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Posts posted by LJpalmbeacher2

  1. 4 hours ago, DougDew said:

    Employees get paid for contributions made to the company.  If they get paid more than they contribute, they get fired.  If they get paid less than they contribute, they either quit now and get another job that pays more...or....


    If they are a contract employee, they have to wait until the end of the contract (usually non compete clauses).....at which time they then find a better paying job.


    Hourly wage employees and salaried employees can get fired on the spot if they are not contributing like they should, or threaten to quit every week and renegotiate their compensation every week if they are underpaid.


    How rich the owner is has nothing to do with it.


    Maybe NFL players should do the same.....have no contracts at all and be more like the hourly/salaried employee....make it a "right-now" performance based compensation system.   At the end of each week, all players on all teams would become available to the highest bidder for the next week's game.  That would probably be more fair, but the sport wouldn't work.

    I'm not going to lose a minutes sleep whether JT, who I don't or ever will know, and other players get or don't get paid. 

    ......I'm going to have to agree to disagree on this with you and anyone else.


    I will add that I think that possibly its bigger than Irsay and JT. :thinking:

    It may be the league(31 other owners) don't want other owners paying RB's? Even if Irsay wants to pay JT, he would upset the narrative of the league and doesn't want to go against the collective business practice of the other owners???

    JT is not the first back to be denied extension AND won't be the last. 


  2. 8 hours ago, DougDew said:

    Would you still get paid if you got fired?


    When a person answers a job posting and is hired, they will be paid according to the terms of the posting for as long as they perform up to that level.  If they don't, they get fired.  The fact that the NFL job postings have an end date to them....the contract....doesn't change the fact that they can get fired upon notice and never get paid by that company again, just like most people's jobs.  


    Also, the player is not entitled to get a pay raise just because they play better than the terms of the contract.  Just like a person doesn't normally get a raise for doing their job exceptionally well.  That person simply has earned a competitive place that better positions themselves for a raise (usually a promotion)....when a new job opening comes up.  


    Beats me as to why coaches seem to get paid full contract value when they get fired for bad performance.  I guess its in the terms of the contract.  I don't get it, they shouldn't get paid either when they get fired.



    The conversation was about honoring contracts and why its ok for NFL owners not honor a contract but not for a player. 

    As far as "bad performance", many NFL players get terminated and didn't have bad performance. They often get released because their contracts escalate in pay the last year or two and teams don't want to pay the increased salary(and often they never intended to at the signing) and will often replace the player with a player making rookie/veteran minimum. 


    Professional sports is different than the workplace of average people.....But the NFL is different than other sports like the  MLB and NBA, who  fully honor and guarantee the  contracts they sign and agree to with the occasional Buy Out option after a specific year in the length of the contract. 


    I almost always side for the player who is trying to get paid a X amount of millions to take care of himself and families for the rest of their life and risk injuries/post concussion syndromes later in life  RATHER than owners who are BILLIONAIREs and spend more on a plane, yacht, or private collection of whatever tickles their fancy than a deserving players contract. 

    But at the end its just business for both sides but other sports fully guarantee the players salaries/contracts as far as I know. 

  3. 53 minutes ago, Patrick Miller said:

    I’ll always be in the camp that players should honor their contract. He should have been a team player and balled out this year….show that he deserves another huge contract. So yeah …as talented as he is…He doesn’t want to be here and I dont want the guy on the team. 


    What about when teams don't honor the contract and cut players before it expires?

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  4. 3 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:



    I would still be weary of putting Cincy that high. I get it though because of the last 2 years and Burrow is great. Burrow to me doesn't look near 100% healthy though. I still think the Ravens win that division. 


    Both the Bengals & Ravens have the misfortune of playing in the same division of one of the leagues favorite teams....the Steelers. 

    The script hasn't been written much in favor of them lately because of brady/belichek and then Maholmes getting the lead roles plus the Steelers have lacked talent a few years. 

    But despite them still not being talented and especially woeful on offense, I think they win their division this year and unfortunately for Bengal and ravens fans their teams will play their part for that to happen(Ravens & refs did vs colts?)

    Just throwing out a script like they joke about in the NFL commercials :funny:



    Neon Rated GIF by NEON




  5. My AFC Power Rankings(week#3)


    1.... Dolphins

    2.... KC




    3.... Buffalo

    4.... Bengals




    5.... Ravens

    6.... COLTS

    7.... Chargers

    8.... Pats

    9.... Jags




    10... steelers

    11... Titans

    12... Brownies

    13... Texans

    14...  Raiders




    15 ... *Broncos

    16... *Jets


    *any QB Denver trots out, including Russell  Wilson, is a lot better than the jets Zach Wilson. Which is why the Broncos are ranked ahead of the jets. haha

    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I went 12-4 again. I split on my 2 bets. I won $50 on the Lions, they won by more than 4, but the Packers only won by 1 point, I needed them to win by 3. Still $200 to the good for the year at 5-1.


     I had the Dolphins winning 30-20, I did miss that by 40 points happy homer simpson GIF


    @sb41champs, you went 12-4 too, great job, lmao . I am not picking until Thursday so nobody can cheat off my picks mood homer GIF


    As the Pats say, "if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying"

  7. 2 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I have been a fan since 1984 and never have understood fans wanting to give up on a season, fans wanting the team to lose on purpose to get a higher draft pick, and to me tanking is a loser mentality. 1 time in 40 years being a fan, I didn't care if we won or lost and that was in 2011. That was an outlier though with major circumstance. 1. It wasn't until we got to 0-8, 2. I knew we would get Andrew Luck with the #1 pick. Once we got to 0-8, I knew the season was over and I knew Luck would be very good or great for the future of the team.


    Even last year, it bothered me when the Texans beat us, last game of the season. I wasn't even worried about drafting higher, I just wanted to win. Every fan is different though so I have tried to learn to respect the way they think. Some fans just watch because it is entertaining to them, some fans watch because they bet on the Colts to win or lose. I watch as a TrueFan, TrueFan meaning, it ruins my day if we lose.  


    I understand your point and appreciate it. However, I feel differently when it comes to losing meaningless(in the standings) when you can highly benefit by having the worst record or close to it. I felt bad last year when it looked like we would win some of those games last year in the second half of the season(cowboys,steelers,vikings,texans). Thank the Football Gods we lost those games and wound up in position to draft.AR5. Colts were fortunate to lose enough to draft Peyton.....and then they were fortunate enough to lose enough to draft Luck. 

    Losing is not good but occasionally losing the most games cam get you a.Framchise/Elite QB and that's when it's advisable to lose meaningless games. 

    Just my 2¢

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Tennessee fans adore Henry, call him a Hall of Fame Henry. My uncle is a huge Tennessee fan, some of this fan base just craps on Taylor. I don't get it? My uncle said he would take Taylor if you guys don't appreciate him because Henry is getting old.


    Despite being a division rival I really like Henry too......he's a pleasure to watch run the ball. 

    • Like 1
  9. 22 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    He is 24 years old and if healthy, what makes you think he won't be great again? Like I said his injury isn't that bad. I would agree with you had he tore an Achilles or even an ACL. That is not the case.


    Look I get it, WR's are more important than RB's but it doesn't take away from the fact that Taylor is a great RB. This RB hate around the league is really mindboggling. I put what I did in bold on purpose. 


    RBs actually get a lot more touches per game (than WRs) and do more than just run with the ball. Yes, average rbs are easily replaced BUT ELITE RBs are not! And JT is a elite RB, look what he meant for the colts and what Henry has done for the Titans.

    • Like 2
  10. On 9/21/2023 at 6:08 PM, LJpalmbeacher2 said:


    SF over giants 23-9


    Rest of games before Post time. 


    I got the TNF game right so I'm 1-0 for the week going in to Sunday.



    Tenn.         19.     Brownies 20 OT

    Atlanta       16      Lions 19

    Saints         16.   Packers 18

    Denver.       17.   Dolphins 33

    Chargers.    30.      Vikes  26

    Pats             23.   Jets 11

    Buffalo.       34    Washingtom 20

    Texans.      16.     Jax   30

    Colts           23     Ravens 26

    carolina.    11.    Seahawks 24

    Bears          02.   KC 39

    Dallas         29.   Cards 11

    Pittsburgh   18   Raiders 16



    Eagles        29.    Tampa 16

    Rams          20     Bengals 19 OT ???



    Best Bets

    KC    over chicago 

    DALLAS over cards


    Best minor bets


    Phinns over Broncos

    JAGS    over texans

    STEELERS over raiders

    • Like 1
  11. On 9/22/2023 at 2:41 AM, Scott Pennock said:

    I'm sure some media *hat is going to call him a racist or something for wearing a Union uniform...........state of our society now!


    I wouldn't say he is a racist...... More of a deserter yes. haha

  12. 13 hours ago, JediXMan said:

    Colts offense and defense looks nothing like some of these AFC teams offenses and defenses. Also there’s only 2 AFC teams that are undefeated after two weeks. Watch the media still rank the Colts 30th this week though lmao


    Also bigger disappointment Chargers or Bengals?


    The chargers not playing up to expectations should never be a Disappointment.... in fact it should be expected. :funny:

  13. 19 hours ago, OLD FAN MAN said:

    i said before stroud was the best passer in the draft and a quick release


    Yep.....Stroud is a natural passer. Though I doubt AR will ever be as accurate and natural passer as Stroud, I like the other abilities/charisma AR has. 


    And I think he will learn to avoid taking unnecessary hits and not try to display a  macho mindset. 

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