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Posts posted by LJpalmbeacher2

  1. 2 hours ago, ChuggaBeer said:

    Or the FO doesn't value certain players the way fans do.   I am not positive but I think LT is already on the team.  Honey Badgers best position is what Kenny Moore plays and was graded lower than Kenny so he would have to play another position, which he is not as good at.  So how much of an upgrade will he really be?   Ballard has offers out for HB but probably not for the price he thinks he deserves at the slot CB  Probably a safety at a lower rate Because again he is good but not as good there. 


    Landry wants #1 receiver money and is not a #1 receiver.  He wouldn't even be the #1 receiver on the Colts.   So do you pay a #2 receiver WR1 money?  I wouldn't.  He's not that good And a reason he's still available and just fired his agent. LOL 


    Vet WR.   Does everyone want one because of leadership?  If so sign TY. and don't forget we now have Reggie who will fill a big part of the leadership and mentor roles.


    The few million you talk about is fine IF you are getting a lot more out of a player than what you already have.  If not. It's wasting money.


    I think we have WR's already on this team that will elevate   Plus I think they will add in the draft.  Matt Ryan alone will make the receivers better 


    Who else?     


    Price vs value.   Same as shopping for anything. 




    Your scnarios are for only for RIGHT NOW, I think most on here complaining/questioning Ballard's reluctance to spend are referring to his record of being thrifty for 6 seasons. 


    Whether someone calls it being smart with your money or being cheap the reality is the same....and that's that this team is lacking in playmakers and has needs in the premium positions and the .500 record and zero division titles/ disappointing playoff appearances show it.

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  2. 3 hours ago, ChuggaBeer said:

    Great post.  But doubt some on this board will actually consider this logic. 


    The logic is if you need some above average players, especially in positions of need and even more especially premium positions and some other team outbids you, you fail to elevate your team to the level of other teams and risk division titles and even wildcard spots.....and then you become average and irrelevant because of not spending a few million dollars here and there. 

  3. 3 hours ago, cdgacoltsfan said:

    Sportscasting.com has an article basically saying how cheap and frugal Ballard is and agents are frustrated in dealing with him  


    I heard something about that on JMV on YouTube. I didn't have much time to listen cause I took my granddaughter to Barrett- Jackson car show/auction here in palm beach. She bought(I paid lol) so much memorabilia :D and seen a new orange Corvette and wants it. She already knows how to shift & steer! 

    Back to Ballard being frugal, I'll try and listen later.,..but it's nothing we didn't already know. 

  4. 39 minutes ago, cdgacoltsfan said:

    All in Rams and BUCS style =Super Bowl championships.

    All in Ballard style gets you to 9-8 or 8-9 and second place in the weak AFC South.

    With any luck, this will be the last off season that we have to put up with this nonsense.


    This season it might be third place?


  5. 2 hours ago, Indyfan4life said:

    I really wonder what Jim thinks about all this and if he says anything to Ballard. LA must have some absolute wizards working with salary cap spending while we’ve got monkeys doing nothing. 



    Jimmy likes it....it's more money to buy guitars with. Lol 

     He's the Boss, If he didn't, things would be different. Just like he didn't like Wentz and then Wentz became gone. 




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  6. 6 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    So 3 days with Matt Ryan and we signed nobody. Here comes day number 4. This is getting bad honestly. We open up salary cap, and nothing. Why are we opening up cap if we aren't signing FAs? Does Matt Ryan not attract FAs? Is Ballard literally low-balling every FA he is interested in at this moment? Is he just doing a mini-tank at this time, using Matt Ryan to appease the fan base? Or is it that he's stubbornly going against what 31 other GMs are doing, thinking his way is still the right way, when the results have been poor?


    Stop sinking this team Ballard! You don't even have a 1st round pick in the draft this year. Previous years you had either a 1st round pick, or you traded it away for a legitimate player, or you traded down and had multiple 2nd round picks. None of that is true this year. This year, our 1st rounder is gone. It is a sunk cost in Wentz and there is no value in it. We have only one 2nd round pick as well. Unlike previous years where we got Braden and Leonard, and Taylor and Pittman. You seriously think you will outdraft other teams in the NFL by such a wide margin that it not only makes up for a lack of a first-round pick, but the lack of signing anyone in FA as well? You are crazy Ballard! 


    There is no way this ends well IMO, and it's going to blow up in Ballard's face once he sees all the weaknesses in the team after the draft and the beginning of the season. Expect a draft like last years, except without someone like a Kwity Paye that was a surefire top 20 player in most people's rankings.


    Ballard won't overpay!!! :funny:

  7. 26 minutes ago, Four2itus said:

    ..but he has a shot at driving to it every year. 


    Just having fun with your analogy. :sip:


    ...but you see the game better at home in front of your Big Screen UHD TV and the commercials too without paying outrageous prices for snacks. haha


    Having fun with you too. :D

  8. 18 hours ago, Scott Pennock said:


    I prefer to look at the long game not the instant gratification.


    I do agree that folks should wait until the QB decision is made and the ensuing moves are made before trying to run the FO out of town.


    Well Ballard's Into year 6, isn't that considered "long game" ? Lol 


    If Ballard would have addressed the needs previously on our lack of weapons WR & TE, the cupboard wouldn't be so bare now and the need as dire to fill now......same with LT,  CB, and of course they still need a QB. 


    Lots of Premium needs for a team that doesn't like to spend AND No 1st round pick. 




    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I think we are a good QB away, 1 good WR to compliment Pittman, and a good LT. So I am in the camp that we are contenders like you if we get that done. I am going off last year and seen us at 9-6 where ESPN and the NFL Channel were saying we were dangerous. Our D creates a lot of turnovers as well.


    Maybe the colts & the Football Gods agree with you...... Which would explain why THEY AREN'T adding those players.  



  10. 1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I understand that but I am thinking outside the box and already said it is a pipe dream what I suggested.


    Here's a pipe dream..... NY Mets owner Steve Cohen(Mets payroll is at $292million) buys the Colts and trades for Joe Burrow & WR Chase. :D

  11. 3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    They want to rebuild so we would have to give a crap load of picks for Ryan if Pitts is in the deal. Anything is doable, why did Watson go to the Browns because the Browns made it happen with Picks and money. Nobody thought Watson was going to the Browns.


    But that's assuming the Colts are trying to WIN NOW and that's not the impression their giving. And spending a lot of resources is not what Ballard & Colts do.

    • Like 2
  12. 14 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    If I was the GM I would try for Pitts, the combo of him and Ryan would be huge. Have to try. Regarding Corners, we need one but not sure who I would want.


    Why would the falcons give up Pitts???  :thinking:They drafted him instead of getting a top QB prospect, so I'm thinking the will want to keep him.

    • Like 3
  13. 5 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    I'm curious right now if it's Ballard or Irsay who got rid of Wentz. If it's Irsay, then he has done huge damage to this team over the last week and put Ballard in a horrible situation where his hands are tied and the Colts are a laughing stock to the fans, media, and players across the league that won't sign with us. If it's Ballard, then I'm about ready to fire him at this point. In that case, he would of released Wentz right before FA, counted on a plan that fully relied on luck to depend which QB would be available for you, sacrificed a week of FA (making the team worse by not being able to fill any needs except re-signing your own and a trade where we made our secondary a huge weakness in exchange for getting an EDGE), is still hesitant to sign or trade for a QB even after Watson was traded, and is still stubborn and bullheaded that he believes his way works when the SB last year and the current landscape of the AFC today shows that his way doesn't work. We probably can't even get a decent QB in the draft either because we don't have a 1st round pick (not that Ballard has attempted to draft a QB before the 4th round anyway).


    I would rather take a chance on a rookie GM at this point than Ballard if he was willing to learn from his mistakes and try a new approach. You can't teach an old dog new tricks apparently, and Ballard is stuck in his ways, which have become detrimental to this team, and have taken us from a high in 2018 to an all-time low in 2022. Sad to see this once great franchise that I rooted for since 1998 as a 10 year old kid become the dumpster fire it is today because of the last two regimes. 


    It's ok though, we'll probably trade our 2023 1st round pick for Matt Ryan (who will turn 37 in May), and get another band-aid QB for a year or two and sacrifice the future at the one thing Ballard is actually good at (the draft). 


    Maybe this will be a blessing in disguise. We'll go 5-12 or something, Ballard and Reich will be fired, we'll get a competent GM and HC for once, and we'll actually draft our QB like a normal team that tries win every year instead of going halfway on it (trading for wentz instead of stafford).


    The Bengals and the Rams showed two ways to make the SB (very different from each other), our approach isn't close to either team. 


    A GM and HC change can't come soon enough...


    It was irsay that wanted Wentz out, anyway that's my opinion. And yeah that's not good, that's Jerry Jones type of interference But at least Jerry's interference results in spending and acquiring Big Talent trying to win.... unlike irsay.


    As far as firing Reich & Ballard, will that matter much, especially in the long run???

    Outside of the Polian/Manning era how good have the hires have been? That's where this franchise may be heading, to the two Decades prior to Peyton. With a slightly above  mediocre season here and there( to sell more tickets to share a bit more revenue to the other 31 teams ). 


    Hopefully things won't go that way and our immediate future is bright..... we'll see. :)

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Scott Pennock said:

    Grigson closed the deal on free agents he brought in.....look how that turned out





    33-15 in first 3 seasons, 3 playoff appearances including 2 Division Titles  plus 3 playoff wins and a AFC Championship Game appearance (deflate gate game). 

  15. 2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Well….  You wrote.   And I don’t know that I’m disagreeing with you.   But if Irsay is on board, then I’m good and don’t care about silly fan reactions. 

    Good luck with that!         :thmup:


    Well we should mark the calendar to note that today You & I are not Disagreeing! haha


    But honestly, I didn't even know today was first day of FA...I thought I heard someone say or post it would be on Friday. And I have no idea who are on the FA list. Shows how much I'm into it these days. Lol


    Take care 





  16. 9 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    There’s a difference between the first WEEK and the first DAY.   See if you can figure it out?

    People who are commenting after the first DAY haven’t figured it out.   Now, it’s possible a week from now, those who are complaining will have more to complain about.   But that’ll happen in 6 more days.   The math really isn’t all that hard.     :thmup:

    Actually history tells us there isn't much if any difference for Ballard & Irsay between the first day or first week..... haha :banana:

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