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Posts posted by LJpalmbeacher2

  1. 2 hours ago, NFLfan said:


    I hope that he and other guys in his position think first before they put themselves in that situation. Same for the women. Both sides have to take personal responsibility. Watch how much you drink. Don't go to the other person's bedroom and put yourself in position of someone accusing you of wrongdoing or putting yourself at risk of rape. 


    Former Colts head coach Tony Dungy used to tell players that nothing good happens after midnight. He's right.


    I personally have to Disagree with that. Lol

  2. 3 hours ago, CR91 said:


    That is not even being fully healthy. Now for Hooker to really reach his potential, he needs to learn to bait QBs then he'll start to get more ints.


    I'm not the greatest X's & O's guy, especially on Defense But how do you target a DB that usually plays like 50 yards deep? 

    And when the corners usually give a large cushion themselves. The underneath passes are where most of the offenses attack.

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  3. On 5/30/2019 at 6:28 PM, Mr.ZapRowsdower said:

    I just want opinions. Suh is a not the impact player he once was. He still a very good veteran piece that has rotational ability. He's NOT the troublemaker he once was. So the question is if we are so high on character... Why do we not sign someone like Suh who is worth the risk and could provide excellent depth on a one year, but sign Chad Kelly? Chad Kelly broke into a teammates house during a Halloween Party. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/chad-kelly-arrested-on-trespassing-charge-while-in-cowboy-costume-following-broncos-halloween-party/  

    It seems like a favor and that stinks. There was no reason to sign him. Kapernick is still a FA. I know he's considered a pirahaa but he had credibility. He's actually led a team to the Superbowl. Come on. 



    Chad Kelly will probably not make it higher than practice squad. If he does make it to the active roster he will probably be paid vet minimum. And even that will be pro rated.


    Suh got like $9 million from the Bucs.

    See the difference?

    • Like 1
  4. 13 minutes ago, krunk said:

    It was just peoples opinions.  The only thing that matters is what the Colts think.

    A lot of the talking heads in my opinion are not even real familiar with the Colts

    roster.  A lot of these guys can't even name a lot of the players on our defense, let alone

    people like Jihad Ward that are coming back from injury. Or Tyquan Lewis for that matter.


    I was talking about the mocks & threads here on the board by Colt fans who know the roster. 

    But whatever, the Colts are a cost conscious team and are not usually going to throw $$ around unless they really feel they need to.


    I'm not saying thats a good thing, and I'm not saying it's a bad thing. 

    It's just the way it usually is.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, krunk said:

    The problem with the 4 time pro bowler is our situation is we have one 8 sack player at that spot in Autry. Another 5 to 6 sack player in Hunt to go along with a returning Ward who picked up 3 or 4 sacks before he got injured. Had he stayed healthy I think it was likely he picked up a couple more sacks. Then you've got the up and comer Tyquan Lewis who I feel pretty confident will be productive at 3 tech. Banogu is unproven, but theres going to be times we rush him from 3 Tech and hes pretty good in that role as well. Hes a pretty good inside pass rusher. Consider all that and you can see why Ballard wanted to get a sharp deal on the old vet McCoy. We didn't necessarily need him. Would certainly be nice of course.


    1 hour ago, MikeCurtis said:



    We also dont know how the initial dialog went on our contact with player/agent


    I could imagine it being.......


    1) What are your $ requirements?


    2) Would you mind also playing downs at 1 tech, in a rotation? (Maybe 1/3 of snaps between)


    I was hoping we could somehow get him, but........


    SOMETHING wasnt a fit...........


    Player Expectations vs Team Long-term needs........ 


    It didnt mesh, or McCoy would be a Colt........


    I have to continue to give Ballard the benefit of the doubt.......


    He has earned it





    It's good we're pretty stacked on the DL. But knowing that why were their so many mocks and threads before the draft of us using our #1 pick on DT?

  6. 19 hours ago, krunk said:

    I think he went with the most experienced QB of his options and stayed in the conference and division he was familiar with. Versus going with one of the two young boys out of Cleveland and Balt. Its obvious we needed a pretty good price from Mccoy to make this aquisition, mostly because weve already got productive players at the position. We werent going to pay the going rate.


    I agree with you.


    But It's hard to buy things in this world if your not willing to pay market value.

    Unless of course you shop in the 'Bargain Bin'. And usually 4 time pro bowlers don't wind up there.

  7. On 6/3/2019 at 7:27 PM, NewColtsFan said:


    For what it's worth,  it was recenty reported that we called and inquired and lost interest when told what McCoy was looking for.


    So, at some level, we were interested.    How much was cost,  and how much was being satisfied with what we already had will not be known.    But odds are,  it was a little of both....



    I agree with you but I'm guessing it was more about the cost. 

    I think you hit the nail on the head a few weeks ago when you commented about Irsay's finances.

  8. 8 hours ago, coltsfeva said:

    On Colts.com


    Just a couple of thoughts:


    I feel a little better about guys like Turay and Wilson in particular and some returning guys on defense.


    Ballard, Reich and Eberflus communicate well and give you the impression they are all on the same page. (I’m waiting for a Sirianni interview)






    I would love a Sirianni interview.

  9. 3 hours ago, Myles said:

    I agree there are questions in the receiving group.  But there is little doubt that it will be better.  Having Doyle back will make a big difference.  Campbells speed will open things up.  I think people are underestimating what Funchess will bring.   He's not elite by any means, but he is that big strong WR we have needed for awhile.   6'4, 225 lbs and only 25 years old.     The offense  got better at every position.   


    3 hours ago, krunk said:

    That's because they were Humpty Dumptys.  Trust what you see, these guys won't be like the last group.  It's a much better group than last year.  They will prove that.


    I agree, I think the WR group will be better. Hard to be worse than last years group wirhout TY.


    But we don't know how much better. There are some questions and inexperience at the position.

  10. 43 minutes ago, krunk said:

    Andrew Luck just passed for 39 TDs with Humpty Dumpty at WR at almost every position.  I'm not too worried about what he will do with this group. I'm pretty confident it's going to work out.


    Like I said this WR group has some questions and inexperience. And the Humpty Dumpty's didn't do so great vs KC.

    • Like 1
  11. 20 hours ago, Myles said:

    I think you are completely wrong on everything you have said.  

    One good LB?  Did you watch the games?   The WR crew is very good.   Hilton, Funchess Campbell, Ebron, Doyle, Cain and the rest.   

    We'll have to agree to disagree.  


    Let's not crown the WR group just yet.

    Funchess has only had 1 good season so far out of 4.

    Campbell & Cain have never caught a NFL pass yet.

    Doyle is a nice player, but coming off of serious hip injury and is mostly a short pattern type of receiver.


    It has potential if things go right for the group but as of now there are some questions and growing pains.

  12. 19 hours ago, horseshoecrabs said:

    Hey guys , I 'm sorry I ruffled a few feathers in here, It was not my intention. I'm just frustrated that we had a chance at Suh, which in retrospect was probably not a good thing. I think McCoy would be a greater mentor as an accent to our young guys on the team. He fits the culture that we could use, so much that I am praying that we will sign him. but I am just scared that we will not sign him. And much to our fan base would love to in brace him, emotionally, Alas it depends on numbers and worth for our administrative department, who makes the call.     

    Shafty138 I hope we can get along. I think I earned the right to say "We"  after over 60 years of being a Colts fan. and to reply to your concern over previous post ? I am aware I can add to the previous  post  lol.


    I use the word "we" when describing the Colts so much that people think I am French.


    Oui Oui. haha

  13. On 3/12/2019 at 12:27 PM, ColtJ82 said:

    I enjoy FA after the tampering period is over. I enjoy following the FA visits and the anticipation of the potential signing. Tampering period......miserable as a fan and on the forums. 



    maybe miserable for you but not everyone else. The Colts are not going to be major players in the first wave of FA. You'd be happier if you excepted that.

  14. 5 hours ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:

    I mean outside of 19-0 or 0-16.


    I can see this team continuing to improve and take the next step.  The Colts could be in the AFCCG or even the SB this year.  It's not unreasonable to think the Colts could hoist the Lombardi this year if everything goes right.


    I can also see this team regress from last year.  Remember that last year was the first year in new systems on both offense and defense.  Opponents might be better prepared for the Colts this year since they have a years worth of film to study from last year.  This is a very young team, and a few significant injuries could really sink the ship like 2011 and 2017.


    This season could go either way, and I don't think I'd be surprised at anything from the worst record in the NFL to being SB champs.


    That's a pretty Bold prediction, But you could be right. :thinking:

  15. 18 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

    I loved Pat Beach.   He lived above my grandma in an apartment complex in Carmel.   Super cool guy.    He would come fish with me behind their building


    16 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I always love hearing great stories from the real old school fans. I got Jim Harbaugh's autograph on a pic when I went to the Colts/Chargers game back in 1996. 


    16 hours ago, ColtJ82 said:

    That's cool. Terrence Wilkins live in the apartment above my mom. I was a sophomore in high school at the time. He always called me "little man". I was 6'4", 200 back then....towered over him, lol. 


    Years ago I caught a spring training game in West Palm Beach with the Yankees in town.

    After the game as the team was loading in bus I saw Bobby Murcer toss a eaten apple in the garbage can.


    • Like 1
  16. 8 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Irsay can afford anything Ballard wants to do.     He can easily afford to spend up the limits of the salary cap and we’re far from being even close to the salary cap limit.   What do we have to spend?    $65 mill?  $70 mill?    The most in the NFL.


    We’re in position to extend the deals of guys like AC and TYH and others.  If we DON’T sign McCoy it won’t be because we don’t have the money to spend.  It will be because we decided not to spend that much money.   Those are two completely different issues. 


    Well I'm kinda going by what you said in another thread about our signing bonuses being smaller percentage wise than other teams and Irsay not being in top half of wealth of other owners and Indy being a small market etc....

    I think you made some sense there and possibly on to something. It would explain our cap space last few seasons. 


    But hoping we do get McCoy. It would be better to play with him than play against him if another team signs him.

    • Thanks 1
  17. 15 hours ago, jshipp23 said:

    Figured I'd see one of these comments pretty quick, this forum is so predictable..We have the most CAP in NFL why not use on an All-Pro at a position of need when we are on verge of competing for a Super Bowl? What are we saving for? How about making a bold move and trying to win it all?Also, unlike Suh, McCoy is Perfect scheme fit...If we don't sign him it's because Irsay doesn't want to spend period..


    The most NFL cap space and what Irsay's budget is may be numerically far apart. 

    After signing Houston & Funchess, can Irsay afford another market value contract?

  18. On 5/22/2019 at 2:37 PM, Lucky Colts Fan said:


    You do this every year.


    You throw out an opinion on the Colts offseason without a reference point to compare it to.  The Colts Free Agency is never good enough for you, but compared to what?  The Colts Draft is never good enough for you, but compared to what?  You only know the Colts offseason, and not the other 31 teams, so you have no point of reference other than what you think the Colts should have done.


    If you want to talk comparatively, the Colts have had some pretty good offseasons under Ballard compared to the other 31 teams.  But if you just want to talk about what you think they should have done, I'm guessing none of the 32 teams have good offseasons.


    There you go again with your argumentative homer bias rants. Lol


    The Raiders acquired WR's Antonio Brown & Tyrell Williams.... T Trent Brown ... S Joyner plus 3 First Round picks DE Ferrell, best rated RB Josh Jacobs and S Abram!!!


    The Brownies added to a already stacked team the most talented WR OBJ..... Olivea Vernon... Sheldon Richardson... star RB Kareem Hunt and drafted possibly the best CB Greedy Williams.


    Jets added RB Leveon Bell.... CJ Mosley... twice pro bowler G Osmele and 3rd overalk pick DT Quin Williams.


    I'm not even going to mention pats moves/draft caus I hate them but it was good.


    It's not the end of the world(for colt fans) if in May the Colts didn't win the off season OR if Warner doesn't include Luck on his Top 5 list......unless of course the Colt fan is YOU! haha

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