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Read-Option/ Various

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Where do people get this idea we are deep at receiver, besides the obvious, that being TY and Andre what proven commodity do we have at the position? Moncrief did the utmost with his time on the field but flashes are not guarantees. As for Duron he is a mystery inside an enigma wrapped inside a puzzle that is also inside a Jack in the Box, I'm still not sure about that place; some may say "he produce in the CFL"... ok, "well his dad is Cris Carter" your point being? All I'm trying to get at is t



Could Daniel Adongo be our Nigerian Nightmare?

Daniel Adongo, a young rugby player who has a familiarity with carrying the ball; let us not forget all you have to do is look at the man with your eyes (or eye whatever) and see that he is an athlete. The football deities know we need some kind of spark in the run game: There is a strong possibility that you may find this confusing; it could easily even be infuriating, but there is a long haul before we see some Colts ball and I believe Richardson and Bradshaw are going to be dismissed. So why



Trade Trent Richardson.

We should trade Andrew Luck for Concrete Charlie Bednarik and the guy who played Johnny in 'Johnny Be Good' (but he could never break character; it would be well known throughout the land, and stored written record.) All foolishness aside: why just release Trent when we could trade him get ANYTHING, and move on; believe me friend we can get something from someone why take on the dead money? Richardson has the ability he just simply doesn't fit with this team and has possible issues outside of fo



Indianapolis Colts

Well here we are: an AFC Championship game and a Cory Redding guarantee. This team has amazed and baffled, from great wins to head scratching blowouts; we are truly battle tested. And yet, the main stream media would rather discuss Andrew Lucks beard and why the other team lost. All of that said we are truly blessed to be the home town of the horseshoe. So the next time you hear a tight lipped man (who shall remain unnamed) on ESPN 2 say anything about OUR guy, OUR team or OUR owner; remember th



Rambling, man.

Sometimes I find myself watching Colts games, let me take that back it is not sometimes it's every game; most post game interviews, and a literal ton of nonexistent highlight film. Here are some phrases that I tend to find myself repeating; Andrew Run! Andrew F***ING RUN! Who was covering that tight-end? Damn it Greg. Block. BLOCK. BLOCK! Hold on to the ball. A few others as well, though I'm sure you get the point. Do not take me wrong: in no way am I complaining just speaking my mind or typing



Spit Balling Here..

I had this idea that involves Andrew Luck not only running more but the addition of a read-option; that in theory could not only save him unnecessary hits, turnovers and possibly improve the running game out of the shotgun formation: but also increase the longevity of our quarterback. I know what some of you may say "but wouldn't running expose him to more damage?" Well yes, but with his intelligence and deceptive speed/wiggle he could do a lot of damage and sneak out of bounds or bust out the o



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