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Blog Comments posted by 12dalegend

  1. It seems very clear to everyone except Grigson that the lines are not where they need to be and has been the case since his arrival, until that is fixed, it's not likely there are going to be any Super bowl appearances, although it can happen and did happen during the Manning era, everything has to fall into place and in today's NFL, those odds are very slim....this is very similar to that era, great offense (potentially and sometimes) avg. defense, the 1 difference is the special teams are better now. Not putting down Pagano, but the *s have had maybe the best QB ever and maybe the best coach ever, during this era, that is a very tough combo to beat, especially in the post season....Brady has never been surrounded by the weapons that Manning had, not even sure on paper, they even had more overall talent, but it's what they did with what they had that matters and they always seem to make it happen

    Yes...Brady always did well without anyone special...no excuses but we need a hard as nails coach who will make this team tougher than a $2 steak...maybe someone like Bill Cowher 

  2. The only thing I can say is everyone should have seen this coming, look how Irsay and his lackeys did Harrison. Then Freeney and Manning, at least Manning got a press conference for the farewell. Two of my friends told me there is no loyalty in professional sports and all it is about is the money. Didn't use to be that way when I was young I thought. This time, however, they put a dagger in my heart by treating a Loyal player they way they have. I have 2 friends that stopped following football after the Manning incident, but I stood fast and told them that it was a mutual thing and just to get over it. They didn't, I just waited and hoped for the best. The way they have handled this with Reggie Wayne is the final straw and I have to agree with my friends now. There is no loyalty in football, only money and hype. Guess, it is my turn to leave now. I will miss my Sunday afternoons with my favorite team. And Mr. Wayne if you ever read this please know that some of us do appreciate you that much and felt like we were right beside you every step of the way in every game we watched. You were our heart. God bless you and keep you.

    Donʻt give up on them we are on the verge of winning a SB, maybe if we win yaʻll come back...GO COLTS!

  3. I agree. Redding is good and still productive and a great leader, but we have only a handful of veterans and just made the conference championship. I don't think we need the leadership of all the veterans now. We're past that point. Suh or Fairley or both along side Jones would be a damn dangerous defensive line! If our defensive line could hold the line better it would make the linebackers jobs easier too (killing two birds with one stone). Landry should go, re-sign Adams and make Brown the starter in place of Landry. I like the idea of Peterson, Lynch, or Rice. But Murray most likely will be available. He's younger than all the other backs mentioned, and has no baggage.

    How about if available at 1st pick Gordon of Wisconsin the guy is explosive 

  4. You are all a bunch of Doomsday radicals.  Jim Irsay will not dump a staff that went 3 seasons of 11-5 and one that got to the AFC Championship.  


    You all with the Fire everyone mentality can go away.   

    We canʻt beat NE, PIT, and most teams over.500 especially w our defense, and other teams are gettin better 2 especially our division itʻs only goin 2 get harder 2 win n the time is NOW!

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