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Posts posted by LJpalmbeacher2

  1. 1 hour ago, Scott Pennock said:

    I don't have a crystal ball or tea leaves, but Ballard is consistent in his approach. 


    I believe there are a few players that are still young enough to add to our core that may be acsending (in skill) or were otherwise buried on the depth chart elsewhere.


    My thoughts turn to the following:


    Shane Ray - was a DE in college and supposedly had the quickest first step in the 2015 draft. The Broncos converted him to an OLB and it didn't take that well all things considered. He did have an 8 sack season though.


    https://www-milehighreport-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.milehighreport.com/platform/amp/2015/5/1/8526993/2015-nfl-draft-scouting-broncos-edge-rusher-shane-ray?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE%3D#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.milehighreport.com%2F2015%2F5%2F1%2F8526993%2F2015-nfl-draft-scouting-broncos-edge-rusher-shane-ray


    Darius Philon - DT - likely wouldn't start but would be an excellent rotation piece with 4 and 4.5 sacks the last two seasons.


    Marcus Brown - DT - The anchor of the Patriots DLine. We'll need a replacement for Al Woods and this guy is 7 years younger and brings the experience and locker room presence of 2 Super Bowl wins with him.


    Rodney Gunter - DT - much like Philon he would offer some pass rush skills while holding up in the run pretty well.


    There are virtually 2 safety's left that could help us.....bring back Geathers on a modest contract or try Tre Boston who can actually man half a field. Both are 27 but Boston doesn't have the injury history. Judging by his scathing comments about his visit last year, I doubt he'd play for us or Ballard would even call?


    I think Ray and one of the DT's would give us depth on the dline and use one of our top 3 picks on a Safety if one of those two aren't signed.


    Has anyone heard of any standout defensive players from the AAF that could be signed?


    What about any standout OFFENSIVE players from the AAF or  Offensive players in Free Agency?

    • Like 1
  2. 22 hours ago, DougDew said:

    With the signing of Desir, I don't expect corner to be considered a pressing need for this draft.  Not that you ever draft for need, but if Desir signed elsewhere, that would have had to influence Ballard's draft board to some degree.


    And WR at 26 is probably not going to happen now either.  


    Regardless of the Desir and Funchess signings, a corner or WR was unlikley to happen at 26 or 34 anyway.  Now its even less likely, IMO. 


    I'm not sure Funchess will totally eliminate a possible WR at 26, I surely hope not if a special one is available. 


    Funchess was signed only to a 1 year contract. Perhaps his 1 year deal is a indication Ballard may think of  going WR at 26? Give the rook a year of experience than move on from Funchess? 

    But I do tend to agree with you and don't expect WR in the first round from Ballard.


  3. 23 hours ago, MPStack said:


    Honestly, I don't care who Ballard takes in the 1st Rd, just as long as he gets a productive player.

    I'm anxious to see how Ballard fairs drafting in the back half of each Rd, opposed to drafting earlier in each Rd. With a potential lack of activity in FA, he's going to need to nail another draft.

    Bush and take a look at Fant if Doyle's prognosis is questionable. But haven't really done YouTube'ing the draft yet. Lol


    Well in '16 Ballard drafted in the middle of each round and that draft class was unspectacular. 

    I think our  3 picks in the first 59 will be huge and will determine if the draft is successful or not. 


    I know it will be expensive but wouldn't mind him trading up to get a playmaker, especially a Edge.



  4. 2 hours ago, rayski said:

    Cheaper, fresher, hungrier and probably/hopefully hand picked with a plan to fit in our scheme. Also due to age/experience probably more willing to fit into a scheme as well.


    I think one of the key component to CB's team building philosophy is finding guys that are hungry and will make each other compete for each other, don't see that with a veteran who been passed around 2-3-4-5 teams before. Could be wrong, like Gore for example.


    That's interesting.

    But a back like Crowell wouldn't be expensive and would be easily affordable, especially with all the cap space we have. And he's already a proven commodity where as a un-named, unknown 6th or 7th rounder could possibly be garbage and not even make the team. You still need some talent to play in this league regardless how hungry you are to do well.

  5. 29 minutes ago, chad72 said:

    Has Mack played a full 16 game season yet? If he goes down, do we think there is anyone on the roster that can fill in close to 70-80% of what Mack can give? I think the answer is no to both these questions.


    I think I rest my case for a quality RB signing based on the above 2 facts. Pass protection is always the most difficult one for a back coming out of college. So I am not so sure a back from college, most likely drafted on Day 3,  will give us a high level of production, even if he has the same qualities as Mack in college. So, yes, a FA back is needed.


    I am not one to bash Ballard, but just making my case above.



    That's why it's a good thing to have 2 RB's with similar skill sets. If one goes down you have the other.

    Then you can get your power back for short yardage situations. And they can be acquired reasonably for a cost conscious team like the colts.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    He won’t command that much lol. Maybe 13m. Ballard would resign him for that if he was a difference maker on this team.


    He will want a multiyear and some $ guaranteed. You think ballard will pay that? If he wanted to invest in WR for several years he probably would have signed Tyree Willams for similar $. 

    He's probably planning on Draftong a WR and hope he hits on him and Cain comes back healthy and he has 2 good prospects on rookie salary.

    We'll see how it plays out.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    Here what I like about what Ballard did with funchess. He has to earn his way into a contract with the colts after next year. He is going to work hard. Instead of just handing  a player like Williams a four year deal we are making Funchess earn it. This is very ballard like. He wants players to earn their way onto this team. That is exactly what funchess is doing. He doesn’t like to hand out contracts to players who haven’t earned their way onto the colts.



    If Funchess has a good season he will 'earn' and want a multiyear $15 million per AND Ballard will let him walk.


    If he doesn't produce Ballard will let him walk.


    Odds are he's only here 1 season.

    • Like 3
  8. 2 hours ago, SouthernIndianaNDFan said:


    I'd be lying to you if I said I knew the ins and outs of who's due what, or when...but I have to believe that there's more than enough cap space to keep anyone of relevance and still splurge a little? 250 mil goes a long way


    No. We need every penny. In 3 or 4 years from now we will have to give Leonard & Nelson $1 Billion Dollars.  haha

  9. 5 minutes ago, Valpo2004 said:


    Lets be honest though.  In those first 3 years a lot of key players were players from the Polian era.  


    Reggie Wayne, Robert Mathis, Antoine Bethea.  Combined that with a good 2012 draft and the Colts did well.


    After 2012 Grigson just constantly failed to improve the team.  Free agent signings mostly busted save for a few.  Most of the high draft picks busted.  


    I dont disagree with you. The more Griggs went the worse he did.


    But like you said, let's be honest. Most of our current best players, which most are on offense outside of Geathers are from Griggs &  Polian. (Luck, TY, Costanzo, Kelly, Doyle)

  10. Will we or can we have more cap room going into next offseason than we had for this offseason?


    I know we signed Funchess for $10 mil plus we'll add some 2nd/3rd tier FA's but wondering if it will be around same ballpark?


    Darn, that Funchess & Desir contracts really hurt. haha

  11. 16 minutes ago, Luck 4 president said:

    Difference is Ballard signed and drafted people who weren’t hot names. Nelson was a big name, but not at 6. Some “experts” thought Leonard was the worst move in the draft. A monkey could’ve drafted Luck. 

    I'm not a Griggs fan but....

    Griggs teams won 36 games in first 3 seasons including 3 playoff games.

  12. 4 hours ago, AwesomeAustin said:

    Bell to the Jets

    Collins to Skins

    Ford to 49ers

    Brown to Raiders

    OBJ to Browns



    None of these teams are contenders.  They have and will be the joke of the league for a long time. Maybe the Browns can make the playoffs in the next few years but they haven’t since 2002. Let’s just pump the brakes a little and see what happens.  


    I am am so glad Ballard is disciplined bc these moves are terrible.  The off-season is won after the first few weeks of FA and of course the draft. I’m super excited to see who the Colts pick up.  I never really try to predict signings and draft picks and like the wait and see approach. Once the Colts make a move I research the player to see why they may fit the team. 




    You omitted Foles to the Jags, which directly affects us. The Jags could very well now be serious contenders not just in division but AFC. The Brownies are also a team that are legitimate playoff threat.

  13. 12 hours ago, Hoose said:

    Better get used to the Brave New World of the NFL. The cap continues to rise, and the salaries will follow.  The top non-QBs are now seeing the money. Maybe Ford is worth it; maybe he isn't. But this is just the start of the new high $ world of the NFL. The Fords of the world are now going to cost you a Mercedes salary. 



    The GM's and Fans that have 'sticker shock'  are going to have to grasp that we ate no longer in yester-years world or their teams will never separate themselves from the pack.

  14. 1 hour ago, Blueblood23 said:

    Gave up 14 million to get 35 million guaranteed with a higher New York tax rate.  Probably went to a worse team. Gave up a year of his career earnings potential.  Brilliant!


    Well we all know he's not the brightest person. If he was, he wouldn't have campaigned to come to the Colts for the last year. I mean didn't he know what Ballard and the Colts are all about? Lol

  15. 4 hours ago, aaron11 said:

    need is strong word, but there is room to be a lot better.   the team was like 20th in rushing yards and even worse in ypc.  some might say its not even that important anymore, but the last two super bowl winners were both top 5 in rushing yards.  


    some of these guys listed in the OP wont be very expensive either. 


    I agree.

    I don't see why so many think we don't need to improve our group of rb's. 

    Mack I like but even as our #1 still not sure about his ability to stay healthy or be a 'special back'.


    Wilkins like I said in another thread, is nothing special and easily replaced. Reich basically benched him for a significant amount of time. Probably because of fumbling issues.


    Hines is actually more of a receiver than runner.


    We need someone to go along with Mack. I'll be satisfied with Coleman or that kid from Bama.

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