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Posts posted by LJpalmbeacher2

  1. 1 hour ago, Moosejawcolt said:

    Man Cowboys have some big contracts coming up.  Good luck with that. They r going to b paying elite money for very good players.   


    Their STUPID!

    They are trying to buy a Super Bowl by using their draft capital(Cooper) and cap money(Lawrence) for playmakers.

  2. 5 hours ago, Chloe6124 said:

    Does everyone get it now why we didn’t go after him.




    Here is JU JU response 





    Ju Ju started it, I heard, by out of the blue praising Rothlisberger. AB took that as a shot to him knowing him and Rothlisberger don't get along. I could be wrong but I think I heard Ju Ju posting a pic of him and Rothlisberger showing him love?


    And Ju Ju IS NOT as talented as AB. Lol

  3. 5 hours ago, stitches said:


    Here's the lines for our division: 


    Colts 9.5

    Texans 8.5

    Titans 8.5

    Jags 8.0


    That seems to be a pretty fair line on the colts. I'd stay away from it with a more difficult scedule.


    I'd be tempted the Texans may win more than 8.5 with another season of experience for Watson.


    I have a hunch the Titans are the weak link in the division and are descending.


    Jags are a question mark. If their D plays like it can AND Foles play like the SB MVP he was with Philly they can go ovet 8 wins and be a force in AFC.


    And one thing to remember, with the shorter OT period, ties happen more often now so that can effect the win total.

  4. First, I Don't think we should rush to take every word out of Irsay's mouth literally.


    Second, we were told  this would be like a 3 or 5 year Rebuild, I forget which, (I think it was the latter) when Ballard was hired. We were  NOT TOLD it would be a 3 year rebuild starting in year 3. Lol.

    That downright trying to insult our intelligence. What were the first few years under Ballard, Madden?


    It just could be for a cost conscious organization a excuse to continually find reasons not to spend and go after the Lombardi.

    Hopefully it's just Irsay rambling on about nothing.

    • Like 1
  5. 30 minutes ago, Irish YJ said:

    it's a bit of head scratcher. he's entering the last year of his contract, and slumped a bit last year, but he still had almost 1000 yards and is young. not sure if he's already lost a step, or has a durability problem. might be they just figured out they don't want to pay a new contract and wanted to get anything they could now.


    26 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    I don’t understand how they got him that cheap.  I don’t think ballard is looking for another number one back. I think he wants someone just to limit Mack’s carries to keep him fresh.


    Yeah, it's like some of the lower teams say "sure I'll give you a quality player for practically nothing since your trying to win" . "maybe you guys return the favor in 5 or 10 years when it's our turn". Lol


    But the Bears had a good year last year....which makes this surprising.

  6. 1 hour ago, Irish YJ said:



    What a Steal by the Eagles!

    Howard for a 2020 6th rounder.


    These teams that are in 'win now' mode seem to always take advantage of other lesser organizations. 

    Howard would have been a good power compliment to Mack.


    The odds just got better we will get Ajai.

  7. On 3/27/2019 at 5:18 AM, Rally5 said:

    I'll be shocked if we draft a WR in the first three rounds, there's a chance we don't draft one at all...I think the only way we go WR early is if somebody falls to us that just shouldn't be there and can't be ignored.  I suspect dline, oline and DB's will be our focus early.


    Why would you be shocked of we went WR in the first 3 rounds??Outside of Hilton last year we probably had one of the worst WR groups in football. This year we added DF but only on a 1 year deal.

    • Like 1
  8. 27 minutes ago, SouthernIndianaNDFan said:


    KC is gonna have to score 40+ to stay in games this year, they completely dissolved a defense that was already bottom of the barrel. The only thing that D had going for it was a pass rush, and they essentially sold everyone but Chris Jones. Will be interesting to see how well he does without upper level talent around him. 


    But there will be other teams, other defenses we will face EVEN IF KC's defense takes a step back. 


  9. 18 hours ago, Scott Pennock said:

    What if Ballard broke the mold and went against his normal drafting techniques this year while everyone is EXPECTING him draft defensive line and went WR/TE/RB (in any combination) with the first 3 picks ala Polian....?


    Talk about going against the grain.....WOW


    ..........and then I woke up in a bathtub missing a kidney. Musta been some good stuff!??! Ha!


    Well....that could give us a offense to matchup against High Powered offenses like KC.

    Against a KC defense, which was considered a weak unit, our O struggled and was overwhelmed. I don't think we got a first down Untill close to the 2 minute warning in the first half.


    Offensive playmakers is a need. I think DF can help, but he only has a 1 year contract and I think the O needs more.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 33 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Phil is better actually :funny:


    In the air tonight:

    I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
    And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
    Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord

    Well if you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand
    I've seen your face before my friend, but I don't know if you know who I am......


    I remember hearing it on a Miami Vice episode. ....good stuff. :D

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  11. 3 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    And I say all this as someone who isn't a Funchess fan and didn't like the signing.





    Oh Lord.


    Really, really?


    You think you know more than Ballard?


    Here's what Reich says about Funchess:


    re: Devin Funchess, Reich says he has "good feet, good instincts and good body control and body quickness.... Helps separate at the top of routes.... Watch the way this guy runs routes."


    I think I value Ballard's & Reich's opinion over yours.

    Let's give DV a chance to at least put a Colt uniform and play a game or two. Lol

  12. 2 hours ago, PrincetonTiger said:

    Making a team one dimensional is always the goal of a Defensive Coach but guys like Lamar and RGIII make things easier 



    If you look at the history of colt teams, our D always played much better when our opponents O was one dimensional. 

    In our SB year KC & Baltimore became 1 dimensional thinking they woyld run it down our throats. They Didn't. Thanks to Dungy's adjustments and Sanders coming back.

  13. 5 hours ago, PrincetonTiger said:

    Wrong Wrong Wrong


       If you can’t run he ball the D will play Pass D , the same way if a basketball team can’t hit 3s, a team will see a lot of Zone D and if a baseball player can’t hit for power the D plays shallow


    .....and if you can't pass the D will sell out against the run. Like the Chargers did vs Lamar Jackson and the Ravens in the playoffs.

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