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Colts interested in OT Jake Long

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is pass blocking more important? was it more important when we couldnt even get 1 yard on the patriots in 4 tries? dont kid yourself. Pass blocking is where its at but without a run game your pass game will not be at its full potential. Im not trying to argue with you, i could give 2 %s about joe thomas. hes with the browns. Jake Long is a FA and the best LT available. there ya go sound better? dont get all butthurt n look up stats on me, chill.


Since Edge left, our running game has sucked. Yet, we somwhow went to two superbowls since then, too.  Passin game has evolved. Running backs are running more screens than ever these days. Everyones talking about it, man, where ya been? Running backs arent saught after anymore like they used to be. There is no #1 back anymore. Peyton Manning changed all of that.

Notice wht Fullbacks are a rarity anymore? because Brady, Manning, Brees, Stafford, all them guys have no-name running backs because they really dont need them. Most QBs coming into the league are either runners themselves or Pure pocket passers that run an offense with heavy emphasis on passing. The running game is just NOT a priority anymore.

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