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Everything posted by Moosejawcolt

  1. Ballard was on Mike Lombardi's podcast , GM Shuffle. Was actually a good listen. Go to GM Shuffle Podcast and the most recent podcast is the one u want.
  2. Oh brother. Bill won championships when Brady was a game manager in the early years. They had a drought of not winning and those were Brady's best year's statistically. People just cant admit that it comes down to more than just one piece. You most likely win a Superbowl due to great coaching, drafting, free agency, and great qb play that all come together in that one year. It is all of those things coming together to win the championship
  3. Love the addition of Latu. I wanted him and/or the corner who is blazing fast and a man corner (cannot remember his name). I never thought Ballard would pick either because of the injury history for Latu and the other not a zone corner. In reality, the D could be a lot better this year than last. However it may not be reflected in the stats because they play some very good qb's this year. Last year, the D faced horrible qb play and what is alarming is that they actually put up stats near the bottom. That being said, I cannot see the D being worse than last year if that is comforting, lol??
  4. I agree with you that he is not trying to build an average defense. It is just a plain fact that after 8 yeas of drafting and free agency, he has managed to do it.
  5. How bout this? Draft better and u build a play off caliber team. Ain't rocket science.
  6. I don't think he will make it in the HOF based on his current trajectory. I think voters are more apt to let a guy in who started out as average and then became elite rather than a guy who started out as elite and then became average. We always remember the best years of a player and if your 1st 3 were your best years that isn't going to get it done. He is not the same player and not even close to what he started out as . For the 1st 3 years of his career, he was the best guard in football. Damn, they were even putting him up there as maybe one of the best ever. Now, he may not even be a top 10 guard. It has been a huge drop off and I cannot recall a guard ever getting so media attention his 1st 3 years in the league. Now its crickets. I bet it is the qb carousel, injuries, and not having a competent LT. I remember people arguing, and I held the opposite view, that we could get by with an average LT because of Q's dominance. The exact opposite seems to have happened and I think it really high lights the importance of the LT and the effect it has on an Oline if that position is not secure.
  7. And he was supposed to be a devasting run blocker coming out of college. He was his 1st 3 years and being the 17th graded is not acceptable. For the money they are paying him, he needs to be at least top 10 in both RB and PB.
  8. He was elite. He is no longer but maybe he can hit that level again. The injuries and instability have no doubt had a negative impact on his hall of fame trajectory.
  9. Point is he is being paid elite hall of fame money is just a very good guard. Like one GM said. U get in trouble when u pay elite money to good players.
  10. I guess u truly did not understand what I wrote? It was just his opinion and of course there is a good chance he was wrong.
  11. I am hopeful, but anytime a person has surgery on a body part, there is always a concern moving forward. I remember asking a coworker who is a physio therapist when the injury happened. He said he would never be the same. Of course, I assume the Colts have consulted with elite medical professionals. That was just his take on the injury and I am hopeful that he is wrong. He does have an excellent reputation and I have actually been treated by him myself. Best physio therapist I had been to as others failed to correct my own injury.
  12. Actually, I kind of disagree that it would have been a contender. Most contenders are tight up against the cap and adding a receiver who was going to get north of $30,000,000 would have been very difficult. Plus contenders 1st round picks tend be very low in the 1st round. For example if Buffalo was interested , you would probably want multiple 1st and those are like say at 25 (basically 2nd round talent). I just dont see it happening and thats not appealing to the Vikings. The Colts are appealing because their pick was at say #15 and they may have had the cap room to fit him under. Thats why I don't believe a lot of what is out there. 1st you have to look at each teams cap and say "who can fit a receiver for $30,000,000.00 under our cap. I bet it would have been few teams. The rumor was that the Vikings tried to trade him to say the Chargers. If i was the Chargers why would i take that deal? At number 5, I could have taken Nabers for a lot less money and many were saying he was the best receiver. Sure, he could be bust out, but I would have taken the chance. I bet if the Vikings would have offered Jefferson to the Cardinals, they would say no. Why would I give up Harrison for a guy, who is proven i must say, but is wanting $35,000,000.00 a year? I will take my chance with Harrison. Ballard has said they tried to move in the draft. Like I said, maybe the move was for Jefferson. I always had a hard time he was trying to move below. I think that would have taken so much draft capital for a position he does not have in high regard. Jefferson would have been a safer move as maybe you give up a lot less draft capital but a lot more money. Offer their #15 and a 2nd rounder. People will say a #15 and a 2nd rounder for an all pro wr? I think the wr market is totally out of control. Ballard could offer that because he then says to the Vikings now I have to turn around and give him $35,000,00.00 a year. The Chiefs moved Hill because of economics and they won 2 super bowls without him. You build around the qb and not a wr. I do think the wr market will some day crater like the rb market. I think a lot of these guys will come up for their 2nd contract and teams will try to move them. That is why I was not big on moving up to say 4 or 6 to get one of the elite wr. You would have to spend tons of draft capital and then come four years later what are you paying Harrison and/or Nabors if they play out? Like $40,000,00? No thanks. I will continue to look for diamonds in the rough. Here is an example of positional value. Do i think the Cardinals would have traded for Jefferson and then the Vikings say take Harrison at #4? No I do not. Now if say the Cardinals need a pass rusher and the best one was there are #4 and he was considered elite and Cowboys said we will trade Parsons for your pick. Do I think Cardinals take that trade? I bet they do without hesitation even if Parsons was in line for a monster contract. That is just the way I see it and always will when it comes to certain positions.
  13. The success of the this team is primarily on a basically rookie qb and a secondary that has shown nothing from last year other than apparent upside. I could see the Colts finishing any where from 1st to last. The will finish 1st if Richardson is the real deal, Wr and Te's have break out years, Latu shows flashes of a franchise rush end and a couple of play makers develop in the secondary. The chances of all those things happening is probably not realistic but they could. I actually think the Jags will win the division.
  14. To his point, the Colts have done nothing to suggest they are a play off team. Super soft schedule last year and although I love Richardson, it is a big year for him. The Colts D has more questions than answers going into next year. The AFC South is up for grabs and like every year in the NFL, there will be a lot of surprise teams. All teams are starting from ground zero
  15. Maybe that's who they targeted in the draft when the said they offered a package. Would make sense with Richardson under rookie contract.the
  16. I could see it before the draft but not after.
  17. U mean like he loved Latu coming out and Mitchell as his 3rd best receiver. Based on what u just said, they were brutal picks by the Colts.
  18. U take Zach Hicks and I will stick with Lombardi and Cosell in evaluating players. U r trying to make it personal and all I started out saying was that of all the weaknesses on the Colts, Cowell picked LT when most people here see it as a strength.
  19. The Colts part in the podcast is from 9:50 til about 13:40, so it is a short listen. He said LT is a big question. Struggled at that position since Castanzo left. Raimann has not really panned out. Need the position to be solidified. Like the Oline man from Pitt and there is a belief that he can play LT. It could mean nothing but teams do draft for next years free agent market. I believe Raimann is up for a contract and could give the Colts some flexibility if Raimann wants huge money and/or if they don't really think he is he answer moving forward and Conclaves shows something. Let be honest, Cosell could be totally opposite of what the Colts think of Raimann as a LT.
  20. Agree in that he may have used the incorrect words in trying to get his point across. I would have to listen to it again but I believe he did say that the Colts have basically not found their starting LT.
  21. Not unless they feel that one of the Oline men they drafted could develop into a LT. They used a 3rd a 4th on Oline this year and that is what they used on Raimann when they drafted. I am not saying Raimann is trash. Like I said, a lot of people on this forum and the media are high on him and Cosell is not. He could be some where in the middle in how the Colts feel about them. If that is true, then I would tend to believe that he has not cemented himself as the franchise LT moving forward.
  22. In the podcast he talked about the corner still being a concern. Agreed Talked about EJ Speed having a good year and Franklin a tackling machine. Agreed. Talked about Paye not being that guy and the need to pick Latu. That is why the comment about Raimann was out of left field as his overall take listed above is consistent with what most people think in the media and on this board. One interesting note was that a lot of people Cosell talked to were really high on Concalves. I think most people here thought he was to play guard and/or center, but the people he talked to felt he could play LT in the NFL. Just interesting that I think all of us would agree with his assessment until the curve ball regarding Raimann. I would be one to go with his assessment in that maybe he is not that franchise LT. When his contract comes do, then we shall know what the Colts truly think of Raimann.
  23. Totally agree on everyone misses and that is usually pre draft and how their talent translates into the NFL. What I find very interesting about Cosell's comments is that he is not speculating on how Raimann will translate in the NFL. I assume, he is looking at current tape and how Raimann is performing. Like I said, he seems to be way off on what the general public and how the local media feels about Raimann. I could see if he said he is just an average LT as many fan bases and the media tend to over and under value a player. I just find it very interesting that someone of Cosell's reputation would say that he is not the answer. I could see him saying he is average but not the answer seems like a big misevaluation based on game tape. Just doesn't make sense to me.
  24. "Greg Cosell is indeed a highly regarded NFL evaluator. As an NFL analyst and senior producer at NFL Films, he has earned respect from insiders for his extensive football knowledge. His evaluations, particularly of quarterbacks, carry significant weight in the football community. So, when Cosell weighs in on players before or after an NFL draft, itโ€™s worth paying attention to his insights and assessments." Easy google search ๐Ÿˆ Learn more
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