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Posts posted by LJpalmbeacher2

  1. 1 hour ago, TheMose said:

    Would y’all take a trade from the Broncos if they wanted to move up to draft a guy like Drew Lock. Let’s say both their 2nd rounders this year. Don’t know if they points match up but if they really want their guy, doesn’t matter.


    I'd be for it. Don't have to be this year's picks either. Future picks would be cool. I think the phinns could also be a trade partner AND their future picks could be gold.

  2. 7 hours ago, chad72 said:


    What I think they are saying is because the number of blue chippers is small, you could have a guy rated as a late 2nd rounder taken at the end of the 1st round because there is only a few notches of difference in talent level. Thus, mocks based on where someone is rated at end of 2nd round or end of 3rd round can be thrown off when they are drafted at the end of the 1st round or top of 2nd round. 




    What is about the average amount of 'blue chippers' in a draft?

  3. 36 minutes ago, MikeCurtis said:

    They have the best coach the NFL has EVER seen


    They have the best QB the NFL has EVER seen (With the offense that they run)


    I hate them, because they stopped Peyton from winning 3-4 SBs, but you have to give them credit


    They get the absolute best out of players that typically dont star in other surroundings


    They have some Voodoo going on


    Time for Beliceck and Brady to retire..... :)





    It's Not Voodoo.....its Cheating lol.

  4. 15 minutes ago, chad72 said:


    You have to combine that with the fact that the Patriots who never drafted a WR in Round 1 and only a couple of RBs in round 1 so far, and win so many SBs with front 7 defensive, OL trenches and secondary draft picks. 


    Building a team inside out is still the primary formula with augmentation of skill players when that becomes a weakness. 


    Reliance on Peyton's arm too much did us in most times come playoff time. When we relied on OL more and had balance, we won it all. That tells you something.


    Talking about the patriots success to me is aways skewed because of all the cheating. Moat people agree that their roster is not hifhly talented.

    Even their D is often suspect if anyone wants to remember the Falcons and Eagles lit them up.


    Most of Peyton's lack of success in playoffs were to blame on the offense. Our D played ok in most of the losses and during our SB run played well vs KC,  Baltimore and Chicago. 

  5. Just now, DougDew said:

    I wouldn't mind it.  But then I supported the Dorsett pick and questioned taking a C, FS, and a G with mid first round picks.   I think many would explode if Ballard doesn't get at least one trench player out of picks 26 or 34.


    I think many on this forum still have Peyton Flashback....meanning he only won 1 SB so lets blame the Defense for that AND NOW we must draft only defensive players high.

  6. 26 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    In another thread, we are supposedly looking at WR at 34.


    So if Ballard drafts Josh Jacobs at 26 and AJBrown at 34, would the forum explode?



    I don't know  if the Forum explodes or not but the important thing is if were to get 2 highly talented playmakers, especially on offense we could possibly matchup better vs high powered teams.

    Our O was badly exposed vs KC. 

    • Like 4
  7. 2 hours ago, Barry Sears said:

    Great interview and I can't wait to see Cain in action when he's fully recovered and ready to play.  Our draft class was great, but if he were healthy, I imagine it would have been even better.


    I know that nothing is certain, but with his attitude and work ethic, he'll be successful.  The fact that he was heavily involved in meetings, watching practice, etc. shows his dedication and desire to be the best he can be.


    16 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    He has a really good attitude. He will succeed if that knee is back to 100%.


    I love the kid.

    I had him mocked in the 3rd. So lucky he was still there in the 6th.


    • Like 2
  8. On 4/4/2019 at 12:41 AM, NewColtsFan said:

    Smith gets kicked inside and Glowinski could find himself getting traded.







    If you payed attention to what ballard preaches he says he wants 2 Deep across the Lines. 


    Even though Glowinski makes starter money he would give us that quality backup that ballard preaches.

  9. 15 hours ago, horseshoecrabs said:

    Sometimes I think to many people get to caught up in the trendy pics the media wants to flood airtime too, I for one could not believe at the time, we passed over Williams for James. We always seem to go with our gut, and beliefs, for what is the best for our team and it usually works out.  That's why I'm not getting stuck on certain players and just enjoy how it ends up playing out.  


    Yeah, I remember. My cuz and I were talking on the phone during that draft and I told him looks like there's a legitimate chance Ricky falls to us. We were SO EXCITED and HOPEFUL that it would happen.......we were then so DISAPPOINTED when it didn't. Lol. 

    But Edge turned out excellent.

    • Like 1
  10. 23 hours ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


    And what a breath of fresh air it's been!


    This is what the offseason is supposed to be like.


    Here's to many more like it under Chris Ballard!  :cheers:


    Actually, I think some Fans would hope for a team that needs improving to take the next step would maybe like a bit more busier offseason.

  11. On 4/8/2019 at 8:51 AM, MikeCurtis said:

    The tape is worth watching


    The guy is a roadgrader as a blocker


    He dominated DL players.......  Not just a little DB.....



    He is so tough to defend.... think about it


    Because he will be a blocker 50-60% of the time..........  do you assign a LB to him? He will eat his lunch.


    If a SS is assigned to him..... and he actually blocks..... the SS is WASTED for that play.... someone else is will be open


    He will be inline and parked next to the tackle.  Its SO MUCH easier to disguise your play intention, when you have an excellent blocker AND reciever........... IN ONE PLAYER


    This guy will be deadly


    I dont expect to get him, but watch his career...... he will be special




    Sounds like the type of player it's worth to move up to get.

  12. 4 hours ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


    Huh?  How is that "starting it"?  He is just doing what AB was doing while he was still a Steeler.


    Remember when Ben threw AB under the bus, but AB publicly praised Ben in response?  How is praising your QB "out of the blue"?


    I think you (and AB) are just reaching so you can scratch your "drama" itch...


    no way smh GIF by Fox Searchlight


    Like most you seem not to like AB because he seems to be a Diva and a self centered trouble maker.... Maybe he is.


    But with all the turmoil this past year in Pittsburgh with AB, Bell, Rothlisberger, the HC and missing the playoffs(which is rare for the Steelers) don't you think Ju Ju should have kept quiet and refrain from stirring the pot?


    After him showing love to his QB, whether it was genuine or just a shot at AB of course AB was going to think it was a shot at him. 

    Like the radio guys said just play your game and keep your mouth shut and wait for when it's time for his contract to come up. The Steelers don't need Ju Ju or anyone else on the team to create more controversy.

    • Like 1
  13. 4 hours ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


    I believe their entire starting defense is completely home-grown.


    And most of their offense too, except for WR, which was their biggest need at the beginning of  last season.


    They aren't "buying" anything.  Whatever they win, it will be because they drafted and re-signed their own players, like Ballard is preaching.


    I was being SARCASTIC. 


    Of course it's a good thing when a organization is willing to spend some of it's resources to try and win a SB.

    Most on this board laughed at Jerry for trading away a #1 pick for Cooper. I didn't. I applauded the move. Why wait until the 2019 draft to use your #1 pick on drafting a rookie WR when you can spend it on a proven one in the middle of season and he can help you win immediately and in future....which he did.


    Signing or Resigning a playmaking pass rusher is a no brainer. Atleast not for teams that are trying to win now.



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