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Everything posted by AwesomeAustin

  1. I’m sorry you don’t understand. Not sure how to explain it besides he wanted to keep his job but that required doing the job. Yeah it’s unfortunate he is older and had surgery. People everywhere have personal issues they have to overcome. This was his battle. He obviously agreed to it and now is complaining afterwards. Work is hard, life is hard, deadlines and quotas are hard. That’s why they pay you to do it. He agreed to do the job…simple as that.
  2. I don’t have an issue with Kravitz as a writer. I’m just saying if he didn’t like what he had to do after bypass surgery he should have quit. However he chose to do it and I don’t believe for a second he worked himself half to death. Sounds like sour grapes bc he was ultimately laid off with everyone else bc they weren’t profitable enough. He said yes he would do the job when he accepted it...bc he wanted paid. Unfortunately 400 subscriptions was what was required despite his condition. What is that $10k in revenue a month? Seems reasonable to me. Goes the same way when employers want to complain about their people. Well, you can terminate their position. Yet they don’t want to pay severance or find and train someone else. Well…suck it up. This is who you have so make it work or move on. Yes I know my view is lacking a bit of compassion. I own a small company and have seen a lot from both sides. I’ve had bitter employees that did the bare minimum and wondered why they didn’t get the red carpet treatment. I also had to lay off incredible employees during Covid that didn’t deserve it. If I learned anything, the bad employees complain to whoever will listen and the good ones understand the situation and don’t blast their former employers.
  3. I get where he is coming from but he could have quit just the same. Does suck that after choosing to hit the quota he was let go. However, when given a do this or else ultimatum it’s typically not going to work out long term. Good employers don’t do that. They give you the tools and coaching needed to succeed and when goals aren’t met they either fire you or give you more. From experience, whenever I see an ultimatum, the employee is on their last leg
  4. It’s so far away it depends where people are ranked based on how they perform this year. Maybe QBs go 1-3, maybe 3 in the top 10 or maybe 3 in the first round. If MHJ or a DE grade as the top in the draft and QBs go 1-2 I would run the pick up to the podium bc we need elite talent at those positions. This is of course all based off AR5 not flopping and maybe that happens too. Im just going to assume the coaches and FO will want to see more from him before moving on…of course a generational talent has emerged and sitting there for us. So many moving parts it’s hard to say what the team should do besides saying take BPA if it’s a high value non QB position.
  5. I don’t think AR will become an elite QB bc this is a passing league. However, besides the Cardinals with Josh Rosen and Jets with the BYU guy, I don’t know of many teams that move on from a QB that quick. Paxton Lynch in Denver never really played so maybe that counts too. We have to surround AR with weapons and protection and see if a system can be built around him. It’s worth exploring bc if it works the league won’t know what hit them bc AR is one of a kind physically. I say draft the most impact non QB player available and see how it plays out. If AR doesn’t work we will be in position to draft another QB soon enough.
  6. I expect this to be a very rough year. I don’t really have any competitive expectations for this team and will watch and see what happens.
  7. Not a problem. I’ve seen conflicting reports of this is a zone based D but these CBs were drafted to play more man coverage. If I were to guess it will be a combination of both that will eventually lean towards zone as they gain more experience. If that’s the case he will probably stay on one side.
  8. Do you know if Brent’s will be playing one side of the field or following the #1 receiver? I think that will have a major impact on his success.
  9. What if he signs him to a 4yr 44-48mil deal with 22-25mil guaranteed and small signing bonus. It replaces the rookie contract and begins this season but colts have an out after two years with very little dead cap hit? I’ve been saying for a year the Colts needed to trade JT to bring in as much draft capital as possible. Not a fan of paying RBs second contracts but I could see that one making sense for the Colts.
  10. I think the Colts knew he was or could retire before it was announced. Just my opinion but I think they were spending the summer and training camp trying to talk him out of it. Luck could have indicated he was staying and then abruptly changed his mind but I don’t think the organization was in the dark about this.
  11. I think the writing on the wall for how the ceremony would go is already showing itself. Bring up Luck now 4 years later and you have a bunch of people with negative things to say. Typically negativity fades over time but this one is hanging around. There will be enough people still upset the boos would be noticeable. I personally respect his decision as a person, he wanted to save his body and be a dad. Kudos to him, I get it. However, as a player/employee I have little respect for him. Just another person with tons of potential that wouldn’t do what it takes. You can’t teach what he had and let his entire team and fan base down while guys are killing themselves just to hang onto a roster spot. I’m able to separate the two but guessing most who are still upset can’t.
  12. I understand your point. Someone above said maybe labeling JT as a game changer instead of playmaker would be a better way to phrase it. MPJ does make plays, even with the QB position changing every year. He is a good player but I don’t think he is on JTs level or really close enough to be in the same conversation. At one point they were talking MVP for JT and he is a running back. I feel MPJ is more likely to be passed by Pierce as the main WR weapon than the team to sign him to a deal that shows we are building the offense around him. Saying that, they very well may have an extension in place for MPJ before training camp. I have no insight beyond being a fan so this is all just my opinion
  13. I thought about them but don’t find either of them consistent to call them playmakers. Potential for both but really haven’t seen anything pro bowl type of numbers worthy from either. Nothing more than a gut feeling but thinking MPJ may not be on the team next year. I understand why you would think they are though. I think Alec Pierce breaks out this year or next.
  14. He is the only true playmaker on offense. I expect JT to be used in both the running and passing game. Should expect 17-25 touches a game.
  15. Well, he was one of the best LBs for a few years. Hopefully he can return to form but back and nerve injuries are so unpredictable. If he doesn’t play much this year I fully expect him to be cut before next season. I have no idea if he will play much this year or not though.
  16. Average is how I’ve been describing this team for a few years now. The only true elite playmakers on this team are JT and Leonard. There is no way around it, some of these “potential” guys need to make the leap as Anthony Richardson develops.
  17. Besides depth we have the best available options on our roster now. If you are talking in general what positions could use a stud player, WR and DE. We have a lot of “potential” at those two spots but none have established themselves as the guy.
  18. That’s what I keep seeing predicted but they have a rookie QB and traded away their top receiver. I’m thinking the saints with Derek Carr and their slightly above average defense will win it.
  19. If he flames out they will act like they never said it. They will turn on him during next season and say he is doing the same thing he did in Indy. If they aren’t hovering near .500 or winning by mid season there will be blood in the water and it will start to pile on quickly.
  20. I agree bc I also have no idea how he will do. Rookie qb and head coach. All we can do is wait and see. I will enjoy the team either way.
  21. I’ve been holding back about this but might as well let the cat out of the bag. I think he will make it to year three but quite possibly have a veteran brought in to compete and replace him before his rookie deal is up. I think he will show value as a runner but never develops to an elite passer. If he can be adequate passing, maybe he will have a chance for a long extension from us. I don’t think he will so 2yrs 20million as a stop gap starter for a different team
  22. I feel like we have seen this before
  23. Honestly don’t remember. I know what you are getting at though. I prefer not to hope a player makes a HOF worthy jump in production to justify keeping them. Most likely won’t happen. MPJ is a good player and there is a place for him on this team. With a rookie QB that needs time to develop, I don’t see him as a piece the team builds around and pays a fortune. This year will tell a lot so will wait and see. For all I know they may be really close on an extension.
  24. I do see why he kept our DC. I don’t think he deserved to be replaced bc of his results. Just surprised two coaches in a row were possibly told who their DC was going to be and what system will be used. Did they hire the best candidate overall or the best candidate willing to give up a choice in the defense? All speculation of course and we will never know the answer to this. As far as MPJ, good but not great football player. Seems to be a great person. I hope he succeeds whether with us or someone else. I feel he can improve but has a lower ceiling than what we need in a #1. I think there is definitely room for a guy like him but don’t see him as a critical piece to build this team around. He reminds me of the type of player with an impact similar to Robert Woods, Pierre Garçon and Sammy Watkins. All good receivers who had a few good years and provided decent production. Yet never developed into true #1s for different reasons and were kept around bc of potential.
  25. This was obviously a reset year and a great step in the right direction. I don’t feel we are done drafting WR, secondary and edge. I’m all on board with throwing more draft picks at those spots until we find a couple stars. I feel Ballard is addressing all the positions needed, just not sure he is bringing in the right guys. Will wait and see if he chose correctly. Ballard just hinged his career on AR5 and Steichen. It surprises me a bit he chose to keep the DC but I don’t know what Steichen wanted on that side of the ball. I am excited to see how this all unfolds bc this organization will be “all in” on making this work. There will be a huge push in the next couple years to fill the roster out with the remaining pieces to try and win a SB.
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