on the surface. He's being the general and saying fix it I don't care how you do it which gives BB the freedom to do what he wants. But you are right it was BB's defense that made the Giants good...still it was Parcels who pulled it all together.

I don't think that Pacells kind of shtick works anymore. Seems to me BB is just very matter of fact without being a an over bearing d bag like Parcells.

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I don't think that Pacells kind of shtick works anymore. Seems to me BB is just very matter of fact without being a an over bearing d bag like Parcells.

I will admit that sometimes during sideline adjustments NFL HCs do yell at their defense to get their "head out of their caboose" & make tackles especially on 3rd down & long BOTT. Yes, sometimes coaches in this league must crack the whip & be unpleasant in order to win. I get that. Time constraints particularly during the 4th quarter force coaches to shout their point across. No problem.


Concentration does waver sometimes, but I don't think Bellichick is "an overbearing d bag." True, I am not in film study meetings so I have no concrete proof of this. I will admit that. But, I will say that Bill Bellichick is a genuine teacher explaining why a specific tactic is always done in a certain way. Once you understand why something is done then you are more likely to execute it automatically & win games & with each victory you get closer to the SB. "Knowledge is power." Bellichick knows this & he has 3 rings to validate his philosophy. JMO.

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I don't think that Pacells kind of shtick works anymore. Seems to me BB is just very matter of fact without being a an over bearing d bag like Parcells.

I don't know about that. The business world might be all PC now but I don't think football has caught up.


There is no question Parcells got players to play. Terry Glenn is one example. Pete Caroll couldn't handle him. He's too nice which is probably one reason he might not win a SB despite getting close.

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I don't know about that. The business world might be all PC now but I don't think football has caught up.


There is no question Parcells got players to play. Terry Glenn is one example. Pete Caroll couldn't handle him. He's too nice which is probably one reason he might not win a SB despite getting close.

True but Parcells had guys in the dog house too and never got anything out of them. Troy Brown was cut several times under him. He had his guys and everyone knew it. His coaching style was unique but effective.

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I will admit that sometimes during sideline adjustments NFL HCs do yell at their defense to get their "head out of their caboose" & make tackles especially on 3rd down & long BOTT. Yes, sometimes coaches in this league must crack the whip & be unpleasant in order to win. I get that. Time constraints particularly during the 4th quarter force coaches to shout their point across. No problem.


Concentration does waver sometimes, but I don't think Bellichick is "an overbearing d bag." True, I am not in film study meetings so I have no concrete proof of this. I will admit that. But, I will say that Bill Bellichick is a genuine teacher explaining why a specific tactic is always done in a certain way. Once you understand why something is done then you are more likely to execute it automatically & win games & with each victory you get closer to the SB. "Knowledge is power." Bellichick knows this & he has 3 rings to validate his philosophy. JMO.

I can tell you the players are scared to go into the meeting room Monday after a loss where they screw'd up. Bill won't yell..he just has that look. Still the players do respect him because they know he WILL put them into position to win. Whether they do or not is up to them but they are prepared under Bill.


His teaching is very good imo. He often teaches by asking players a question rather than tell them.


Example: (BB in camp with the D line)


BB: 1st and goal on the one yard line, what do you do?

D line: Try to stop them?

BB: What is half the distance to the goal line?

D line: um..uh...1/2 yard

BB: right. So get a jump on the ball. If the refs see it's off sides and  we lose a 1/2 yard.

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You know I miss Parcells. I loved his press conferences. Wonderful theater and just so funny. I loved when he was called the Big Tuna here in Boston. :D

yup. The only press conferences worth watching.


BB has to be the worst.

"It is what it is"

"We'll see" 

"they were the better team"

"they made more plays than us"


rinse and repeat lol

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yup. The only press conferences worth watching.


BB has to be the worst.

"It is what it is"

"We'll see" 

"they were the better team"

"they made more plays than us"


rinse and repeat lol

I think Bill has grown on me. I like watching just to see how he will duck and avoid. It is harder to do than you think. He is a master. But I do wish as a fan he would give us something every once in awhile.

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You know I miss Parcells. I loved his press conferences. Wonderful theater and just so funny. I loved when he was called the Big Tuna here in Boston. :D

You do present a an intriguing point amfootball. Press conference wise Bill Parcells loved to talk & entertain the press vs. Bill Bellichick who hated the media, viewed them primarily as the enemy on a strictly need to know basis. I always prefer the smart as a tack, silent type. It appeals to my cloak & dagger, espionage persona. Guys that walk softly but carry a big stick. 

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yup. The only press conferences worth watching.


BB has to be the worst.

"It is what it is"

"We'll see" 

"they were the better team"

"they made more plays than us"


rinse and repeat lol

I used to hate BB press conferences. Now, I love em. If you ask him a relevant football question that took some thought & detailed research, BB will give the reporter an elaborate more than 1 word response. I've seen him do it. It's so rare, it blows you away when he actually does it. I saw him do this on a Dwight Freeney & Robert Mathis question once when Peyton Manning was out for the year.


It ticked Bill off when the press made it seemed the Colts would be an easy victory. "You think facing 2 of the best pass rushers in this league is easy? Then BB gave that look. The kind my dad always gave me when I stepped over the line & he was about to kick my caboose. Choose your next words very carefully if you know what's good for Ya.  haha


Samuel L. Jackson the actor has that same look too when he gets upset...like looking over his glasses right threw you similar to steeping on your grandma's last nerve. The volcano's about to erupt. Do yourself a favor. Backup slowly & be prepared to run as fast as your legs will carry you like a jack rabbit on speed.

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They just do not make them like Knight, Parcells, Bryant, Bo, Holtz...       anymore.      The PC world we live in now would simply not allow for it .     Kids deep down crave discipline, I believe that.       But sadly in today's world little Johnny never does anything wrong and EVERYONE gets a trophy.      


SOFT ......     


Adversity builds character, and hardcore blood and guts coaches tore a player down to build them right back up.     The majority of today's athletes are simply spoiled and entitled.    Parents are a large reason for this also.


Anyone ever been to a youth soccer game or an AAU BB game?    It is truly pathetic the way parents act sometimes.


Ok..   I'm jumping off my soap box... 

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I think Bill has grown on me. I like watching just to see how he will duck and avoid. It is harder to do than you think. He is a master. But I do wish as a fan he would give us something every once in awhile.

I do agree 100% amfootball & JJ that being a reporter in Foxboro/Gillette Stadium has got to be the toughest journalistic assignment on the planet. How do you write a weekly column when BB tells you nothing new or spews the same monkey & cymbal show every NE fan could recite by heart now? Empty calories sounds good initially, but you can't live on wheat thins, water, & air forever now can Ya? I sympathize fellas; I truly do...

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IMO Parcells is the best coach the NFL has EVER seen.   I think he was just that one GREAT QB away from being a unanimous choice as GOAT.   I always wished the Tuna would some day coach Indy but it never happened.

Bill Parcells in INDY...Let me ponder that for minute John...Okay, if it means we get to skip the Jim Caldwell head coaching experiment in 2009 with poor sideline adjustments & insert the Tuna I'm game for it. If we could go back in time & change things I'd be open to trying that Tuna test run I guess. 


To be fair to Bill Parcells, he was very aware of how wind, snow, & rain [external conditions] can affect the outcome of an NFL game especially as November & December rolled around. I doubt that Parcells was the 1st HC to do this, but he did seem to mainstream weather awareness as a TV broadcasting tool as an analysis mechanism that few pundits seemed to mention prior to him doing it anyway. 


Like I said before, just admit Bellichick's instrumental role in winning your 2 SB rings. Something tells me Bill Polian will be his Canton presenter or Ron Wolf before BB was ever asked myself... QB Phil Simms I could see that too actually...

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I used to hate BB press conferences. Now, I love em. If you ask him a relevant football question that took some thought & detailed research, BB will give the reporter an elaborate more than 1 word response. I've seen him do it. It's so rare, it blows you away when he actually does it. I saw him do this on a Dwight Freeney & Robert Mathis question once when Peyton Manning was out for the year.


It ticked Bill off when the press made it seemed the Colts would be an easy victory. "You think facing 2 of the best pass rushers in this league is easy? Then BB gave that look. The kind my dad always gave me when I stepped over the line & he was about to kick my caboose. Choose your next words very carefully if you know what's good for Ya.  haha


Samuel L. Jackson the actor has that same look too when he gets upset...like looking over his glasses right threw you similar to steeping on your grandma's last nerve. The volcano's about to erupt. Do yourself a favor. Backup slowly & be prepared to run as fast as your legs will carry you like a jack rabbit on speed.

Oh yeah,  if you ask an actual football question he'll go on and on and you'll actually learn something. Occasionally you have to read between the lines.  He does a  belestator (telestator) here locally each week after a game and breaks down about 4 plays. It's quite interesting and almost always opposite of that you thought you saw on TV Sunday.

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They just do not make them like Knight, Parcells, Bryant, Bo, Holtz...       anymore.      The PC world we live in now would simply not allow for it .     Kids deep down crave discipline, I believe that.       But sadly in today's world little Johnny never does anything wrong and EVERYONE gets a trophy.     


SOFT ......     


Adversity builds character, and hardcore blood and guts coaches tore a player down to build them right back up.     The majority of today's athletes are simply spoiled and entitled.    Parents are a large reason for this also.


Anyone ever been to a youth soccer game or an AAU BB game?    It is truly pathetic the way parents act sometimes.


Ok..   I'm jumping off my soap box... 

Another great post John! Coaches who speak their minds or whatever mood strikes them at any given press conference scares the crap out of TV broadcasters & some owners that can't control their coaches or have coaches more popular than them. I enjoy unpredictability actually. That's why I love Bob Knight. "Let me tell you something chuck...Bury me upside down so all the critics can kiss my caboose!"  :thmup:  Part of me will always love Coach Knight for that. Giving honest answers. So rare these days. 


Yes, sadly too many professional athletes think the are already stars in their own minds without having to put in the hardwork every off season. Comedian George Carlin has a great comedy routine about that rewarding everybody for medicrody & refusing to showcase genuine athletic talent or true musical gifts. Not everybody gets a blue ribbon just for participating.   :facepalm:  Well said John! 

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Oh yeah,  if you ask an actual football question he'll go on and on and you'll actually learn something. Occasionally you have to read between the lines.  He does a  belestator (telestator) here locally each week after a game and breaks down about 4 plays. It's quite interesting and almost always opposite of that you thought you saw on TV Sunday.

I gotta start watching BB breakdown plays on the NE site. Maybe my football I.Q. will increase. Hey man, I'm smarter than former WR Chad Johnson.  haha I'd love to see a booth analysis of a play on TV followed by BB's interpretation. I have a feeling that they seldom match up commentary wise TV talent vs HC. I do like Phil Simms though. I could never be too harsh on Phil JJ. I love the guy. But, I'd like to witness this dry wit from BB I always hear so much about 1st hand though. Gotta be in the inner circle to see that I think... 

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Its on local TV but I'm sure the internet too. I'll check.


I like Phil the best also.  Another guy who is good football wise but most don't like for the wrong reasons is Collingsworth. He can spot the plays live.

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