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Posts posted by LJpalmbeacher2

  1. If the colts will have another awful season that will mean just one thing for Emma and myself.....more time to spend on StarField. The long awaited space exploration game coming out Sept. 6 on XBOX & PC. 

    A reported over 1000 planets and moons to explore!!! Open world games not my cup of tea but looking forward to this one. 


    Actually, I can do both(Colts/Starfield) lol. 

    Definitely watching our rookie QB.


    Back to topic. Seriously doubt colts will be in position to draft Williams or Drake. And if they are I doubt they will move on from AR5, regardless how he does. I expect them to do what bears did, keep their QB and get a Haul to rebuild. And whoever winds up at #1 & #2, will Haul in a lot more than the bears did.

    • Like 2
  2. "Mad Dog" Russo says the NFL is in bed with gambling sites and are Hypocrites.




    Of course its not ideal for players gambling, especially on their sport or team. But neither is that of NFL execs and the corruption known in the league and refs. 


    I think the NFLPA should think about standing by their players and demand lower punishments and NFL not allow their sport to be gambled on on gambling sites.......or maybe they will tell ALL PLAYERS to publicly make bets and see if the Commissioner suspends EVERY PLAYER in the league. haha


  3. On 6/27/2023 at 3:37 PM, Arodgers12 said:

    Do you guys think you’ll have a good season? What’s the prediction going forward?


    Im sticking with about 9-8-1 from earlier prediction but Secondary, OL, and lacking weapons is concerning but still think the Football Gods may smile and think its colts turn to have a decent year. Lol

    I'm pulling for the jets because of Rodgers. 

    • Like 1
  4. No one ruined lucks career.... Not Griggs, not anyone besides luck himself. His reckless style of play and not really having the desire or mentality to be a Franchise QB like some of the greats is what led his early exit. He didn't exactly Breathe, eat, live for football like many other greats do. He had other interests and when the pressures of being a Franchise QB mounted and the playing part was less fun for him he took a way out to a happier, more peaceful life....which everyone has the right to do so if they can monetarily afford to do so.....and he did. And Irsay paying him $25 million even though he quit

    didn't hurt his bank account.... Lol.


    Record wise, Griggs was 18 games OVER .500 plus 3 playoff wins. Ballard's W-L % may never approach that. Currently, I think its significantly under .500. Of course that's only relevant if someone values wins over personal feelings toward management. haha


    Yeah were about average since 2000 if you take away Mannings wins BUT what are the Colts if we took away Unitas, Bert Jones, Manning, and the first three seasons of Griggs/Pagano/Luck??????? :funny: :funny: :funny:

    • Like 1
  5. On 6/24/2023 at 3:14 AM, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Yeah the Patriots stopped us 3 times from going to the SB = 2003, 2004, 2014. They were just a loaded team for nearly 2 decades. We should have won SB 44 but made too many mistakes. We beat ourselves that game.


    We probably coulda, shoulda,woulda had a minimum of 3 Super Bowl Wins if it wasn't for those cheaters.

    • Like 2
  6. Its obvious the success since 2002 is because of Manning & Polian and neither are here anymore. And even with them many of those seasons they quickly exited the postseason with way too many one and dones and gave us fans frustrating ends to otherwise Fun and promising seasons. 


    We may not currently have a HOF talent GM like Polian, but we do have a very High Ceiling, exciting, super physically talented rookie QB that we can rally around and look forward to watching him lead the Colts to glory. Through I won't go far back to the Baltimore teams with Unitas & Jones, I think AR5 has the chance(hopefully) to be on a very, very short list of the Best things to happen to this Organization since fleeing Baltimore and arriving to Indy. 

    I just hope he gets a supporting cast worthy of his potential like Manning had, that includes coaching,and not have to carry the team on his back like Bert Jones did.


    Regardless, I think the colts will be Fun to watch again so enjoy.

    • Like 4
  7. We certainly have multiple units that have concerns to say the least......OL....Secondary....WR.....


    Despite bad seasons the last two seasons and a rookie QB wirh a marginal talented career backup qb I not going to say the OL, but obviously its a huge concern and could once again spell disaster for the QBs and team.


    I'm actually going to say in a passing league the greenness of the secondary followed by a modest receiving Corp even if they remain healthy. 


    Along with other potential trouble spots it certainly isn't stellar roster building, especially going with and trying to develop a rookie QB.


    But hey, were looking Darn Good at the kicking position. haha

    • Like 3
  8. On 6/16/2023 at 1:45 PM, DougDew said:

    Agree.  Our QB position this year may not be much more competent than it was last year.  If there is a jail break against our oline because the defense does not respect the pass, no Qb can avoid that kind of pressure and JT will have a rough time.  


    That's hard to believe but you could be right. A lot will depend on the OL, if it plays like the last two seasons it really won't matter who's behind center. If it builds on from some better play they had late last season I think Minshew/a inexperienced raw AR5 will improve the QB play from last year. Ryan, SamE. and Foles were really, really bad and awful  OL play contributed.

  9. I don't think the colts win total will be anywhere close to 3. 


    I don't like to compare teams from one year to another but despite last years low win total the team was or at least showed flashes of being much better. 


    But Losing Gilmore and Rogers will definitely hurt the defense. 


    But JT and Leonard back will really help along with I think a much better coaching staff. 


    And though AR5 is raw, he has great talent that he and Steinchen can take advantage of until he gets more accustomed to the NFL. 


    And the AFC South is not MLB's American League East......

    Another rookie QB in Texas, Tannehill and what's behind him scares no one, and I'm not even close to being sold on Trevor Lawrence or the organization he plays for. So theres a solid chance our QB play won't be too far below the rest of the division if not better?


    So that's potentially 6 games in our division that's winnable along with what looks like a weak schedule outside the division.


    In a passing league we're apparently not so great(ranked 25th) at the wr position and very weak and inexperienced at defending the pass....so that's not too appealing LoL. 

    But I'm still holding to my prediction that the Colts and/or Texans claim first place with about 9 wins. 

    • Like 3
  10. On 6/12/2023 at 12:22 AM, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I have 8-8-1 chuckling homer simpson GIF- 2nd in division play only behind Jacks. I think Tennessee and Houston both are 7 win teams (early projection). Jacks probably 10-7. My uncle who is a huge Tennessee fan told me Derrick Henry needs to get out of there before he starts going downhill/totally used up. He says they will never win anything with the QB's they have. To him, winning something is winning the AFC or SB. They did make the AFC Title Game with Tannehill (2019) but we all knew he wasn't beating Mahomes, that was that teams ceiling. Henry carried that team during those playoffs. To me Tannehill is average, not bad but will never get you to a SB. Levis is going to be really interesting to see how that plays out. My uncle wanted Hendon Hooker, he thinks Levis is going to be a bust. I tend to agree. Derrick Henry is going to be in the Hall of Fame after he retires but career wasted because that team has no grasp on getting the right QB. 


    I agree with you except for maybe the jags. They ended up in first in the south last year by default. The titans & colts imploded and won a total of maybe like one game or so in the second half of season.....someone had to end up in first place. They barely squeaked by titans with a third string QB they got off the streets. Knowing the jags organization I'm thinking last year they reached their pinnacle for awhile and may degress  to what their past history is. 


    I think 2023 will be the texans/colts turn to have decent seasons in a weak and winnable division.

    • Like 2
  11. On 5/19/2023 at 2:41 PM, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Cubs have been stinking up the joint lately, doesn't surprise me though. They will never have a team like 2016 again and I have accepted that. That team was ranked in the top 10 of all-time by MLB.com. 103-58 and World Series Champs. I will always have that so it is all good homer simpson beach GIF by Fox TV- here Homer was dying, he was sick but Marge took him to the ocean, and he soaked in it and he got his powers back :thmup:


    Is Springfield near a beach?

    Does Homer surf fish?

    Why isn't Marge in a bathing suit?

    • Thanks 1
  12. Haven't really watched MLB too much so far but have been betting.....and winning. Baseball is not difficult to win at in the long run. Everything usually averages out. 

    I'm probably getting the package soon. I've delayed so far because I didn't want to commit so much time to sitting in my recliner and watching lol. 

    My Yankees are starting to hit a bit better and Judge is heating up. Bullpen is a weakness and the closer spot. Hope Stanton comes back soon and stays healthy. Yankees really need Judge & Rizzo to stay healthy. 

    Yankees probably won't catch the Rays but fortunately there are a bunch of wild card spots and making playoffs is mostly satisfactory for Hal & Cashman despite what they may publicly say. Wish they would get rid of Schmidt or at least not bring in high leverage situations. I don't think there is a Yankee fan out there that is pleased to have him on team lol.




  13. On 5/18/2023 at 11:27 PM, colts89 said:

    Way too much hype on Ant now. I wanted either him or Stroud very early on in the draft season, but it was always gonna take time with him.


    Peyton said it best in the Omaha Productions short where he spoke about Richardson.

    Josh Allen had almost twice as many snaps in college and he was considered raw coming into the NFL. But he's also right in saying that he's still gonna make huge passes and break huge TD runs from the get go because he simply has the ability to on any given play, and Shane Steichen knows how to take advantage of that.But he's gonna miss plenty of simple passes early on. Experience matters and most rookie QBs, talented or not, are pretty awful their rookie year and almost every single drafted NFL QB (good or bad) has had more snaps than Anthony Richardson...


    it'll be fun to watch the progress though. Way better then the trainwreck we got to watch last year lol


    Hype is not a bad thing in the NFL. It helps with having Star Power, and Star Power is what Networks, Advertisers, Media etc... desire to promote their product. 

    • Like 1
  14. 12 hours ago, King Colt said:

    The real issue this year is who will win the AFC South!?


    I think the TITANS are on the downside and the Jags could very well return to being the Jags again. They weren't that impressive last season and wound up in first place by default... and how often do the jags put up back to back winning seasons?


    That leaves the Texans OR Colts.

  15. 16 hours ago, Blueblood23 said:

    Going to awfully tough to win a lot of games with a totally new coaching staff and a rookie qb. Richardson won 7 games once in high school and 6 with the Gators last year. Is the SEC tougher than the NFL? Just kidding around!


    The SEC may be tougher than the AFC South and the NFL schedule plays more games LoL.


    But I think the coaching should be better than last year and key players more healthy. But probably most of all  I think its the colts turn  to have a decent year.

    • Like 2
  16. 3 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:


    for those that wonder what would have happened.


    Talk about being thrifty with your resources.

    They loved AR and would have took him at #1 But didn't move up one position to #3 to secure him and nervously waited and hoped no team leaped them to take him. 


    Fortunately, it worked out. 

    We still got the Best Player and QB, imho, at #4.

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