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Status Updates posted by SOMDColtsfan

  1. Icy morning here in southern MD, supposed to clear out of here by 10 a.m. or so..come on sunshine!

    1. Gramz


      we're in the 40's here.

      Supposed to be 60 by Tomorrow

      Bring it on.....!!! Hope you get your sunshine :)

    2. BrentMc11


      48 here in Indy: 60s will bring 2-3 inches of rain and flooding Tuesday night. Rain Wednesday....temps dropping from 50s down to 20....then highs the next two days in the 20s....URRGH...Thunderstorms may rip through Tuesday into Wednesday...major cold front.

  2. Colts cheerleader Breanna represented very well at Pro Bowl opening ceremonies!! Smokin!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BrentMc11


      After further review....100GFB has a date to next year's Pro Bowl (Said Guns Hochuli)

    3. southwest1


      Are mascot heads considered carry on luggage? Are they deemed a passenger's 1 piece of luggage that airplane companies don't charge extra for if that is what a person does for a living? I've always wondered about that.

    4. alawai


      Wonder no more because I've got the answer! If you book your travel with me I'll waive the airline carry-on fee. I hope sea sickness is not a problem.

  3. ughh..the offseason blues!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. shecolt


      It is sad that the blogs don't receive more attention, but I do enjoy the status updates which were not a part of MyColts. I have an idea or two for some threads that I may start in the misc forums after the SB. Hopefully, my idea(s) will be good ones that will prompt some of you to post and help us get through the long off season while also getting to know one another better.

    3. BrentMc11


      SOMDColtsfan: We have racing coming here in a couple of weeks....lots of free agency and draft here.

      I love the intensity of this forum now....but still wish it was more 'friendly' for lack of a better word. I know I can be as bad as anybody, but never was on Colts Direct....I admit it is more fun when we joke and have fun.

    4. BrentMc11


      ...and love the status updates. We used to do two or three statuses a day.... maybe that would help us all :)

  4. So happy to be wrong! Predicted a 10-6 season and had an 11-5! So proud of the Colts!!

    1. BrentMc11


      I predicted 6-10...so I am ecstatic!!!!

  5. Merry Christmas Colts fans!

  6. Bring on the Texans!

  7. C-O-L-T-S!! Way to go Colts! We believe in blue!

    1. southwest1


      I believe in the Blue Horseshoe too SOMDColtsfan. Very Nice Squad we are quietly building in INDY!

  8. Watched "A Football Life- Chris Spielman", that is one heck of a man is all I can say..somebody you`d want your daughter to marry

    1. Gramz


      We watched that too. Awesome story, Great Man.

  9. The winds of hurricane Sandy are howling as night falls here.Crazy sounding out there!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BrentMc11


      Your friends are thinking of you SOMDCColtsfan!!

    3. SOMDColtsfan


      Thanks again! Wasn`t nearly as bad as could have been here, so the prayers worked!

    4. Coltsince4


      Well that's great to hear, I know a lot of people up there are going through a lot, my thoughts

      and prayers are with you guys. Believe me, I know what it is like, I'm from Katrina country,

      I know.

  10. Hope everyone`s having a great weekend, Colts football tomorrow!

    1. BrentMc11


      Colts football.....and I may need to switch and see some 'Degga' The big one just around the bend.

  11. Had the worst morning..blew a tire in the welding truck, no way to jack that heavy sucker up. Had to limp it to the nearest tire store. Wound up getting 4 new rear tires,didnt want to chance riding on a ticking time bomb, set me back over a grand. Always something!..lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. T Y Goodbye

      T Y Goodbye

      glad you're ok...blow outs aren't fun..esp if you're on a highway.

    3. shecolt


      What a bummer! I'm also happy that you are okay even though your wallet sounds somewhat ill.

    4. SOMDColtsfan


      Thanks! It was a rear tire, sooo much better than a front tire blowing out! Good thing is atleast I`ve been busy with work so didnt hurt as bad financially as when things are slow, and know I`m good to go for a couple years

  12. Congrats to local racer and friend Jamie "the Jet" Lathroum for his big win in the Lucas Oil Latemodel sanctioned race at VMS on Saturday night. He beat some of the best racers in the country!

    1. BrentMc11


      Someone to watch for? Congratulations to the 'jet.'

    2. SOMDColtsfan


      He won a World of Outlaws late model race a couple years ago and had a couple top 10 finishes in some others. He finally put it all together last Saturday night and scored a $20,000 to win race. Been watching him race since he was a kid in go-carts, doesn`t race for a living, just a weekend warrior who can really wheel a car! Thanks Brent!

    3. BrentMc11


      A big thumbs up....need sponsorship...PM me! Lets go racing boys!!

  13. Gamedayyy! Yeah baby! Had a cold front come in last night and feels a little more like football, just in time! GO COLTS!

    1. BrentMc11


      It is sooooo fresh this AM.....screen doors open...unheard of this summer!! Enjoy the game, and we have the Chase ready for NASCAR too!

  14. Just got back from the Bristol,TN Nascar race. Met up with my in-laws and about 10 of their friends from Indy. Great race with great people!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SOMDColtsfan


      It was in some ways. 1 lane freight train but half car width from outside wall instead of on the bottom. Anybody that dared to duck under another car had better make the pass or were going to lose 5-6 spots. Nationwide race was the same way. Thats Bristol baby! as they say..lol

    3. BrentMc11


      Glad you had a great time!!

    4. SOMDColtsfan
  15. What deal are the Colts working on?.. the suspense is killing me!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BrentMc11


      I think Irsay and Grigs are smelling 7-9...and with help 9-7....I wonder...what if?????

    3. HungarianColtsFan


      I'm really curious about that signing, but seriously. That must be a big fish, Jim hasn't even tweeted anything to us 2day...

    4. BrentMc11


      If Jim is going to pay.....HMMMM.....

  16. First week of the new era is a wrap, really like the direction this years team is headed!

    1. BrentMc11


      I am with ya SOMDC!

  17. Tomorrows the big day, training camp is almost here!!

    1. southwest1


      Let's get this training camp party started. Every great journey begins with small steps of purpose, will, & determination 1 day at a time.

  18. Great day with the family! Celebrated my birthday which was Friday, new Luck jersey on the way!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BrentMc11


      We missed your birthday! Happy belated....good you could spend it with family!

    3. southwest1


      Happy Birthday SOMDColtsfan & enjoy your new LUCK jersey when it arrives too!

    4. SOMDColtsfan


      You guys and lady`s are the best! Thanks for your kindness!

  19. Our passports came today! Hope to go to Niagara Falls within the next couple weeks

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MIColtsFan


      enjoy, it's so pretty there

    3. SOMDColtsfan


      Thanks! If we get to ride the "Maiden of the Mist" I`ll stand there with my eyes closed thinking of all these hot days wearing my welding sleeves. Pure satisfaction!..lol

    4. MAC


      If the rain won't come to you.............

  20. Went to the dentist to have cavity filled this morning, grrr..jaws are still throbbing

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nadine


      I just got off the phone with the Dentist. Talking to him about my daughter who needs something. I really appreciate my dentist

    3. MIColtsFan


      sorry to hear that.. I love going to the dentist, some people go to the spa, I have my teeth cleaned, I just love it!

    4. BrentMc11


      The worst sound in the world is a dentist's drill....(maybe fingernails on a chalkboard?)

  21. This offseason has been going on for years it feels like. I`m ready for some cooler temps and Colts football!!

    1. BrentMc11


      Some rain on the way tomorrow....I am ready for Colt's football too. All of Colts Nation share that feeling.

  22. Had a great weekend with the family, spent most of it out fishing with my wife and daughter. Great times!

    1. MIColtsFan


      hope you caught lots! sounds nice

    2. BrentMc11


      That sounds like a fantastic way to spend Father's Day! Good for you!

  23. Working inside a concrete mixer drum replacing blades today. Yuck! Probably the job I hate doing the most in my line of work. Here we go!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MIColtsFan


      dirty jobs... will Mike Rowe be with you today? be safe!

    3. southwest1


      Working with cement can be very challenging especially if the mixture doesn't have the right consistency, spreads wrong, or dries too quickly. Good luck SOMDColtsfan.

    4. SOMDColtsfan


      Thanks! Its a long process.It takes me about a week to cut out the worn blades,fit the new ones and then weld it all up. It would just make too much sense for the company I contract this from to have it done in the winter where I can dress warm and be comfortable.It deserves to be on dirtiest jobs with Mike Rowe. Its is hot, dark and slippery- can never seem to get comfortable!

  24. Sponsored the races at our local dirt track this past weekend. My lovely wife from Indy would have made all Hoosiers proud by waving the green flag to start the feature races and handed out trophies.My daughter and I paced the field in my company truck as honorary pace truck, was a total family affair! We had a blast!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrentMc11


      Huge dirt fan....loop us!! Awesome you had that going on!!!!

    3. MIColtsFan


      sounds fun! nice family weekend, love those!

    4. Nadine


      that sounds really fun!

  25. Still working alot of hours, hopefully will be able to do some family vacations this summer..still making time to check on how "the monster" is coming along though! GO Colts!!

    1. Coltssouth


      Gonna' be a hot summer if spring weather is any indication. Caves sound like ideal vacation spots to me. :)

    2. BrentMc11


      I am feeling your pain SOMDCColtsfan. I remember the 13 yr shifts days and nights in 95 degrees and 20 below....glad to hear from you. You will be happy when those vacations come. Enjoy!!

    3. SOMDColtsfan


      Absolutely, thanks!

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