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Status Updates posted by southwest1

  1. Why is toner/printer ink so incredibly expensive anyway? I would start a peaceful rally of awareness about it, but who could afford to print the LARGE & Colorful Signs for it? Hmmm...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KaylaD


      I think I would go with SW on this one. Why would anyone need 4 printers?!

    3. KaylaD


      That is what makes you such a good person. You know what really matters in life. Doesnt matter how many things people buy, things cant make you happy.

    4. southwest1


      You are a great person Brent as are all my Colts Forum friends...I'm glad to hear that no tornado hit your property today & that you are safe & sound.

  2. Hey there RR7, 


    Just wanted to let one of my favorite posters & music enthusiasts around that SW1 has been laying low for awhile due to a health situation regarding my mother etc. etc. Slowly but surely, my presence on the Forum will increase. 


    I merely wanted to drop a line to you & all my friends [You all know who you are] how much I appreciate your presence here, your humor, & your overall coolness in general folks...Thank you. I hope all is well with everyone. 


    Let's start out with a nice tribute to Blind Faith shall we...



    Darn that Rachel Price from Lake Street Dive can sing. You go girl. Nice darling. Very nice. :hat:


    Any of mi amigos can reply to this thread the way. The more the merrier. All are welcome in my musical corner. Come one & all folks. 


    I'm doing my best to drop a line to my best friends that always crack me up. If I haven't left you a message yet, I will soon AKA @lollygagger8 & several others...


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. southwest1


      You wanna hear something funny? Ironic funny; not humorous funny that is. 


      I can't whistle worth spit, but I love anybody that can do that in a song though. 


      Checkout this sweet GNR tribute. Not too shabby man...



    3. southwest1


      Man, oh man, I do love some me a killer power ballad baby. I always have a soft spot for quality ones no matter how old I get. 


      I grew up on stuff just like this folks...Never ever gets old to me.




    4. southwest1


      Jesus, Beth Hart can make any song feel like a life changing experience. She is an artist who makes a career in music seem like a noble endeavor as opposed to a fickle profession at large. 


      If I was down to my last dime, I'd pay to see her live. Beth is amazing. Simply incredible. 



  3. Today, in the mail, I received a notice from my car company asking me if I wanted to expand my power train warranty coverage. The notice came on a card labeled "Personal & Confidential." It arrived not in a sealed envelope, but a card anyone can flip over & read. Way to handle "sensitive" info there Honda. LOL!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HungarianColtsFan


      Imagine it hadn't been sensitive...they'd announced it in the radio... :-))))

    3. southwest1


      HA! HA! Good point maybe I will hear about it tomorrow, see it on TV, or have the Good Year blimp display the notice with flashing lights. Thanks HCF! :)

    4. Synthetic


      I've had a few bills delivered like that. No envelope, just a card with the numbers on it. It bothers me too.

  4. You know, considering that Rome has a new Pope Francis & the Vatican has their own bank, do cardinals, bishops, & nuns that work for the Roman Catholic Church get stylish new Pope checks now & free Communion wafers too? How bout 3 free confessional pardons too? Just Kidding! What NFL team does Francis favor anyway?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HungarianColtsFan


      I think Cardinals or Saints...

    3. southwest1


      Yes, I agree HCF. But, if you backed me into a corner & forced me to pick only 1 NFL team for Pope Francis to support, I'd go with the AZ Cardinals since the College Of Cardinals actually selects the new Pope.

    4. HungarianColtsFan


      You are right buddy...NO Not-so-Saints aren't the perfect fit.

  5. Hey there Gramz, did you just change your username recently? No need to justify your reasons for doing so of course. 


    It's cool. Maybe you just feel like hibernating for awhile or sitting silently like a bird chilling on a telephone wire soaking about your surroundings. :hat:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gramz


      and to clarify,  sometimes I feel like :wall: when trying to communicate with certain people, because they only understand things the way they "want" to understand.  Thus the reason for the name change.    

    3. radiogirl


      I love your new name!  HA!

    4. southwest1


      I get it Gramz. Some people just can't be reasoned with or they prefer clinging to their POV until their final breath. Some people call that devotion & others an alternate universe where their field general can do no wrong. 


      True, you're a strong woman that never hides from anyone or anything. Timid is not the adjective to describe you Gramz; brave & comical are. :D

  6. Since loyalty to my friends is paramount to me, I need to sent a shout out to 2 Forum Friends I haven't heard from in awhile Kayla D & Subvet...Drop me a line okay & tell me how things are going. Thank you

    1. Coltsince4


      I was wondering the same also. I guess right now Kayla might being spending time with our winning

      Reds team!!!! But I don't know?

    2. southwest1


      Thanks Cs4. This may sound corny, but I really do appreciate the quality of friends that I have come to know on the Forum & that we check in & watch out for 1 another's wellbeing. How's my favorite bass player doing by the way buddy?

    3. Coltsince4


      I'm alright as can be just dealing with nightmares of some plumbing issues im in business of the same. lifes a trip? Man I wish I could retire from this stuff. Thanks for asking!! As they say, THIS TO SHALL PASS!

  7. I just saw a new fad straight out of Norway called "Slow TV." You watch a cruise voyage for 7 days or go on a train trip, or watch ladies knit something from start to finish. With America's short attention span, I don't see this idea taking the US by storm anytime soon...Do you?

    1. southwest1


      Here is a some additional background material on what "Slow TV" actually is for clarification purposes:


    2. southwest1


      Hey, does this mean citizens in North America can now watch paint dry with unbridled enthusiasm now? Or watch an entire hot rod car being taken out of a junkyard & rebuild back to it's pristine form? What other tedious tasks could slow TV find a use or audience to spend countless hours viewing a project for? Writing an entire symphony, practicing, & performing in Carnegie Hall? The possibilities are endless...

    3. alawai


      I've counted raindrops once but I lost count after 12!

  8. SW1 To Gramz: We all value your Colts Forum contributions & insights & your friends need your calming influence to remain here. Stay Strong Gramz...

    1. Susie Q

      Susie Q

      Well I agree 100% and am a bit sorry to see so many posters take a break because I fear they won't be back. We need more posters like GRAMZ and many others. The good ones take a break and some others keep hanging in there to share much of nothing. JMO of course. I'm not taking a break yet I want to make some miserable. haha Sorry shouldn't have said that. My Bad

    2. FireJimCaldwell


      Ditto. It's sad to see good posters being run off.

    3. southwest1


      Just a friendly reminder to drop Gramz a note & let her know how special she is as a person & how her absence from here not be a welcome sight or void that could ever be filled again. No one deserves to feel pushed aside or alienated. Everyone has a voice & that voice deserves to be heard. For those that have already done so, thank you. Losing a favorite blogger is like loosing a cherished family member. Hopefully, Gramz will make a triumphant return soon. We will wait patiently 4U.

  9. Hello Nadine, 

    Thanks for your useful guidance as always. Anyway, I was talking with Yehoodi on a forum topic & the subject on deleting a post came up.

    What's the proper way to remove a post or say for example you quote the wrong post, want to delete that 1 & quote the reply you originally intended without leaving the actual thread?


    1. Nadine


      If you hover over it you should get a popup that says right click

      the right click menu gives you the option to delete

      also I believe on a mac you can hit cmd/delete

      on a pc it's control delete

    2. southwest1


      Thanks for your help again Nadine. I e-mailed Yehoodi your instructions too. Have a nice day. 

  10. write a new blog

    1. Gramz


      I see you got a picture uploaded....

    2. southwest1


      Yup, I finally did. The secret was shrinking my camera picture down to 200 pixels. I love your online photo albums by the way. Nicely done Linda!!!

  11. Hey Ruksak,


    Nice to see you leaving your commentary in threads again. I was going to respond to your post in the NFL ratings topic, but it was closed for obvious reasons. 


    I always find your take on things intriguing because you know how to frame your argument & back it up even if I might have a different perspective on it. 


    You're smart, speak your mind, sarcastic [a plus BTW], & you don't care about being popular or flipping over the apple cart when necessary. Welcome back! 


    Just like Bogie, I like you because you tell me what you think, why you think it, & you make no apologies for it. A rare quality in modern day society. I respect that. 

    1. ruksak


      Had to take time for an old friend here  :thmup:


      I really want to get back to loving football, but I'm struggling to with all the changes in the NFL atmosphere. So many things about the state of the game have utterly turned me off. Most of you know that i'm no casual fan, and even I, after nearly forty years of being a fan, have stepped away from following football. 


      I still lurk here, and hopefully someday I can embrace the game as I once did. Take it easy SW1. You're a good dude. You haven't heard the last of me. 

    2. southwest1


      Good. I'm glad to hear that you aren't going away anytime soon. I respect you because you know how to stand your ground, you don't care if others think an argument you are making is flawed in their eyes, & really all you wanna do is compel people to defend their positions in a dignified manner. 


      I admire individuals that aren't intimidated, don't concern themselves with always having to be right, & they know when to pick their battles & when to let pointless stuff go. 


      Yes, I will admit that NFL games don't contain the shine & luster they once did for me either probably because of the league's over commercialization of it's product & some protests that take away from just enjoying a football game. Sure, players have a right to voice their frustrations over unnecessary treatment of citizens by authority figures absolutely. However, can't we just enjoy a game for it's own sake once in awhile? 


      No need to reply back. I just hope you are doing Okay ruksak. Never lose your twisted sense of humor BTW. One of your best assets in this crazy world of ours. :hat:

  12. Hey M-432, 


    You're 1 of the guys that always makes me laugh man. I mean that in good way not a faint praise kind of way. Anyway, nice to see you posting again. 


    Okay, I'll shut up now. Love your sarcasm. Keep it up! 

    1. Malakai432


      Thanks SW and I always appreciate the friendly comments!  I haven't been posting much besides of late but I've definitely still been checking in on you all and see what's new.  I can't wait until we get this season under way buddy!

    2. southwest1


      I hear ya. I haven't been posting as much as I normally do because of a family situation I addressed in the thread "Musical Mecca Has Arrived Again: SW1 Reviews the 2016 Rock N Roll HOF under Misc. topics. Sorry for the shameless plug from yours truly. My bad. haha 


      Seriously though, it's my best commentary yet on the HOF. That's probably because secretly I wanna be a record producer for a major label. It'll never happen, but I can dream can't I? Just Kidding! 


      I pride myself on telling my audience when something is spectacular or something sucks. You can read my reactions like a darn book man, but I digress. 

  13. Hey Gramz, 

    I can't believe Christmas is fast approaching already. Wow, when I was a kid, it took an eternity to get here. Anyway, Merry Christmas early just in case you need to fly across country in a week or so. 

    I hope the jolly old fat man brings you lots of loot & goodies. No Ron, the fat man reference was Chris Cringle not you BTW. haha

    Happy Holidays to you & your family Gramz...

    1. Gramz


      Aww, Thank you SW1.  And the same to you. 

    2. southwest1


      I just appreciate my friends now more than ever this year in particular. Thanks to you & my other forum friends for their kind words of support & encouragement regarding my nephew. I can't thank you guys enough. God bless all of you. You know who you are. 

  14. Hey Brent,

    I thought I started following you on the forum a few days ago. In the battle of man vs machine, apparently machine won in the 1st round anyway. I think I am actually tracking you now. Sorry that sounded like a drown attack didn't it? Just kidding!

    I think I forgot to click on the follow tab the 1st time on your profile page. It should be fine now.

    1. BrentMc11


      Thanks!  Wanted to make sure...:)

    2. southwest1


      Of course, it's fine Brent. You know, I think the world of you brother. I just haven't figured out status updates yet on this new site yet. It's a work in progress I guess just like everybody else in the same boat. Just like the passengers on the Titanic, I have no idea what I'm doing, but I know what song we can sing in unison as a fond farewell before we all drown & freeze to death. LOL!

      My dad always said I had a way with words. Yep, just a sentimental old fool I guess. :thmup:

  15. I realize that Lakers basketball star Ron Artest legally changed his name to Metta World Peace in 2011, but to me his name sounds like a United Nations Antiwar Summit riding the world of torture & mass genocide. If you could pick a new name what would it be?

    1. southwest1


      Your new name selection can be serious, sarcastic, or odd. I don't care. Just tell me why you chose what you chose though. Names say a lot about a person's personality IMO, especially when you get to decide what it is.

    2. Coltsince4


      Line6 bassman Because that what I play and the man I am!

      Coltsince4/Line6bassman That actually is who I am known by in the BassGuitar world!

  16. Just once I wanna hear a SB winning Championship QB say in reference to this question: "Joe Flacco you just won the SB,what are gonna do now?" " I'm going to Universal Studios, Buckingham Palace, & Cairo Egypt. Anywhere but Disneyland that place blows & Mickey Mouse is a prima donna man." HA! HA! I love throwing a wrench in the works...

    1. southwest1


      I just would love to see ESPN sweat & feel uncomfortable since that company is owned by Walt Disney. I'd love giving off the wall answers to commonly anticipated TV & media reporter questions. No need to be harsh or mean just delightfully odd & unconventional. That's exactly how I would roll anyway.

    2. BrentMc11


      The worst things....Pluto is not a planet and uranus is....

  17. Keep an eye on Wisconsin Tues. this June 5th, the Badger State will make the National News regarding a landmark recall election...1 way or another the outcome will be unforgettable

  18. When I read the line "100GFB started following you now" I laugh because this song always pops into my head...


    1. southwest1


      That line after you start following a forum member "I hope it's okay" makes me chuckle too like does this mean that my email will get flooded with junk mail now too? :D

      Or maybe, I'm supposed to pick up your mail when you go on holiday now...Maybe all liked & followed members do it in shifts depending on which member is geographically closest or their turn to do it in the rotation cycle. Do I need to pick up your dry cleaning too if you are gone on vacation as well? Just being sarcastic.

  19. For some reason, I can't add this to the status update you sent me earlier. Let's try another crack at it. 


    I really like this song called "Grey" CC1. 



    Cody has a nice voice & this song has a surreal Spanish vibe to it. Life is black n white just various shades of grey right Mr. Jinks? I like it. 

    1. crazycolt1


      I think he is kinda new but he has that outlaw sound and delivery. 

      Has was a lead singer for a grunge band before deciding to find himself at something he seems so natural doing. He has a way of sounding old outlaw country but with a modern twist.

  20. Hey there JPPT, 


    I like your profile page & it always baffles me when bad people target innocent kids & fans at a concert. Look, I know why they do it. To instill fear & panic. But, why tarnish societies love of music? Or provoke a stampede? Parents should never outlive their children in most cases not like this anyway. 


    You're a very caring person & it shows. I apologize if I embarrassed you JPPT. You're fascination with history & song trivia is pretty cool too. :hat: Keep doing what you do. 

    1. JPPT1974


      No apology needed my friend. Keep up the good work. As really you are a caring and understanding person my friend. Thanks a lot and always will.

  21. Just a quick note to say that if you e-mailed me on the forum, gave me words of sympathy/encouragement[ & I haven't responded back to you yet, I'm not ignoring you. I just need more time to process a recent family tragedy that's all. I will reply eventually. I just have no idea when that will actually be. 


    I still watch all the Colts games of course. My heart just isn't consumed with NFL commentary right now. 


    If I  was ever in one of my stubborn moods & got into a scuffle with anybody on the Colts Forum, I apologize & sincerely regret my actions. Part of me wonders if I'm paying some sort of penance now for bad behavior in the past on my part. I know it's not healthy to think that way, but I do. 


    You still might only see movie reviews for me for awhile & that's it. I need to lay low right now for my own self preservation. 


    No need to leave me any feedback. Thank you. Just keeping my friends apprised & updated I guess. 



    1. Gramz


      I think of you often and everything you've gone through.   Hugs, my friend.  

  22. Hi Yehoodi, 

    I sent you an PM or e-mail telling you how to delete a post say for instance if you quote the wrong one for example. Nice chatting with you today as always. :thmup:


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