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Everything posted by NewColtsFan

  1. You really think Higgins is the Bengals WR1 and Chase is the WR2? Or did I misunderstand you?
  2. You’re not reading this thread. Theres already been a post saying Joe Burrow structured his big new deal so the Bengals could keep Higgins. And that Cincinnati promised Burrow they’d keep him. Higgins isn’t happening.
  3. You really think Ballard lets Pittman walk out the front door? For nothing?!? I think the Colts would tag Pitt and try to work out a longer deal with a lower cap hit.
  4. His skill is for deep balls?!? Are we talking about the same Michael Pittman Jr? I like the guy and hope we find a way to keep him, but he’s much more a possession receiver than a deep receiver.
  5. Chad…. You have to know I like you. We’ve been friends for a long time. I don’t enjoy giving you a hard time. But I think you’ve “what if” this to death. I think it’s hard to create a world where MHJ falls to 7 on draft day. But I gave it some thought and here’s what it could take. Harrison shows up at the combine looking lean and mean, ready to go…. And then he runs 4.58. His other tests look good to very good, but MHJ doesn’t seem explosive. He says he’ll do better at his Pro Day. And he does, but not by much, runs 4.54. Looks a little better but not much. Now there’s growing concern…. he announces he’ll do a special workout just before the draft for scouts. This happens for special cases most every year. And he runs 4.52. So is Harrison really not that special? Or is he Jerry Rice who didn’t test well but turned out to be the GOAT at WR? I think THATS what it would take for MHJ to fall to 7, and even then, I think some team takes him before 7. Oh, and including JT will likely depend if the Colts have re-signed Moss. Because if Moss leaves, then Taylor stays — period. Full stop. There are so many what ifs, that you can tie yourself in knots. This would be the longest of long shots.
  6. It looks like it won’t be tomorrow. Too late to announce that now. So likely Wednesday or Thursday. What he’ll say is anyone’s guess, but it’ll be interesting to hear the questions he gets. The media didn’t ask much a year ago after a 4-12-1 season. The conference went less than 40 minutes. Most Ballard year end press conference last roughly an hour +/-. That was hugely disappointing to me as a media guy.
  7. You think we just gave a new three year deal to JT which includes I think a $10 mill signing bonus to turn around and TRADE HIM?!?! This makes zero sense.
  8. I haven’t had a chance to view it yet, but there’s a video on tge front if the website called Steichen on the season. I’ll view it later. Just wanted to give you a heads up if you’re interested.
  9. Earlier today, you wrote a crushing piece about how Bradley’s defense puts a cap on just how good and effective the defense can be. One of your better posts. But here’s the thing, everything you wrote, Steichen and Bradley surely know all that as well. So why is he being retained? There has to be a good reason. Im not sure I know it. But it could be the dollars we’d owe Bradley and his staff if they were fired? Or maybe Steichen and Bradley have come to an understanding…. That Steichen may be more involved in-game with the Def play calling. He may be telling Steichen to blitz more. I think there are pieces of the puzzle missing, because the decision doesn’t seem to add up to much scrutiny. Sure would love to be a fly on the wall inside the Colts facility.
  10. Part of the reason for Ballard’s zone is that you don’t have to pay the DB’s premium money. You can pay one corner, maybe two. But that’s it. I don’t believe Ballard views safety as a position to pay $10 mill per. He might pay $7 or even $8. Maybe. But he’s not doing $10 and certainly not on a 4 year deal like you suggested. Things will likely be different. But not everything. Just some things.
  11. When has Ballard EVER paid a safety $10 mill per? I think the answer is never. I don’t see him changing that approach for a safety.
  12. “Ballard can’t walk and chew gum at the same time”?!? Huh? Can you explain what that is supposed to mean?
  13. If he remains consistent, it’ll be this week. But which day is the mystery. Tuesday? Wednesday? Or Thursday?
  14. This question concerns Bill Polian’s time with the Colts. Other than Adam Vinatieri, what other players can you remember Polian signing in Free Agency. I’m sure there were some. Anyone? Can you help? Thanks in advance….
  15. When Ballard trades back, he believes he’s getting roughly the same level of player that he would have if he stayed where he was. No two teams see the draft the same way. Every team’s Big Board looks totally different, in some cases shockingly so. A few years ago, the Patriots took a guard at the bottom of the first round. Off memory, I think his name was Cole Strange. The Rams didn’t pick until the bottom of the third round that year. Late-90’s. The Rams had Strange on their list of players who might last to them. One team saw the player as a late first rounder, while the other saw the same player as a very-late third rounder. Everyone sees the same thing differently.
  16. It depends on how far he trades back. He could trade back once or CB might trade back several times.
  17. For the last two seasons, Lawrence has a competition percentage of nearly 66 percent. Thats highly accurate. Currently he has more than a bad shoulder, he also has a high ankle sprain. I don’t even know how much he’s practicing? But when he’s as wild and inaccurate as you say he was, there’s typically a very good reason. He’s a top-10 QB.
  18. That’s your opinion. And that’s all it is, your opinion. Nothing more.
  19. When Lawrence hasn’t played up to expectations it’s been due to two things. 1. Bad HC in Y1. 2. Injuries in Y3. Otherwise, he’s been pretty darn good.
  20. My posts get laughed at all the time. I pick and choose who I respond to. To do otherwise is a waste of time. As I said to Hozer, the three of you laughed simply to the idea of hearing what Steichen had to say. Just listening to Steichen explain himself was rejected. THAT’S what put you three on BLAST. Not that you laughed at me, but that you laughed at the idea of hearing what Steichen had to say. Thats entirely different. I’m fine with anyone laughing at me. OLD FAN MAN just laughed at me 7 times. Par for the course. I’m good with it.
  21. Thanks. Right after I responded, I figured it out. I saw repeat posts. Some as Jared, some as your new handle. That confused me a bit. So this will be your new handle moving forward? Ok, thanks for clarifying.
  22. Before I respond…. I have a question. Who are you? I’ve never seen your handle, yet your profile says you’re a member here since 2014, and that you’ve made nearly 14,000 posts with 11 days won. I should know who you are. Yet I don’t. So who did you used to be? Thanks.
  23. What winning record? Ballard’s GM record with the Colts is under water. He’s under 500. If you’re talking about a winning record this season, it IS something to be respected. Sorry you don’t understand that.
  24. You're entitled to whatever opinions you like, Jared. Enjoy the website.
  25. Season just ended, and you’re already in perfect form. Your happy place. Enjoy!
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