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Everything posted by NewColtsFan

  1. Brady has literally been training for the job since he signed his deal. They want him to be good once he actually starts doing his job. They don’t want him learning on the job, they want him ready on Day One.
  2. When Steichen hired Spirano he said he knew he was the guy about halfway thru a 5-hour interview. I said then that is exactly what I wanted. One candidate who clearly separated himself from the pack. He did, and did a really good job. Now we are hiring arguably the top DL coach in college football. Someone wanted by other teams. He could’ve gone to another NFL team but has chosen to join the Colts. Says something good about Steichen and Ballard. So I’m extremely pleased with this hire as well.
  3. Im delighted with this news. Just as I was with both our OL coach hires last season. And really pleased this new coach was pursued by other NFL teams and sounds like he chose to join the Colts!
  4. FWIW: Jordan Reid, one of ESPN’s draft evaluators, this week rated Rattler as a 4th round talent. I should stress, it’s still early and these things can go up or down.
  5. Hope you’re right. I don’t pretend know that much about the state of Indiana beyond that fact that it’s conservative. So I don’t know if the charges of spousal abuse would turn fans against him even if he’s legally cleared? Hope you’re right.
  6. I understand why they’re letting the legal system play out. But they could have cut him anyway if they wanted. It was the Colts choice to continue to hold him. The Colts have two hurdles to clear to keep Ogletree. 1. The legal system. 2. Public opinion. The Colts have to clear both to have any chance. The odds are likely against them, but the odds are not zero. It could happen. It’s just not likely.
  7. All if this has been negotiated with the NFLPA. It’s hard to get a life suspension whether we thinks it appropriate or not. The NFLPA would never accept that. I think the Colts learned a lesson the hard way. They cut Taylor and Philly claims him. I think this is — in part — why the Colts have not yet cut Ogletree. He’d be claimed by some other team. And the Colts may still eventually cut him. But not so far. I think they hope to find a way to keep him. I think the Colts value Ogletree far more than our fan base does.
  8. Sarcasm. It was just earlier today when I called you a very smart poster making a very weak argument. And this is how you respond?
  9. The lack of understanding by Moose and you of what the job of an assistant GM is our holdup. And the turnover of the Colts has been on-going every year Ballard has been here. It wasn’t a one year thing. It’s the absence of common sense, the absence of understanding what Dodds job description is. We can’t seem to get past that. No, I don’t think he spent most of his time finding defense…. He’s trying to find talent everywhere. Once Dodds and all the scouts and everyone who gets to give input have done so, they get their final grade. I believe that’s done by Ballard. He stacks the board. He decides who they’re picking. Dodds gives his info on all players, not just defense. Here’s how hard you’re working on this. I, and others here, have all noted that there was no public comment that Dodds was brought here to build the Colts version of the LoB. So you turn it upside down by saying there was no refuting of the view either, so therefore it’s possible and not unreasonable. You're resorting to the old standby here of…. It’s possible. So you’re saying there’s a chance. If you want to walk in the knee deep pool of nonsense that’s up to you. If you want to cling to a less than 1% chance, be my guest. But it’s the weakest of all arguments and I think well beneath you. You’ve made far better arguments than this. As I’ve said repeatedly throughout this day, I can’t find any common ground here. So I think we should call it a day.
  10. The entire second paragraph is false. That’s not the way jobs are run. You and Moose keep insisting that Dodds was brought here to focus on defense as opposed to brought here to focus on the entire team. That’s just not the way Dodd’s job is done. And let’s not kid ourselves. Dodds and Brown have been interviewing for jobs for 3-4 years and neither of you have ever brought this up before. But Moose brings it up now due to the weirdness of the last two years. 2022: 4-12-1 and 2023: led to a 9-8 season with a backup. Why wasn’t this brought up before? As to who makes the point…. It’s simply factually not valid as I’ve now explained repeatedly. Dodds has never had an emphasis on defense. Not in Seattle, not in Indy. But Moose says he did. And he keeps saying it again and again. And then he quotes himself (people are saying, when it’s only him). The person making the point matters because he’s been making faulty dishonest points since he arrived in 2018. But this new point is something he’s only brought up recently. The past few months. You’re defending him because you share the same viewpoint. I’m sorry, I don’t know what else to say?
  11. The only way it comes close to supporting Moose’s point is if you completely change the point Moose has been making. Otherwise….. no. Your defending Moose as strong as you are because your views are quite similar. To defend Moose is to defend yourself.
  12. Didnt Wilson have a decent bounce-back season this year? I’m under that impression, but perhaps I’m wrong?
  13. Let’s call it a day. Or two. Or three. Sorry I couldn’t make a better argument for you.
  14. Yup…. All possible…. But again, it’s just NFL writers spit-balling ideas. A wild * guess. Not to be taken as a prediction.
  15. We’re getting no where. I assume you haven’t been reading Moose’s posts where for weeks (longer?) he’s been making this assertion. And for that length of time I’ve been explaining to him why it’s false. Or that’s you’ve joined this late and are unaware of his positions. Line when he recently made the assertion then a few days later quoted himself (some are are saying it’s true) no one was, which is why I said to Moose that he was literally quoting himself. Maybe you missed all that. I’ve now explained how Dodds gets some of the credit for drafting Russel Wilson and trading for Marshawn Lynch. And you ignore it. I point out how Dodds followed CJ Stroud last year and you ignore that too. Dodds was never the architect of the Legion of Boom. I’ve now pointed out the defense the Colts run isn’t even the same as what Seattle did. The key to that defense was the secondary. Ballard’s emphasis on his defense has been the front 4 and one linebacker. And you’ve ignored that too. As I said in an earlier post, you and I are not even agreeing on the easy stuff, so we’re not going to find common ground on the hard stuff. I was a writer by trade in my day, but apparently not good enough to make you understand my point of view. I’m sorry about that. At this point, agreeing to disagree is the best we can hope for. And Moose still hasn’t responded to my many approaches except perhaps once. And here we are.
  16. I don’t know why you think I’m angry all the time? But many people here have trouble reading tone into black and white text. Also, you’re a new poster which means you have no idea of the history some of us have with each other, but you feel entitled to comment on it. I’m bothered when smart posters like you make weak arguments. And saying if Dodds leaves maybe that will be better for Ballard is an incredibly weak argument. And I don’t think it’s honest. I think the inspiration for a comment like that is your very negative view of Ballard.
  17. They’re great fun! I like playing them too…. I just try not to read too much into them. Until early April.
  18. This entire thread is about Pierce vs Man Coverage. That leads me to this question…. How much Man coverage did the Colts face this season? Anyone know the stats on this?
  19. Feels like it’s time for my annual admonishment. These mock draft simulation games are fun and addictive. But they’re almost worthless until roughly early April. That’s when all the latest info is known and programmed into the mocks. Who stands out at the Combine? Who surprises at their pro days? That info is hugely important. So we’ll all have 3-4 weeks of much much better info. Thats when the mocks will be both telling and really fun! Until then, take the results with much salt.
  20. If you scroll up one post, you’ll see Chad has linked it. Hope that helps.
  21. I don’t know how to break it to you, but that’s not exactly what I’ve said about the 2017 draft. Perhaps in the first few days. But once we found out Ballard gave Pagano what he wanted in the first three rounds, that changed. But on balance our first three picks of the 2017 draft weren’t bad. They were drafted where they should’ve been. They didn’t work out for various reasons. And I’ve never said Dodds was hired to improve the defense. Because that’s not how his job works. He’s hired to improve ALL PARTS of the roster. And when I say Moose’s argument has no support, I’m not talking about the community here supporting him. I’m talking about facts. He claimed multiple times Dodds was brought here to build the Colts a Legion of Boom defense. I called that false. Most everyone has called that false. He has no link, no explanation of where he got that from to support it. He said roughly that as recently as today. You keep trying to find a way to say it’s not an unreasonable thing to say or believe. Sorry, but YES it is. As I’ve pointed out repeatedly, Dodds also gets credit for drafting Russell Wilson at pick 75 and for trading a 4 and 5 for Marshawn Lynch. His job with Seattle is his same job as it is with Indy. To find as much talent as he can for the entire roster. Period. Full stop. I appreciate that your views are not far from Moose’s views. So you feel compelled to defend him. That’s your call. I’ve agreed with him several times, but they are exceptions to the rule. Again, we don’t have much if any common ground here. Wish it wasn’t so. But when you can’t agree on the easy/obvious stuff then we get nowhere. Sorry.
  22. I think that’s fair. In fact it’s roughly what I’ve been trying to say to the anti-Ballard crowd for a month or so. The clock is ticking. There needs to be good results. And seeing as little as we did from AR this year wasn’t helpful. He’s not a rookie next year, but he’s not a real 2nd year player either. So it wouldn’t take much next year for Ballard’s seat to get pretty hot, pretty quickly. It’s an interesting place we find ourselves.
  23. You know how much I think of your views. But another poster whose opinion I value recently wrote that he didn’t think Ballard’s seat was hot at all. I was very surprised at that. What can I say?
  24. Ok, well, I tried. But you kept talking about these attacks on poor Moose and we both know I’m the guy who has been challenging him the most. So let’s be up front about it. I don’t know how many of my posts about this ongoing debate you’ve read, but I’ve pretty much crushed Moose. And you can tell that I have because I’ve addressed my posts to him directly and he’s responded exactly ZERO times. He’ll talk to other posters, but not me. I think you’ve made a number of leaps to justify your position. We don’t agree on anything. I’m sorry to see that. But I don’t see any common ground. I gave you the easiest thing to agree with. (Forget our viewpoints, Dodds and Brown have been interviewing for jobs for 3-4 years. That should tell you all you need to know) and yet you still couldn’t acknowledge that. So I’m out of ideas. We will have to agree to disagree. I’m sorry about that.
  25. Doug…. I want to make sure I understand you. It’s possible I don’t. Why would you single out Dodds and Brown? If you’re unhappy with them, shouldn’t you also be unhappy with their boss, Chris Ballard? And if you’re unhappy with all three, then aren’t you basically saying fire all three and start over? I don’t want to boil this down to you saying you don’t think much of Dodds/Brown while I’ll say I think they’re both very good. Isn’t it enough that the NFL thinks both are very good? Both have been interviewing for GM jobs the last 3-4 years. Shouldn’t that tell you what the NFL thinks of them? Shouldn’t that be enough? It’s my view that you and Moose don’t think much of this roster. I think this roster has been good to very good except one spot. The most important spot, quarterback. We’ve had the wrong quarterback most every year. If the Colts had a good QB, I think this franchise would be in the playoffs most every year. The two years the Colts had high QB level of play, 18 with Luck and 20 with Rivers, Indy was in the playoffs. Everything went wrong in 22, and now the Colts hope to have their QB of the future. I think Ballard’s seat is hotter than most think. He’s got 2-3 years tops. I think he’s connected to AR. If CB is right about Richardson then everyone should be happy. And if not, Ballard will likely get fired. One last thought regarding Dodds. He was brought here because he’s got a reputation as a good judge of talent. I think that’s his credential. I look forward to your response.
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