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Posts posted by LJpalmbeacher2

  1. 26 minutes ago, SwedishColt said:

    I like the fact that we are underdogs this season. I really feel like we have nothing to lose but a lot to gain. 

    If we end up with a bad record and it gives us another chance at a high draft pick, great! 

    If AR somehow develops faster than expected and the rest of the team goes in the same direction, amazing!


    I much prefer this to last season when we were supposed to be a SB dark horse but ending up falling flat. 


    Hopefully everyone in and around the organization can stay patient though. That will be the key to our season I think,


    Realistically I see us getting 4-7 wins but who knows?


    You would have really enjoyed the 80's & '90's. Lol

    • Thanks 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Jackie Daytona said:

    He's done that .... If he's smart, he'll rehab and go into coaching if he's still driven by ball....otherwise, he's got amazing capital to start any business venture he'd like.


    I meant a few more million. 

    Whatever capital he does have, it's not as much as his talent warranted. 

  3. On 8/31/2023 at 1:46 PM, Stephen said:

    Imagine  a team with gronk, kelce, graham,clark,Andrew's all playing at te at the same time in their prime. That be hard to defend


    On 8/31/2023 at 2:16 PM, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Kelce and Clark would be my WR's, Gronk in his normal spot. My team would dominate lmao 


    I think Kelce would have trouble getting open as a WR. He seems to take advantage of holes in the zone and softer coverage HE SEES as a KC TE. As a WR, coverage on him should be better. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    I know some people don’t remember this, but for a number of years, Ballard did quarterly meetings with the media in-Season.   So he’d do one after week 4, 8, 12 and 16.    Then he’d do one at the combine and he’d do one at some point after the start of free agency and then pre-draft.  There’s seven meetings with the media we had in 17, 18, 19 and 20.  

    The in-season meetings changed during the Wentz year in 21 when Ballard did one after week 8, and 16,  but not after week 4 or 12,  if I remember correctly.   The other out of season meetings continued.   And it got all blown to heck last year in-season as well.   

    I have no idea what to expect this season?   There are all sorts of arguments either way, but my hunch would be for less access in-season, but I’d be happy to be wrong. 


    Yeah, his pressers seem to go(or lack of) like the teams go. They've been fewer in recent seasons. 

    • Like 1
  5. Stats not important.... Progression is and improving and correcting the things he needs to. 

    Even the win total is less important if they not making the playoffs. In fact, if missing the playoffs (and the way Ballard put this offense together missing the playoffs is very likely)  less wins is preferable for drafting....especially for a team that doesn't spend in FA. 

    • Like 3
  6. 2 hours ago, esmort said:


    RBs deserve what the market says they are worth, which right now isn't that much.  College players need to choose a different position or get over it.


    I'm going to half agree/disagree with you. As the saying goes "RBs are a Dime A Dozen" I'll agree and the average-good RB can be easily replaced....like for example the colts current Rb's not named JT. But imo, elite RB's are not easy to come by and are very important in many facets, not just rushing and are worth what money they seek. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

    Since this keeps getting repeated, we’ll repeat an answer:


    The Dolphins GM spoke yesterday and proved this to be false. There were no deals or offers made. 



    Who really knows, But the leagues owners are against Fully Guaranteed contracts AND RB's getting paid what they deserve. A owner, in  this case Irsay, probably would be going against the league rewarding a RB their true worth.  

  8. 3 hours ago, PeterBowman said:

    Is it just me or is it since the Colts called out New England for deflating footballs that the sports media been extra harsh on Colts management and ownership.


    Since Deflategate colts have seen few good days. It also seems the Ravens, who tipped off the colts on deflated balls, have had more difficult days but to a much lesser degree. 

    Coincidences I'm sure. LoL

  9. 7 hours ago, ShuteAt168 said:

    Yep. Look, no one hates to cut players more than Chris does, no one is more honest with the players, shoot no one is more honest to the media, look, no one values relationships more than Chris. I thought he did well today on the JT stuff, but he could dial back the “I’m the smartest most sincere most honest guy in the room” act a bit for my tastes. But I know a lot of fans like CB so maybe it’s justso me. 


    It's not just you.

    His act (and record and team roster lacking) is growing old on plenty.

    • Thanks 1
  10. I'm not getting too excited about who the colts add from other teams cuts. 

    Bottom line, our WR & RB group isn't going to keep opposing DC's up at night worrying how to defend them.Lol.  Players that other teams discard most likely won't impact the season for the colts. Not resolving the issue with JT and further alienating him in public will impact the season....negatively. 

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