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Posts posted by LJpalmbeacher2

  1. On 12/2/2019 at 2:04 PM, MPStack said:

    Yes, and he’s a 1st year rookie. I only say that, because I’ve been educated from JB fans, that JB is basically a rookie, going on 4 years in the league. 


    I forgot to also list Mariota. So I guess JB is like ranked 6th in our division? Lol

  2. On 11/26/2019 at 6:40 PM, bhougland said:

    How does Jacoby rank among the quarterbacks in our division?  I have to think I am being too hard on him, but this is what I have:


    1. Deshawn Watson

    2. Ryan Tannehill

    3. Nick Foles

    4. Jacoby Brissett


    Please change my mind, as this is depressing.

    Actually, doesn't Jax have a backup QB(Minshew, I think) that's also better than jb?

    • Like 2
  3. 22 hours ago, EastStreet said:

    Law of averages caught up.... 

    Offensive game plan was the biggest culprit...  With a team that is bottom five in both passing D and total QB pressure, what do we do.. With a team who is missing arguably their best DB and many more DBs hobbled, what do we do.... It's more what we don't do.


    Throw the damn ball. 


    Is it just ego from Reich, or distrust in Brissett? We had plenty of misses on open pass catchers. Doyle several times was wide stinking open. The announcers commented on a few guys running free down the sideline, one late when JB ran and failed to convert. 


    Someone laughed at me when I said I fear Fuller more than Hopkins (during the first match up). Luckily Fuller went out injured early that game. He sure made an impact tonight... You know who you are lol... 


    Very good possibility this costs us the post season.... It never should have been close.


    I agree with you. But I'll add that I've seen 3 out of last 4 games and think Frank's playcalling was bad in them also.

  4. 7 hours ago, Moosejawcolt said:

    We have 11 games under our belt. What  direction do the Colts take with regards to free agency and the draft?  Who do we extend, who do we cut and what position do we draft first in  terms of importance and/or need?

    Our offense needs are multiple. QB, WR, RB and improved playcalling.

  5. 22 hours ago, VaAllDay757 said:

    Another bad playcall by frank....ran too much and didn't do enough play action just sorry

    I don't get to watch too many colt games. But I've seen like 3 out of last 4 and agree playcalling/ play designs not stellar.


    It's hard to win with sub par qb play and play calling.

    • Like 2
  6. 16 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    It’s interesting to listen to Rick Venturi saying he thinks Luck had a mental break down.


    If he did it probably wasn't his first.

    If he really wanted 3 months off to go to Hawaii is ridiculous. 

    I heard a bit of Dakich and he said he said luck wasn't the man for the job. I agree.

    Too injury prone, too slow to heal and lacked a love for the game.

    • Like 3
  7. 14 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

    The day they cut Peyton was pretty dark too but Andrew was the light at the end of the tunnel.  Now we aren’t sure where the tunnel ends.

    Your 100% right. 

    The tunnel from Bert Jones to Manning was 2 Decades with a few moments in-between.

  8. On 8/25/2019 at 11:16 AM, luvdacolts67 said:

     I read this form all the time but have not written anything in many years .   Today I find myself compelled to do so.   I have seen that several fans have written that Andrew luck is Burt Jones 2.   I wish to stand up for Burt Jones.   He was an incredible quarterback for the Colts.   He had the heart of a champion he just played for a very very bad cold cream throughout his career which was shortened because of injuryS.   He gave his heart and his physical body every time he got on the field for the Colts he did not ever ever once quit because he couldn’t take it mentally.   He retired because he physically couldn’t play the game anymore.   He gave his all.   This is not what Andrew luck did.   He quit a team two weeks before the season starts yes he has an injury but he said he mentally couldn’t take it that tells me he has no heart of a champion that is the big difference between him and Bert Jones.   Burt Jones was a champion at heart that’s the kind of quarterback I want on this team not someone who can’t mentally take it.

    Anyone comparing luck aka mental midget with Bert Jones should search YouTube on the MNF game vs Redskins. He kept coming in despite having tremendous pain with a separated shoulder which he mostly couldn't even raise. 

    • Like 1
  9. 18 hours ago, #12. said:

    Listening to Luck and Irsay, I think it's possible Luck returns. 

    My hope:  Luck = Andy Murray.  Multiple Wimbledon champion, Murray, was also dealing with physical issues, hip issues.  Similarly, he was mentally exhausted and made a hasty, emotional decision to announce his retirement at this year's Australian Open.  They had a video ceremony.  Nadal and Federer gave speeches.  A month later, he admitted he made an emotional decision and decided to get surgery and rehab instead.  Now he's attempting to return.  No one cared he changed his mind, and Murray had a fairly elaborate ceremony.  Basically, all Luck did was read a few notes off the back of a grocery receipt and walk off.  Luck can still play, obviously, and if he decides in 6-8 weeks to return, no one will care.


    Andy Murray? Lol

    Murray is like a bull dog.

    Luck is like a poodle.

  10. On 7/20/2019 at 2:09 PM, NannyMcafee said:


    Maybe you should figure out that Peyton and Manning are the same person. Otherwise I dont think you know what they have in common besides everything. 

    Like I said the only thing in common they had was being drafted #1 overall by the Colts to play QB.

    • Like 1
  11. On 6/24/2019 at 11:10 AM, Shadow_Creek said:

    So i just finished watching the colts vs Kansas city playoff game for the 5th time and i still dont understand why we played so bad. I accept that we lost yes and i understand there were drops as well. But just seeing the way Kansas city's mediocre defense easily walking through our  oline wall keeps me rocking in a corner some nights. I know the colts practiced all that week prior to the game in snow condition's so why was the same team performance that beat Houston not there against the chiefs


    I think at least part of reason is we moved up in class. The Chiefs are much better than what colts been playing prior. Playing on the road and in the elements didn't help either.


    I think more Disturbing was why Luck played so bad? We can only go as far as he will take us. 

    • Like 4
  12. 4 hours ago, Jdubu said:

    I have been trying to sort through the DF deal and seeing what his actual cap hits are for this season. What I have found was that he pretty much has a 7 million dollar roster bonus plus his yearly salary. My question is, lets say that DF really does not do well in the camp and through the preseason but someone like Fountain really shines through. Knowing we are keeping TY, Cain (most likely), Campbell, and they seem extremely set on Rogers. That makes 4. I know they have hinted to maybe only keeping 4 this year but I can't see that, it has to be at least 5 if not 6. Under the scenario that we only keep 4 or even 5 and Rogers is a definite guy for the special teams play primarily, slot back up secondarily, and Fountain is clearly outplaying Funch, what is the cap hit if we cut him prior to making the 53 after preseason is complete? 


    I know it is far fetched and certainly not happening if that 7 million is his cap hit but I was looking for clarity on that part. Thanks, and this would certainly be a huuuuuge shocker if it did go down like this. 


    We'll be keeping 5 or 6 WR's. And why are you concerned about the cap hit if Funchess is cut, especially since we like a gazillion $ under?

  13. On 6/13/2019 at 9:45 AM, Lucky Colts Fan said:


    Amen.  Well said.


      @crazycolt1 can annoy the heck out of you in one thread, but he'll have your back in another thread.  He's definitely a good dude, just an acquired taste, and the same could probably be said about me with all my emojis and gifs...  haha


    I'll even go so far as to mention guys I've had arguments with recently.  @MFT5 and @JPFolks and @LJpalmbeacher2 and @DougDew are like my brothers from another mother that I annoy the heck out of and fight with all the time, but we're still family.  We'll circle the wagons and be on the same team when the enemy (Pats fans in Tom Brady jerseys) appears on the horizon.  We all cheer for our team in our own way, but we all bleed blue (or purple @NFLfan :D).


    ....and don't forget the Steelers.

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