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Status Updates posted by Nadine

  1. mothers day thank you GIF by Nora Simon

    1. NFLfan


      Happy Mother's Day, Nadine! 


      My sisters and I are going to visit my mother but we will do so by keeping a distance. No hugs or kisses. That will be hard, especially because we all have to be at least 6 feet apart from each other. But I am glad we will at least get to see her and each other in person rather than virtually. 

    2. 2006Coltsbestever


      Happy Mothers Day Nadine and to all the mothers. My mom has been my everything, I wouldn't be where I am life without her.

    3. Nadine


      I talked to my mom today.  She's a 4 hour drive away.  She loved what i gave her but it made her cry.  She wants to see everyone

  2. Is it a jinx to bring champagne to a football viewing party tonight?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. sb41champs


      You can for the rest of the 2018 season - you've established a "lucky charm" - so ride with it girl !!


    3. sb41champs


      You need to buy a case of champagne - you're gonna need it !!


    4. Nadine


      we had one bottle of pink champagne split between 4 people this week and that did the trick! I could up it to 2 though.  

  3. Hoarders is a good show to have on in the background while you are cleaning out closets

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JPPT1974


      Very funny there! Hoarders is like a guilty pleasure.

    3. sb41champs
    4. Nadine


      I always feel so bad for these people.  All of them have had some trauma that led them to this very destructive life.  Most are at risk of losing their homes when they seek help in desperation. Bless the people on this show that help them

  4. I'm cooking for 13 on Thanksgiving and had the menu all planned, list made, cooking timeline set.  One is vegetarian and I had plenty of veggie options.  I just found out another is both gluten and dairy free.  EVERYTHING has gluten and/or dairy. I am FREAKING OUT

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jules


      Cooking and eating gluten free is hell, I tried it once for fun for two weeks just to see what it was all about as almost a fad diet experimentation. It was during a hot period in the summer and it was easy just to eat salads with meat and then WHOOPS, salad dressings can have gluten!!!!! I had to stop it since I found out my husband was going through fast food drive thrus in private and was starving. lmao 


      Most meat and veggies do not have gluten. The gravy and stuffing would be a problem though. And I hate any deserts that are gluten free, ick. I mean give me a real desert.


      I am lucky I don't have to cook anything for Thanksgiving outside of making one desert lol.

      Good luck Nadine! I am sure it will all come out terrific in the end.

    3. Nadine


      I do feel for my niece.  Her digestive issues are tough.  I want her to have a nice thanksgiving. Here's hoping we chose well.  My daughters are baking pies today.  One will be gluten free. This feast is serious business!

    4. sb41champs





  5. Saw a Barred Owl in my backyard this am.  Didn't hear him like in this video.  He was just watching the squirrels run about.  He was magnificent! 


    1. HungarianColtsFan


      Beautiful birds! I like owls.

    2. Nadine


      They are so cool! The last one I saw was WAY up on top of a sycamore tree. It was awesome to see him closer.  Now I'll listen for him

    3. JPPT1974


      Owls are very pretty indeed!

  6. Anybody grilling this weekend? I just finished staining my deck and excited for it's summer party debut!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. JPPT1974


      Would gain a lot of weight too but having a church picnic will tie me down here. Thanks!

    3. sb41champs


      Would have loved an invite !!

    4. southwest1


      Hey CBE,


      I realize this thread was way back in late May, but steaks & garlic powder sounds delicious.


      Even chicken breast on the grill sounds good too HCF. MMM Crap, now I'm hungry. LOL!


      I hope the deck debut was a pleasant one Nadine that you got a ton of complements on as well.

  7. Irritated with the Jaguars today

    1. Gramz


      I share your irritation.    I'm also irritated that the Pats NEVER commit any penalties.   


    2. shakedownstreet


      It says single status update which made me initially think you updated your status to single. I was thinking I didn't know this was that sort of forum :D

  8. Here's the thing about super glue.  You can only use it once and it seals itself against further use


    1. JPPT1974


      Cute my friend!

  9. Another hurricane

    1. Gramz


      Hurricane Nadine? haha

  10. sigh

    1. Gramz


      I'll second that.   But, it was better than last week.

    2. Nadine


      Absolutely.  So much better

  11. Happy eclipse day! Remember, don't look at it, not even through your phone. It's being live streamed in several places and that will be a better view than glasses https://www.fastcompany.com/40455707/solar-eclipse-live-stream-heres-where-to-watch-online-no-glasses-required

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nadine


      A neighbor came by with eclipse glasses so I got to see it.  Pretty cool but, I kind of expected it to get darker and for birds to freak out a bit.  All the neighbors were outside, it was nice

    3. JPPT1974


      Heard it was something else there! 

    4. Synthetic



      It was a total no show down here. I'm afraid a lot of people where I live may have truly wasted their money on those glasses and display things. 

  12. Enter to win 2 tix to Lions @ Colts! The drawing is now open!  http://bit.ly/2vdJbGZ

  13. Just saw Dunkirk.  I'm overwhelmed in more ways than I have words for.

    1. southwest1


      I believe Christopher Nolan directed that film. I lost considerable respect for him over the cinematic mess called "Inception" he also went behind the camera for, but I will admit that the movie trailer looks intriguing & critic Richard Roeper raved about it. Therefore, I must give "Dunkirk" a fair shot. 


      I don't typical see war flicks in the theater though. WWII stuff feels to much like graduate school class for me again like I'm gonna be tested on it or forced to write a 25-30 page paper on it with footnotes. LOL! 


      I'll see it on video not in person. I don't like being lectured to at the multiplex. I go to movies in person to be entertained. Glad you enjoyed it though Nadine. 

  14. Experimenting on dinner guests this evening.  Making one of Emeril's coleslaw recipes.  It's got horseradish in it! BAM! :Nuke:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HungarianColtsFan


      Well, horseradish goes well with pork meat.

    3. JPPT1974


      Hope it was really good!

    4. BR-549


      "Pork Meat" and Bloody Mary's.  I love it, used to have a patch of it next to my asparigus back in Indian and put several pints up every year to share with my friends.  It was HOT!


      That sounds really good, will have to try it Nadine.

  15. Watched Manchester by the Sea last night.  While I really did like it, I hated the ending, a lot

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nadine


      He's good in it.  It's a tragic story but I did like it.  Just the ending was abrupt

      I guess it was an artistic statement but, I like a little more closure than that

    3. southwest1


      I don't wanna rain on anyone's parade here, but I didn't care for this movie at all. Casey Affleck cannot act period & there's no way the Academy should have given him as Oscar. I think his older brother Ben paid off the judges. Just Kidding! 


      There is a fictional tragedy in it that I won't reveal here. None of the characters resonated with me. They seemed either wooden, stale, or forced to me. 


      After I saw this flick, I was like what's all the hoopla for? I don't get it. Clearly, I must have seen a different film than the Academy did. Hands down the 2nd worst film I've seen this yr. Suicide Squad was by far the top train wreck I've sat through in 2017. 


      Again, if you found this picture appealing in some fashion that's perfectly fine. I just cannot recommend it unless it is used as a disciplinary device. Behave or I'll make you sit thru Manchester By The Sea & write a summary of it. Oh the humanity! 

    4. southwest1


      "One example is "City of Angels" . The movie was interesting, but I didn't like the ending; therefore, I considered it a bad movie."


      I know what you mean TS. I was not a happy camper when Meg Ryan died in this film either. I've always liked her as an actress & when this fictional doctor perished I was pretty upset. Plus, Nicolas Cage giving up his angelic powers for that physician only to later lose his first human lover on Earth was definitely a raw deal. 

  16. Anyone have any advice on buying a hot water heater? Been searching it and all I find are complaints.  Cannot seem to find any brand/model that is well thought of. Good reviews seem to be for heaters made before 2016. Any help would be appreciated

    1. crazycolt1


      I am not sure if you are interested in a tank less water heater but they do pay for themselves with the savings. The water is not heated till you need it. Less cost that keeping the water heated all the time. Might check it out.

    2. Nadine


      We're open to tankless but I read bad things about them as well.  Before I call a plumber, I'd like to have some idea on a brand or a model that is good.  They always push whatever it is that they are a dealer for.

  17. What's everybody grilling this weekend?


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JPPT1974


      Hope to get steaks my favorite.

    3. alawai


      Lol!  Baked/oven ribs!  Got a pot luck meeting tonight so that's my grilling for the weekend!

    4. 2006Coltsbestever


      Just put the Bratwurst on. I have 8 of them for today and tomorrow. I am pretty much staying in all weekend and away from the crowd. Next 2 nights will be Brats and Beers and Baseball watching.

  18. Happy Mothers day to all my mom friends here!

    1. alawai


      Happy Mothers Day Nadine!

    2. JPPT1974


      Happy Mother's Day to all mothers!

  19. So MUCH RAIN!!!

    1. 2006Coltsbestever


      Yeah it's something else isn't it. I am staying inside today and just chiillin anyway. Good day to get my laundry done LOL

    2. Nadine


      Seems like maybe that's ENOUGH ALREADY

    3. PrincetonTiger


      You guys have it easy It has been rainy here in the Pocket for a week

  20. Guys, We are trying to fix the issue with the menu blocking the right side of the mobile site.  Thanks for your patience

  21. Happy Easter to all my (marshmellow) peeps :)

    1. 2006Coltsbestever
    2. JPPT1974


      Right back at ya!

  22. Our @Colts forum lost a treasured member, Brandon Lee Marshall, known as Gavin to us | Post memories of Gavin here > https://t.co/PJf2JqRV49

  23. Happy 2017 Colts Fans!

    1. 2006Coltsbestever


      We are 1-0 in 2017 with a classic Andrew comeback!

    2. JPPT1974


      Have a safe and a blessed 2017!

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