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Status Updates posted by SOMDColtsfan

  1. 46 years as a Colts fan, and 1 Super Bowl win to show for. What a love/hate relationship its been and now feels like we are just sinking back into the abyss. Gotta love it..

  2. Hope yesterdays game squashed the whole "gimme game" mentality on this forum but history probable proves not..

  3. Beautiful time of year. Stripers are schooling up in the Bay, leaves are changing colors here in southern MD along with "football weather" moving in and Colts vs Patriots this weekend! Life is good!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SOMDColtsfan


      Striped bass, rockfish = stripers lol head north to DC or Baltimore and never know what ya might find up there tho haha

    3. SOMDColtsfan


      Never seemed to phase Patty Mac, he swims year round in Indy Brent lol

    4. BrentMc11


      Yes he does...rain or shine :)

  4. Can I change my 9-7 record prediction now? My gut feeling said this team was over hyped and would regress this year but not to this point. Ugly ugly football..

    1. Nadine


      nope, no backsies

    2. SOMDColtsfan


      lol ok! Its sooo frustrating to watch! Quit tinkering with "gadgets", get back to "meat and potatoes" and play smash mouth football!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving! I`m thankful to have been introduced to Colts football some 35+ years ago and still going strong. #coltstrong!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. alawai


      I also turned blue because of "The Game".

    3. Coltsince4


      Awesome 100GFB

    4. southwest1


      Gotta love all this blue horseshoe devotion & longevity by diehard Colts fans that has no signs of slowing down or stopping.

  6. Another year another sorry defense. Frustrating..

  7. Nice sitting 4-2 and resting up today!

  8. So much for OTA verbage. Starting center wasnt even on the roster a week ago?

  9. One thing i`ve noticed on here, place as many "hahas" and emotiocons as possible followed up by a "sarcasm" in parenthesis after every comment you make to avoid having to write a novel about a 2 sentence comment you make

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. southwest1


      I use the symbols to let people know when I'm joking around in order to avoid confusion, misinterpretations, & possible suspensions. Gramz clued me into this usage & I am forever indebted to her personally for that. :)

    3. SOMDColtsfan


      Yeah, they definitely help. I`m learning.

      @Brent...nothing to really mention. WOO Latemodels rolled into town mid August, watched them at our local Potomac Speedway and then Wichester (VA) Speedway the next night. My inlaws did drive from Indy for those races. Went to the Nationwide Spring Richmond race and that's it on Nascar side. I like the K&N Series a lot, especially the East division. Kenzie Ruston #96 is one to keep an eye on. The girl can drive!

    4. BrentMc11


      I will keep an eye on Kenzie. There are some fast women out there these days...

      I love dirt!!! :)

  10. The early days of a great season in the works for the Colts!

  11. We have the best sports owner in the entire world! I received my $100 cash and a Colts hat for correctly answering a trivia question on Twitter on draft day. He paid out $100 to the 1st 100 correct responses. Thats $10,000 cash! Say what they want, Jim Irsay is a kind hearted fellow..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SOMDColtsfan


      Thanks. The question was "when have the Colts not had a pick in the 1st round of draft? '91, '04 and '08. Yes, hats off to Abby also. She/they are so awesome!

    3. BrentMc11


      Jim is a great owner and a good person. I am glad you won SOMDCfan.....we going to Brownstown Speedway? :)

    4. southwest1


      Way to put your Blue Horseshoe thinking cap on SOMDColtsfan! Yes, Jim Irsay is a darn good man with a very giving heart & personality. No doubt about it.

  12. Hang in there big Jim! Those are awful demons to fight alone so Colts nation has your back! Prayers for Jim Irsay..

    1. loudnproudcolt


      Thanks SOMDColtsfan! Nice to see a true fan of the Colts see someone in pain and going to get the help he needs. Could help save his life!

    2. SOMDColtsfan


      Absolutely loudnproud! We all travel different roads in different shoes. I know Jim Irsay has a big heart and loves his Colts organization/fans. Hope he can get through this, just needs our support

  13. Just spent a week in Jamaica. Most beautiful place i`ve ever been. Also the only "foreign"place i`ve ever been lol. First time i`ve ever flown also! I would go again tomorrrow if I had the chance and my biggest phobia in life...flying!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. New Zealands #1 Colts Fan

      New Zealands #1 Colts Fan

      If you want beautiful then you should visit New Zealand. Plus the people are friendly and wont rob you like i discovered in Jamaica

    3. SOMDColtsfan


      Actually, I never felt "threatened" in Jamaica. Driving around here near the city of D.C looking for parking I have though, lol. New Zealand would definitely be a place I`d love to visit. Plus we just got 6" of snow last night and here it is middle of March, ready for warmer weather!

    4. southwest1


      Jamaica eh? Glad you had a nice holiday there SOMDColtsfan. Hey NZ1CF, I'd love to see New Zealand since Peter Jackson's "Lord Of The Rings" saga was filmed there. I'm a huge J. R. R. Tolkien fan. New Zealand does look beautiful. :D

  14. I was taught not to lie so..I hate political correctness

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shecolt


      I hate the double standards that are so often applied.

    3. BrentMc11


      I should have taken that Time Out :)

    4. Nadine


      I don't mind it. I mind more lack of respect that people have for each other these days

  15. As a long time loyal Colts fan am feeling torn between wanting to see Peyton win it all and not wanting John Elway to succeed. Know what I mean?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SOMDColtsfan


      Yeah, I analyze things too much sometimes lol

    3. BrentMc11


      I am with ya SOMDC. I am fine now with Elway as long as I do not have to look at him....I turn my head EVERY time his face is on TV with that wonderfully ugly orange tie...:)

    4. southwest1


      "It's hard to hang-on to the notion that he's an arrogant jerk when his expressed goal is for Peyton to be regarded as the greatest of all time." Beautifully stated MAC. I concur with that belief 100%.

  16. Here we go again, big Colts vs Patriots game! Please let the "good" Colts team show up tonight, the one we all know can beat anybody if they execute!

  17. Ahh, the spoils of victory! We live to play another week. Still can`t believe that incredible game yesterday. GO COLTS!

  18. Been on chat the entire game and been kicked off 3 times. Grrr! Frustrating

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hoosierdome93


      I was too, but got right back in.. Small price to pay cause THE COLTS WON...oh yeah

    3. SOMDColtsfan


      I have no idea what browser Nadine, was right in the middle of typing when got kicked off. Never could get back in after the 3rd time, and we were coming back too!! What a game though! Ranks right there with the AFC championship game vs Pats

    4. Nadine


      no idea? Usually when people say that to me that means they use aol. AOL is an old version of IE and has all kinds of issues. Fire up another browser!

  19. Love the Colts making the playoffs but hate the anxiety of lose and season is over..Go Colts!

  20. Feel really fortunate to be able to cheer on my favorite football team today, 20 other fanbases dont have this opportunity! Thank you Colts for a great season and hopefully 3 more games to play this year! GO Colts!

    1. Nadine


      weird watching football on saturday but, I like the start time. Got ALL my chores done and I'm good to go!

  21. Merry Christmas Colts fans!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BrentMc11


      Merry Christmas! Racing tickets??? :)

    3. shecolt


      Merry Christmas, SOMD!

    4. SOMDColtsfan


      Thanks! Down to Bristol tickets only Brent, the August night race. Hoping my father in law keeps those as they've dropped everywhere else.

  22. Tho I love fantasy football..and tho I do, I hate drafting anybody other than a Colts player..loyal to the core!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SOMDColtsfan


      I didn't word that too great. I did draft players from other teams but it just doesn't feel right! That would be awesome to have all Colts players and defense and go undefeated other than week 8 this year with the bye. I would win and most likely the Colts too if all the players were putting up huge stats

    3. ColtsBTM12


      TY Hilton is a sleeper this year. He would be a great pickup for you. That's what I did..

    4. SOMDColtsfan


      Yep, thought the same thing! I picked up T.Y and Dwayne Allen who if stays healthy could be a major contributor also. Reggie was gone by the time my turn to pick came back

  23. Tomorrow`s the big day..who will we welcome into the fold?

    1. Carlos Danger

      Carlos Danger

      i'm thinking nobody... but we'll find out soon!

    2. Nobody


      ^^^^^ Yeah man, I'm getting drafted!!

  24. Been working on my daughters UCAR the past few weeks. Its been fun watching her race but also nerve racking! I never got that nervous when I raced, neither does she..its in her blood now I guess

    1. BrentMc11


      We drove by Browstown Speedway the other day....was thinking about SOMDColtsfan!!

    2. SOMDColtsfan


      Thanks buddy! My in-laws are visiting from Indy the weekend of the 27th, going to go racing. Brownstown just had a big super latemodel race last weekend, all the big names were there!

    3. BrentMc11


      Exactly...I found out about it late...and I just wanted to drive by....the boys were rolling in...it was about 70 and the rain held off. Take it easy..just thought I would say hey!!!

  25. Just got back to southern MD from visiting my in-laws in Indy. Snowed all the way from Columbus,OH to Cumberland,MD but those road crews do an excellent job keeping it clear..glad to be back home!

    1. southwest1


      I'd glad that you had a safe trip to INDY & back home. Like Dorothy said in the Wizard Of OZ, "There's no place like home."

    2. BrentMc11


      I love snow, but the long tris in snow wear a body out. Glad you made it safely SOMDColtsfan!!

    3. SOMDColtsfan


      Yep, definitely wears you out. Thanks!

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