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Two Questions for Pep's Offense? No Huddle and the Deep ball?


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I have two questions that I would like everyone to chime in on. First, off I am sure Pep did not show off a lot of the offense in the pre-season, but you really did not see any deep stuff with TY, DHB, or Coby although he was hurt. I would expect a lot of deep seem plays from Coby and possibly Allen, and deep balls for TY and DHB at opportune times. My question is do you agree, will that be the part of the Arians offense that is kept. I hope so because with the speed we have along with match up problems which should allow us to get deep down the seem, I would expect it, but have not seen much yet.


Second, I am wondering if we will employ the no huddle and let Andrew do the play calling and audibling at the line. We have seen if you have a great quarterback what a weapon it is. The defense gets dog tired. They cannot substitute if you don't, plus you get an extra 8-10 plays on average if you run it most of the game. I see the two fullback set, and I wonder if we will start to incorporate it more. My hope is yes, and Pep will see the advantages after looking at the Patriots, Denver, etc. I believe Luck can handle it easily due to how smart he is, so I am hoping. Thoughts on these questions I invite. We did not see much in the preseason of the no huddle and I am hoping it evolves!


Hope we spank Oakland tomorrow!

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1.Obviously Pep kept most of whats in the playbook under lock and key, with that said you do have to practice some things from your playbook to see if your players can execute, As to the deep ball, I remember a deep ball to TY that went for a TD from Hasselbeck. Pep also knows a thing or two about trick plays, So I expect a variety of things this year if the situation calls for it and the play is there


2.In short, The no huddle is not just about your QB, your players have to know the situation and calls/audibles during said type of situation for the No Huddle to work to

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1.Obviously Pep kept most of whats in the playbook under lock and key, with that said you do have to practice some things from your playbook to see if your players can execute, As to the deep ball, I remember a deep ball to TY that went for a TD from Hasselbeck. Pep also knows a thing or two about trick plays, So I expect a variety of things this year if the situation calls for it and the play is there


2.In short, The no huddle is not just about your QB, your players have to know the situation and calls/audibles during said type of situation for the No Huddle to work to


Yeah, I remember Arians saying something to the effect of Luck being ready for the no-huddle LAST year, it's just the rest of the team hasn't caught up to his grasp of the offense yet. I imagine we'll see a little more no-huddle towards the end of this season, and in seasons upcoming

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1. Deep ball comes off the play-action more effectively or even those quick passes we were throwing to DHB in the pre-season. Defense will eventually play up


2. No huddle is whenever Pep gives Luck the keys. He's ready to run it, just gotta get the okay from the coaches.

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