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Posts posted by LJpalmbeacher2

  1. 1 hour ago, danlhart87 said:

    I'm going to play with about 20 golden retriever puppies and 12 adult goldens 

    Ah.... my first Dog was a racing greyhound named Golden Years(David Bowie song), raised him at 8 weeks and my second and last dog was Rocky, a beautiful English Setter I took from my father.

    Both were great and loved them dearly!

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  2. I heard during one of the games that the Texans have won the South 4 out of 5 last seasons. And I know the Jags won it the other year. That's 5 conseqitve season without a Division title and only last year's wildcard playoff appearance! And seriously doubt we're winning it in 2020 or anytime soon, especially with Brisset or whoever Ballard gets to play QB.

    The run on us having Franchisee QB's (Unitas,Jones,Manning, Luck) are probably over....at least for awhile. Which will probably put us in REBUILD for the unseeable future.

  3. I fear we are now back in the Dark Age. The term I dubbed from the end of Bert Jones era to the Peyton Manning era. 


    Those 2 Decades of Colts football was mostly sad. We did have a couple years that gave us good times BUT the success of those few seasons weren't sustained for long.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Chloe6124 said:

    Looks like we might have found two really good WR in pascal and Johnson. Pair them up with TY, Campbell and a draft pick next year that could be a force. I don’t think we need to go get a FA next season. Just draft a guy and this WR group will be very good.


    Regarding Johnson imagine if he had been here earlier in the season when TY was healthy.  


    No, I doubt it.

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