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Posts posted by LJpalmbeacher2

  1. 1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    We still play the Steelers luckily so we can make up ground on them. I hope the Browns beat them tomorrow. 


    Just top of my head I think the Steelers have beaten the colts like 90% of the time..... and that included  QBs like Jones & Manning. I'm not betting that Minshew reverses the trend. LoL


    As far as the brownies playing them tomorrow, I plan on making a sizeable bet on the Steelers moneyline......but the close line does raise a red flag to me. And its not like it's the last game of the season and its a do or die game for the Steelers..... There are plenty of weeks left.  :thinking:


    But still I'm going with Pittsburgh but haven't decided on  how much to bet. 

    FWIW, I doubt the QBs dropping like flies in their division (Watson,Burrows) is meant for outside division teams to benefit, like the colts, over the Steelers, an organizational favourite of the football gods. 

    I just hope Lamar Jackson doesn't go down as well.

    • Like 1
  2. 12 hours ago, OLD FAN MAN said:

    coaches dont win games, talent wins games and make coaches look great


    There's truth to that but bad coaching/schemes can also hold talented players back and prevent them from progressing.. 


    Its nice to have both and that's where the GM comes in.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I doubt Kraft moves on from Belichek.....especially to replace him with a average HC and or a unknown. The only coaches Kraft has hired is Pete Carroll & Belichek. Both will be HOF bound imo. 

    The only way Kraft moves on from him is if someone like Harbaugh becomes available, and he usually is some form of violations from the ncaa....so maybe he does become available to Kraft and then Belichek goes to the Giants and drafts Caleb or Maye. 

    That.scenario would be a Win win for both organizations and the NFL.

  4. I think BB does comeback for '24. 

    The rivalry may not be as years past but I think it will rekindle in the near future with AR5 as the Colts QB and the pats tanking for Caleb Williams.

    Whether it will be AR5 vs Caleb or Drake Maye or some other college hot shot the rivalry, I think, will again be renewed but doubt it ever.will be what it was with .Manning/Brady. 

    • Like 1
  5. A lot of things are happening behind the scenes in raider land. 


    Word is Gruden is suing the nfl and said no amount of zeroes on a check will make him drop the case.. He's willing to Burn the House down to get his revenge on Goodell and get his career back. Florio says that Brady's attempt to buy shares in the raiders is practically dead in the water.. Irsay was against the raiders selling low(to brady) because that would bring the other 31 teams worth down. Maybe that's why Davis cleaned house so gruden may be satisfied with lots of money AND part of the Raiders or again be HC/GM???

    They said Davis loves gruden but reluctancly had to fire him from constant pressure from Goodell. Gruden's son works for raiders and they all get along. 


    Anyway, there's a court case  scheduled coming up November 7. 

    Doubt we ever will truly know the behind the scenes corruption but they said the nfl is scared of gruden...... 

    Should be interesting LoL

    • Like 1
  6. Levis did look good again and I do think the titans now have their guy.....and probably so do the Texans. But the colts probably have their guy too. The AFC South is now loaded with franchise QBs and its management's responsibility to surround our QB with good supporting cast of players/coaches/game callers to give our team the edge over our division rivals. 

  7. On 11/2/2023 at 8:13 PM, jvan1973 said:

    This will be an unpopular take.   The Colts have a terrible fan base.  A bunch of entitled punks hanging onto the Manning dominance and the transfer to Luck.   Very few true fans.  The hold over Baltimore fans are the real heros.  I'm not even one of them, but those folks know true adversity as a fan.   Indy fans have been spoiled.   


    I'm happy you called me a " true hero " (holdover from Baltimore) and yeah we seen a lot of adversity BUT so has the early Indy fans. Those pre Manning days were rough but I think a lot of them were so happy just to have a real NFL team in Indianapolis made losing secondary to them. 

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    This is a thread where an alternate universe exists for this season. Here are the rules.


    1.) It officially starts at the beginning of the regular season (since we had hope until then, everyone Ballard drafted and signed up until then counts).

    2.) When someone makes a post about the season in the alternate universe (good or bad), it is automatically considered fact.

    3.) After someone posts an event, whether it's a win, game results, stats, an injury etc... the next post builds off of it in some way. We are creating the universe together, and all events build off of each other.

    4.) This thread is a way to cope with the season. Have fun with it and try to enjoy yourself. This is supposed to be a positive experience. 


    Have fun guys! 


    Mods: Can you pin this thread please? I think this thread could help a lot of people who are depressed about the season and want to fantasize about a Colts season that they haven't seen in a long time.


    Funny..... With all the Mandela Effects lately a "alternate colts universe" should fit right in. Lol

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    Steichen is a bad coach and has a lot of the same qualities as Frank Reich. That new car smell just hasn't worn off yet, and people aren't going to admit it for a couple years. He's already abandoned the run 2 of the past 3 games when we've fallen behind 2 or more scores, and that's with a half remaining where we can catch up. This is with Gardner Minshew, mind you, not Anthony Richardson at QB.


    As we both and some others know Steinchen is only following the script. haha

    • Like 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    A good QB can win a SB around a great team. SF's team is elite besides the QB. They will go as far as Purdy will take them this year. The 49ers defense isn't historically elite, but it's top 5 this year. The offense is very solid. If Purdy is healthy, they are a top 3 team in the NFC with the Eagles and Cowboys. 


    The problem is that our team isn't anywhere near elite in any position besides maybe RB. We are also in a harder conference. Literally our only hope is that Anthony Richardson becomes elite like Mahomes and carries us to a SB. Even then, the Colts are much less talented than the Chiefs. We have to take every little edge we can. We don't do much in FA, we don't trade much, we can't build a team solely through the draft. This isn't Madden. No team can, even the Ravens can't when they have compensatory picks. 


    The 49ers are getting creative. Our creativity was to get Rasul Douglas for two years and buy in a buyers market where players were cheaper than usual. You probably think I overreacted in my posts, but this conservative GMing is why we will never do anything meaningful as a team.


    I'll add to your if AR5 does or doesn't become elite.

    My opinion is '23 QB class is good and our division got three of them.  If AR5 only progresses to being good instead of elite, the colts may wind up as having the least best QB in the division.... this of course is if Levis first game wasn't A anomaly. 

    And like you said, the colts don't add top players through FA or trade..

    So it may be up to a only good but not elite QB to carry the colts over division rivals who may have superior rosters AND QB's. 


    Heaven help AR5 to become the next Unitas, Bert Jones, Peyton Manning haha


    • Like 2
  11. 8 hours ago, Dobbinblitz said:

    Ballard concluded that there just was not anyone available with a high enough RAS to trade for.


    AND OR potential draftees would have higher RAS scores than the players traded for. 

    Who needs scouts(and YouTube) when you have RAS? haha


    Truth is mid to late round draftees make rookie minimum, less than the probable vet that would be available in trade. 

    When a team isn't in "win mode" it's about the Benjamins. 

    • Like 4
  12. 6 hours ago, richard pallo said:

    Unfortunately our quarterback might be injury prone.  I hope not.  But we really won’t know until next year.  That’s concerning.

    Running QBs and coaches that call their number to run will always be more susceptible to injury. 

    That just naturally is a by product of a athletic mobile qb. 


    We will need to see a lot more to know if he's injury prone..... But at 6'5 250 lbs I seriously doubt he's made of glass like some  here said. He just needs to be smarter(and coach) and try to avoid as much direct unnecessary contact as he can..

  13. On 10/25/2023 at 6:53 PM, bluebombers87 said:

    That’s easy. The one with the better acumen. 

    People who have spent years playing the game are in the vast majority of cases are far more reliably knowledgeable than “Trust me bro” people in the internet. Not saying that’s what happened here, just in general.


    And to add to your statement, players that played in Super Bowls on both winning and losing sides said or thought the games weren't authentic. 

    • Like 1
  14. On 10/24/2023 at 9:02 AM, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Great discussion here. I almost think a better question for a Poll would have been, do you think the REFS cost us the game by making 2 terrible calls at the end? There might still be a few that say NO, but if 50 people voted I am sure the answer to that would be an overwhelming YES. I am guessing out of 50 people, at least 40 would vote YES. That is 80% of the vote. I have read over a thousand comments on Youtube and Yahoo and many think the REFS were a joke in the Colts game. Several comments from posters even read as REFS 39 Colts 38. 


    So far the poll I created in here is 50/50 to whether or not the REFS alter certain games to help teams out. That says a lot by itself. 50% is high when it comes to a subject like this. 4 posters even voted they think games are rigged. I did not but 4 believe so. 


    On 10/23/2023 at 4:57 PM, NewColtsFan said:

    Full disclosure:   

    I did not see yesterdays game. (Bad sciatic pain)  But from what I’ve seen it’s likely I would’ve been a pretty upset fan. 

    The pass into the corner at the end of the game landed roughly 10 yards beyond the back of the end zone.    There used to be a rule where if the pass was not playable in the field of play that the penalty flag would be picked up and wouldn’t count.   Perhaps that rule has changed?   But calling a penalty in that situation looked ridiculous.   Completely ridiculous.   To any reasonable fan I think it was a terrible look for the NFL.  

    Im sure Steichen/Ballard has written a letter to the NFL.   I doubt we will hear much about it.   I’m curious what Steichen will say publicly today. 


    I didn't see it either.... I went golfing. But did see highlights.I agree, It really was a bad look for the league and I heard Sterling say it was a bad look for the NFL network since they didn't want to acknowledge the blatant bad calls.


    I thought or think I had brief encounters with sciatic but doc thinks it a bit of neuropathy. 

    Basically, she wants me give up eating all protein except lean chicken breast, juice, fruits, rice except brown, potatoes, sweets, pasta AND COFFEE!!! ....but drink plain unflavored water.

    So basically don't eat or drink anything that doesn't taste like cardboard!


    I'm not giving up my gourmet flavoured coffee and pumpkin spice creamers. No way haha


    Hope you feel better soon. 

    • Thanks 1
  15. On 10/24/2023 at 6:18 AM, bluebombers87 said:

    Irrelevant. You asked why this wasn’t karma. I’m asking why you think karma even exists as a possibility when the idea of humans being corrupt is impossible to you.

    Ahhh, don't you know that everyone and the world is made of rainbows and candy canes? LoL

    • Like 1
  16. On 10/23/2023 at 2:23 PM, Mitch Connors said:

    I voted no on all counts mostly because it would require dozens (if not hundreds) of people to pull it off and there is absolutely zero chance someone wouldn't talk. However, I also believe more and more people would vote yes and that's a disturbing trend for the league. A vast majority of my friends and fantasy football league members believe the NFL is using refs to fix games. I'll grant you that 15-20 people in my circle doesn't move the needle but if that same percentage is true in other circles the NFL had better figure this out asap.


    But there has been players that talk....they just don't get publicity. The people that control the media are the same ones who pay billions of dollars to broadcast the games and the pregame/post game shows and all the talking head analysis shows.  Don't you think its in their best interest not to acknowledge/publicize  someone who is talking about the integrity of the games? 


    • Like 1
  17. On 10/23/2023 at 1:57 PM, Jared Cisneros said:

    Games are absolutely being rigged. IMO, they've been rigged since at least 2001 (which is the earliest time I noticed because of 9/11. We're at a time where sports gambling is legal online and in casinos, and it's gone from just rigging games and the playoffs and championships for ratings and merchandise sales to doing it to cover spreads and earn vegas and these gambling sites money. 


    It's turned from the best kept secret from the fans to the worst kept secret from the fans, just like WWE Wrestling. At first, everyone thought it was real, then subtle hints were thrown that it could be predetermined, now everyone knows it's predetermined because it has been admitted. Football is at that middle stage, where the subtle hints are being thrown around that it's rigged or predetermined, but people don't believe it yet, or don't want to believe it, but it'll eventually be admitted that the outcomes are predetermined at some point, whether a ref comes out, or someone else in a high position of power.


    Games have been at the very least suspected way before 911 and way before your time. Its been written and talked that SB3 was rigged because the NFL needed the AFL to win to justify the merger and the super bowl game. 

    A lot of talk came from that game where namath beat Shula's colts .with Johnny Unitas.on.the bench..

    It was.before our time so you and I  cant get blamed for the talk and writing done about those times lol.Football has always had gambling and owners who had syndicate ties.

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