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Everything posted by chickenMan

  1. It’s frustrating that AR is likely done for the year; he could have used the game experience this year. Feels like we have gotten delayed by a year in terms of QB play
  2. This has been an embarrassing start. Looking like the last ten years in Jax so far. What is it about that place we just can’t win?
  3. Even with how well the Bengals have done the last couple year, they still don’t get the big names calling their games unless they’re playing teams like the Chiefs or Cowboys. They’re always going to have Nantz and Romo covering teams like the Steelers and Chiefs
  4. No way we end up with the first overall. This roster is too good, we're not going to have a worse record than teams like the Broncos and Bears, whose rosters are dumpster fires. Even if we got the number one overall, I'd rather trade back for a haul and snag Marvin Harrison Jr. You could sit AR and Minshew for the rest of the year, and even Ehlinger would win games with this roster and coaching staff.
  5. Honestly, no. Jeudy is older and I think he's reached his ceiling. I don't think Pierce has broken out yet, but I think once AR is in the lineup consistently, he and Downs will become very solid receiving options. Downs already has great chemistry with AR. Pierce is still in just his second year, and he has flashed big potential at times. I would like to give him more time.
  6. We ended our awful losing streak to Tennessee, I think it’s time we end our losing streak in Jacksonville. Then next year we can work on ending our opening day losing streak…
  7. AR isn’t Mahomes or Burrow yet, but he’s extremely talented and has consistently flashed the potential to reach that level in his first few games. At the moment, Minshew is the better “NFL quarterback”, but AR could very easily surpass him when healthy. Aside from the injuries (which I think are just bad luck) I have not seen anything from Richardson, on or off the field, that makes me think he is Ryan Leaf or Akili Smith. He has improved tremendously in just six months, he has a good head on his shoulders, he’s a hard worker and loved by his teammates, and he is, by NFL combine measurements at least, the most athletic QB to ever play in the league. I see no reason at the moment to think he won’t make the most of that.
  8. The silver lining here is that no matter how long AR is out, it won’t be time wasted. From every report we’ve seen, he spends almost all of his free time watching film and working on his play. That’s something you can’t coach into a guy. Reminds me a lot of Peyton.
  9. A bit off-topic, but watching the highlights from Sunday, Richardson is already so, so much better as a passer compared to last year at Florida. Like night and day. Steichen is a miracle worker for what he’s done. If AR can stay healthy, look out. Moss, Minshew, Zaire, and Downs also stuck out as looking excellent Sunday. What a game.
  10. I’ll take your word for it. I talk as if I know a ton about each team, but I’m really just going off of the limited amount I’ve seen of each team lol. I saw the Bucs get shellacked by the Eagles a couple weeks ago and assumed they were bad.
  11. Jags, Browns, and Saints have all looked like world-beaters at some points, and then pretty weak at other points. That will be the tough part. Bucs, Pats, and Panthers are not good teams.
  12. Panthers fans are currently lamenting Reich for not being fiery enough and for being too much of a players’ coach. Reich seems like a great guy, but he could just never get the guys energized like Steichen can, from what I’ve seen so far
  13. I feel confident with Minshew moving forward. He has held down the fort admirably against solid teams. I think we can win any game we have in the next four weeks with him at QB, if we play smart football like we have been
  14. He hasn’t looked the same this year. He had a great game against Cincy, but their defense was gassed that whole game. Other than that, he has been average this year. RBs leave their prime very quickly.
  15. Steichen’s aggressive, I think we’re going to have to accept that he’s going to risk it in times like that. Sometimes it’ll work, other times it won’t. As long as he doesn’t go for it on every 4th and 1 he sees like Reich did, I’m fine with it.
  16. I love Shaq and everything he has done for this team both on and off the field, but from a business standpoint, 44 is (at least right now) a better player and consistently healthy
  17. Chris Ballard may be the best linebacker drafter ever. Shaq Leonard, Anthony Walker, Bobby Okereke, EJ Speed, Zaire Franklin…all quality players, all have performed well as starters in the league.
  18. Not entirely. We were coming off a horrible season and we had won only two games I think up to that point in the season anyway. It was awful to see that happen to him, but that season was toast already. It wasn’t like this year, where the Colts actually look like division contenders. The good thing with Burrow’s ACL is that we got Chase out of it with that high draft pick. Having watched videos of Burrow’s recovery process from the ACL tear however, it looked grueling and incredibly painful. Seeing things like that can make you understand why guys like Luck just hang it up sooner rather than later; at some point, the pain just isn’t worth it.
  19. My two favorite things: a Colts win and a Titans loss
  20. The best part of this is we don’t have to hear from Malki’s big dumb mouth for three years. I have nothing good to say about him and how he handled the situation. He seems immature and unprofessional.
  21. Seeing the hit in real time, I thought it was an incredibly awkward fall by AR, and then the Titans defender (Byard I think?) fell right on top of him, pushing his shoulder down into the ground. I know AR has been injured a lot, but honestly I don’t think he’s fragile. The week 1 stuff was just some minor bruising, that’s gonna happen, and by the time Minshew came in that game was over anyway. Concussions happen to every player, no matter how durable they are. And the injury today looked like a really unlucky awkward tackle, which ended up causing a sprain. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking, but I’m leaning towards bad luck more than a fragile player. The real issue now is teaching AR that he needs to avoid contact rather than try to run through it, because unlike college ball, most guys on the field are as big as or bigger than him.
  22. Yeah, why wouldn't he be? AR got over his concussion last week! Just kidding, of course. In all seriousness, I would wager that JT will play as much as he can and to the best of his ability, and then find the highest offer in free agency, which absolutely won't be us. I love JT, I think he's the best running back we've had since Edge, and he may be the best running back in the league, but no running back is worth the premium in today's day and age, not when quarterbacks make as much as they do (just look at how much Mahomes and Burrow are making....we're gonna have to pay AR that eventually). Ballard knows he can't spend that kind of money on a position like that. I hate the business side of the NFL, but it is what it is. Could always be worse, could be like the NBA, where players are constantly ditching the Pacers simply because they don't want to play in Indiana...
  23. I’d say our strengths are at QB, LB, and DL. Two of those are almost necessary, but you really need your DBs to be a strength too
  24. Gus’ scheme allows basically zero room for error. It’s a hard D to play on the back end
  25. For a 21 year old, barely-played-any-college, in his third NFL game, rookie QB to come back from 23-0 and almost win is awesome to see. AR was the perfect pick. Steichen was a great HC choice too
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